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[生活百科] 中华人民共和国保险法(中英文) [推广有奖]







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(Adopted at the 14th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National Peoples Congress on June 30, 1995, and promulgated by Order No. 51 of the President of the Peoples Republic of China on June 30, 1995)

第一章 总则
General Provisions

第一条 为了规范保险活动,保护保险活动当事人的合法权益,加强对保险业的监督管理,促进保险事业的健康发展,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is promulgated with the purpose of regulating insurance activities, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved, strengthening supervision and regulation of the insurance industry and promoting its healthy development.

第二条 本法所称保险,是指投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄、期限时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。
Article 2 "Insurance" is the term used in this Law to refer to a commercial insurance transaction whereby an insurance applicant, as contracted, pays insurance premiums to the insurer, and the insurer bears an obligation to indemnify for property loss or damage caused by an occurrence of a possible event that is agreed upon in the contract, or to pay the insurance benefits when the insured person dies, is injured or disabled, suffers diseases or reaches the age or term agreed upon in the contract.

第三条 在中华人民共和国境内从事保险活动,适用本法。
Article 3 All insurance activities within the territory of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "the PRC") shall be governed by this Law.

第四条 从事保险活动必须遵守法律、行政法规,遵循自愿和诚实信用的原则。
Article 4 Any insurance activity shall be in conformity with laws and administrative regulations and shall be conducted voluntarily under the principle of utmost good faith.

第五条 经营商业保险业务,必须是依照本法设立的保险公司。其他单位和个人不得经营商业保险业务。
Article 5 Legal entities engaged in commercial insurance must be insurance companies established in accordance with this Law; no other entity or individual is permitted to transact commercial insurance business.

第六条 在中华人民共和国境内的法人和其他组织需要办理境内保险的,应当向中华人民共和国境内的保险公司投保。
Article 6 Any person or entity within the territory of the PRC that needs insurance coverage within the PRC territory shall insure himself/herself/itself with insurance companies established within the territory of the PRC.

第七条 保险公司开展业务,应当遵循公平竞争的原则,不得从事不正当竞争。
Article 7 Insurance companies shall observe the principle of fair competition when conducting insurance business and shall never engage in unfair competition.

第八条 国务院金融监督管理部门依照本法负责对保险业实施监督管理。
Article 8 The financial supervision and regulation department under the State Council shall be responsible for supervision and regulation of the insurance industry in accordance with this Law.

第二章 保险合同
Insurance Contracts

第一节 一般规定
Section 1 General Provisions

第九条 保险合同是投保人与保险人约定保险权利义务关系的协议。
Article 9 An insurance contract is an agreement whereby the insurance rights and obligations are specified and agreed by the applicant and the insurer.

An applicant refers to the party who enters into an insurance contract with an insurer and is obligated to pay the premiums under the insurance contract.

An insurer refers to the insurance company which enters into an insurance contract with an applicant and is obligated to make indemnity or payments of the insurance benefits.

第十条 投保人和保险人订立保险合同,应当遵循公平互利、协商一致、自愿订立的原则,不得损害社会公共利益。
Article 10 An applicant and an insurer shall enter into an insurance contract on a fair, voluntary and mutually beneficial basis through consultation and shall never infringe upon the public interest.

Insurance companies and other entities shall never force others to enter into any insurance contract, except for those insurances made compulsory by laws and administrative regulations.


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关键词:中华人民共和国 中英文 共和国 保险法 Consultation 共和国 保险法 中华

第十一条 投保人对保险标的应当具有保险利益。
Article 11 An applicant shall have an insurable interest in the subject matter of the insurance.
An insurance contract is null and void if the applicant has no insurable interest in the subject matter of the insurance.
An insurable interest refers to the interest which the applicant has in the subject matter of the insurance and is recognized by laws.
The subject matter of the insurance refers either to the property of the insured and related interests associated therewith, or to the life and the body of the insured, which is the object of the insurance.
第十二条 投保人提出保险要求,经保险人同意承保,并就合同的条款达成协议,保险合同成立。保险人应当及时向投保人签发保险单或者其他保险凭证,并在保险单或者其他保险凭证中载明当事人双方约定的合同内容。
Article 12 An insurance contract is formed when an applicant requests insurance and the insurer agrees to underwrite it under the terms and conditions therein agreed by both parties. The insurer shall issue to the applicant, on a timely basis, an insurance policy or any other insurance certificate which indicates the terms and conditions as agreed by both parties.
An insurance contract may take any written form other than as prescribed above, upon the mutual agreement of the applicant and the insurer.
第十三条 保险合同成立后,投保人按照约定交付保险费;保险人按照约定的时间开始承担保险责任。
Article 13 Once an insurance contract is formed, the applicant shall pay the premium in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract and the insurer will be at risk effective from the date as specified in the insurance contract.
第十四条 除本法另有规定或者保险合同另有约定外,保险合同成立后,投保人可以解除保险合同。
Article 14 Unless otherwise prescribed herein, or in the insurance contract, the applicant may terminate the contract after it is formed.
第十五条 除本法另有规定或者保险合同另有约定外,保险合同成立后,保险人不得解除保险合同。
Article 15 Unless otherwise prescribed herein, or in the insurance contract, the insurer may not terminate the contract after it is formed.
第十六条 订立保险合同,保险人应当向投保人说明保险合同的条款内容,并可以就保险标的或者被保险人的有关情况提出询问,投保人应当如实告知。
Article 16 The insurer shall, prior to the conclusion of an insurance contract, explain the contract terms and conditions to the applicant and may inquire about the subject matter of the insurance or person to be insured. The applicant shall make a full and accurate disclosure.
The insurer shall have the right to terminate the insurance contract, in the case that the applicant intentionally conceals facts, or does not perform his/her obligation of making a full and accurate disclosure, or negligently fails to perform such obligation to the extent that it would materially affect the insurer's decision whether or not to underwrite the insurance or whether or not to increase the premium rate.
If any applicant intentionally fails to perform his/her obligation of making a full and accurate disclosure, the insurer shall bear no obligation for making any indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits, or for returning the premiums paid for the occurrence of the insured event which occurred prior to the termination of the contract.
If an applicant negligently fails to perform his/her obligation of making a full and accurate disclosure and this materially affects the occurrence of an insured event before the termination of the contract, the insurer shall bear no obligation for making any indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits but may return the premiums paid.
An insured event refers to an event falling within the scope of cover under the insurance contract.
第十七条 保险合同中规定有关于保险人责任免除条款的,保险人在订立保险合同时应当向投保人明确说明,未明确说明的,该条款不产生效力。
Article 17 If there are any exclusion clauses imposed by the insurer in the insurance contract, then the insurer shall give specific and clear explanations thereof to the applicant when concluding the insurance contract, otherwise such clauses shall not be enforceable.
第十八条 保险合同应当包括下列事项:
Article 18 An insurance contract shall contain the following particulars:
Name and address of the insurer;
Names and addresses of the applicant and the insured, and name and address of the beneficiary in the case of insurance of persons;
Subject matter of the insurance;
Scope of the cover and exclusions;
Period of insurance and the commencement of the insurance liability;
Insured value;
Sum insured;
Premium and method of premium payment;
Method of payment of indemnity or the insurance benefits;
Liability arising from breach of contract and the settlement of disputes ;
Day, month and year of the signing of the contract.
第十九条 投保人和保险人在前条规定的保险合同事项外,可以就与保险有关的其他事项作出约定。
Article 19 The applicant and the insurer may include additional particulars for matters relating to the insurance contract other than those referred to in the preceding Article.
第二十条 在保险合同有效期内,投保人和保险人经协商同意,可以变更保险合同的有关内容。
Article 20 During the period of the validity of the insurance contract, the applicant and the insurer may amend the contents of the insurance contract subject to mutual agreement.

Should there be any amendments to the insurance contract, then the insurer shall endorse the original policy or any other insurance certificate, or issue an endorsement slip attached to the insurance contract or insurance certificate, or have a written agreement of amendment with the applicant.


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第二十一条 投保人、被保险人或者受益人知道保险事故发生后,应当及时通知保险人。
Article 21 The applicant, the insured or the beneficiary shall notify the insurer in a timely manner of the occurrence of any insured event once it is known to them.
The insured refers to anyone whose property or person is protected by the insurance contract and who is entitled to claim for compensation. An applicant may be the insured.
The beneficiary with respect to the insurance of persons refers to that person designated by the insured or the applicant, and being entitled to claim for the insurance benefits. The applicant or the insured may be the beneficiary.
第二十二条 保险事故发生后,依照保险合同请求保险人赔偿或者给付保险金时,投保人、被保险人或者受益人应当向保险人提供其所能提供的与确认保险事故的性质、原因、损失程度等有关的证明和资料。
Article 22 When a claim for indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits is lodged with the insurer after the occurrence of an insured event, the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary shall, to the best of their knowledge and ability, provide the insurer with evidence and information which is relevant to ascertain the nature of, the cause for and the extent of the loss due to the occurrence of the insured event.
If the insurer, based on the provisions of the insurance contract, considers the relevant evidence or information incomplete, then the insurer shall notify the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary with a request to provide the insurer with additional evidence or information.
第二十三条 保险人收到被保险人或者受益人的赔偿或者给付保险金的请求后,应当及时作出核定;对属于保险责任的,在与被保险人或者受益人达成有关赔偿或者给付保险金额的协议后十日内,履行赔偿或者给付保险金义务。保险合同对保险金额及赔偿或者给付期限有约定的,保险人应当依照保险合同的约定,履行赔偿或者给付保险金义务。
Article 23 The insurer shall, in a timely manner after the receipt of a claim for indemnity or for payment of the insurance benefits from the insured or the beneficiary, ascertain and determine whether to make the indemnity or effect the payment of the insurance benefits, and shall fulfill its obligations for such indemnity or payment within ten (10) days after an agreement is reached with the insured or the beneficiary on the amount of indemnity or payment. If the insurance contract specifies the sum insured or the period within which the indemnity or the payment of the insurance benefits should be made, then the insurer shall fulfill its obligation for indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits as specified in the insurance contract.
If the insurer fails to fulfill the obligations specified in the preceding paragraph in a timely manner then, in addition to the payment of compensation, the insurer shall compensate the insured or the beneficiary for any damage incurred thereby.
No entity or individual shall illegally interfere with the insurer's obligation for indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits, or hinder the right of the insured or the beneficiary to receive the payment.
The sum insured refers to the maximum amount which the insurer undertakes to indemnify or pay under its insurance obligation.
第二十四条 保险人收到被保险人或者受益人的赔偿或者给付保险金的请求后,对不属于保险责任的,应当向被保险人或者受益人发出拒绝赔偿或者拒绝给付保险金通知书。
Article 24 After receiving a claim for indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits from the insured or the beneficiary, the insurer shall issue to the insured or the beneficiary a notice declining indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits for any events not falling within the scope of the cover.
第二十五条 保险人自收到赔偿或者给付保险金的请求和有关证明、资料之日起六十日内,对其赔偿或者给付保险金的数额不能确定的,应当根据已有证明和资料可以确定的最低数额先予支付;保险人最终确定赔偿或者给付保险金的数额后,应当支付相应的差额。
Article 25 If the amount of indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits cannot be determined within sixty (60) days of receipt of the claim for indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits, and relevant evidence and information thereof, then the insurer shall effect payment of the minimum amount which can be determined by the evidence and information obtained. The insurer shall pay the balance after the final amount of indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits is determined.
第二十六条 人寿保险以外的其他保险的被保险人或者受益人,对保险人请求赔偿或者给付保险金的权利,自其知道保险事故发生之日起二年不行使而消灭。
Article 26 With respect to insurance other than life insurance, the rights of the insured or the beneficiary to claim for indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits shall expire if the insured or the beneficiary fails to exercise his/her rights to claim within two (2) years from the date when the insured or the beneficiary is aware of the occurrence of the insured event.
With respect to life insurance, the rights of the insured or the beneficiary to claim for payment of the insurance benefits shall expire if the insured or the beneficiary fails to exercise his/her rights to claim within five (5) years from the date when the insured or the beneficiary is aware of the occurrence of the insured event.
第二十七条 被保险人或者受益人在未发生保险事故的情况下,谎称发生了保险事故,向保险人提出赔偿或者给付保险金的请求的,保险人有权解除保险合同,并不退还保险费。
Article 27 The insurer may terminate the insurance contract and refuse to return the premiums paid if the insured or the beneficiary falsely claims that an insured event has occurred, and submits a claim for indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits, although such insured event has not occurred.
If the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary intentionally causes the occurrence of an insured event, except as under the first paragraph of Article 64 of this Law, the insurer may terminate the insurance contract, bear no obligation for indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits and decline to return the premiums paid.
If the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary, following the occurrence of an insured event, provides forged and altered relevant evidence, information or other proofs, falsifies the cause of the occurrence of the insured event or overstates the extent of the loss, then the insurer shall bear no obligation for indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits for the portion which is falsified or overstated.
The applicant, the insured or the beneficiary shall refund or indemnify the insurer for any payments or expenses which were made or incurred by the insurer due to the commission of any act stipulated in the foregoing three paragraphs of this Article by the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary.
第二十八条 保险人将其承担的保险业务,以承保形式,部分转移给其他保险人的,为再保险。
Article 28 When an insurer transfers part of its accepted business to another insurer by way of cession, it is referred to as reinsurance.
When requested by the reinsurer, the ceding insurance company shall inform the reinsurer of the ceding insurance company's retained liability and all relevant information with respect to the direct insurance.
第二十九条 再保险接受人不得向原保险的投保人要求支付保险费。
Article 29 The reinsurer shall not demand payment of premiums from the applicant of the direct insurance.
The insured or the beneficiary of the direct insurance shall not claim for the indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits from the reinsurer.
The ceding insurance company shall not decline or delay fulfilling its obligation of the direct insurance on the basis that the reinsurer fails to fulfill the reinsurance obligation.
第三十条 对于保险合同的条款,保险人与投保人、被保险人或者受益人有争议时,人民法院或者仲裁机关应当作有利于被保险人和受益人的解释。
Article 30 If there is any dispute over the interpretation of clauses in an insurance contract between the insurer and the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary, then the People's Courts or arbitration organizations shall interpret such disputed clauses in favor of the insured and the beneficiary.

第三十一条 保险人或者再保险接受人对在办理保险业务中知道的投保人、被保险人或者再保险分出人的业务和财产情况,负有保密的义务。
Article 31 The insurer or the reinsurer shall be obligated to maintain confidentiality of information obtained in the course of conducting insurance business regarding the business and financial position of the applicant, the insured or the ceding insurance company.


第二节 财产保险合同
Section 2 Contract of Property Insurance
第三十二条 财产保险合同是以财产及其有关利益为保险标的的保险合同。
Article 32 A property insurance contract refers to a contract the subject matter of the insurance of which is a property and related interests associated therewith.
The property insurance contract mentioned in this Section is briefly referred to as "the contract", unless specified otherwise.
第三十三条 保险标的的转让应当通知保险人,经保险人同意继续承保后,依法变更合同。但是,货物运输保险合同和另有约定的合同除外。
Article 33 With the exception of cargo insurance contracts and those contracts specified otherwise, the insurer must be notified of the assignment of the subject matter of the insurance. With the consent of the insurer to continue underwriting the assignment of the subject matter of the insurance, the contract may be modified in accordance with laws.
第三十四条 货物运输保险合同和运输工具航程保险合同,保险责任开始后,合同当事人不得解除合同。
Article 34 A cargo insurance contract or an insurance contract for voyage conveyance shall not be terminated by any party thereto subsequent to the commencement of the insurance liability.
第三十五条 被保险人应当遵守国家有关消防、安全、生产操作、劳动保护等方面的规定,维护保险标的的安全。
Article 35 The insured shall observe all the regulations prescribed by the State with respect to fire prevention, safety, production, operations and labor protection, and any other regulations associated therewith, to maintain the safety of the subject matter of the insurance.
In accordance with the terms of the contract, the insurer may inspect the subject matter of the insurance concerning its safety conditions and, within a reasonable time, propose reasonable written suggestions to the applicant or the insured to eliminate risks and latent problems undermining the safety of the subject matter of the insurance.
In the event that the applicant or the insured fails to fulfill his/her contractual obligation to ensure the safety of the subject matter of the insurance, the insurer has the right to request an increase of the premium or to terminate the contract.
The insurer may, with the consent of the insured, take safety preventive measures to protect the subject matter of the insurance.
第三十六条 在合同有效期内,保险标的危险程度增加的,被保险人按照合同约定应当及时通知保险人,保险人有权要求增加保险费或者解除合同。
Article 36 If the extent of risk to the subject matter of the insurance increases during the period of the contract, then the insured shall, in accordance with the contract, promptly notify the insurer and the insurer shall have the right to increase the premium or terminate the contract.
If the insured fails to fulfill the obligation of notice stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the insurer shall bear no obligation for indemnity of the insured event which occurs due to the increased risk to the subject matter of the insurance.
第三十七条 有下列情形之一的,除合同另有约定外,保险人应当降低保险费,并按日计算退还相应的保险费:
Article 37 Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the insurer shall reduce the premium and return the corresponding premium paid pro rata to the number of days, if either:
a change occurs in the circumstances on which the insurance rate was calculated, so that the risk to the subject matter of the insurance is noticeably reduced; or
a material reduction occurred in the insured value of the subject matter of the insurance.
第三十八条 保险责任开始前,投保人要求解除合同的,应当向保险人支付手续费,保险人应当退还保险费。保险责任开始后,投保人要求解除合同的,保险人可以收取自保险责任开始之日起至合同解除之日止期间的保险费,剩余部分退还投保人。
Article 38 In the event that an applicant requests the termination of the contract prior to the commencement of the insurance liability, the applicant shall pay handling charges to the insurer and the insurer shall return the premiums paid. In the event that an applicant requests the termination of the contract subsequent to the commencement of the insurance liability, the insurer may retain the premiums for the period from the commencement of the insurance liability to the date of the termination of the contract, and shall return the balance of the premiums to the applicant.
第三十九条 保险标的的保险价值,可以由投保人和保险人约定并在合同中载明,也可以按照保险事故发生时保险标的的实际价值确定。
Article 39 The insured value of the subject matter of the insurance may be agreed by the applicant and the insurer, and specified in the contract; or it may be assessed based on the actual value of the subject matter of the insurance at the time of the occurrence of the insured event.
The sum insured shall not exceed the insured value of the subject matter of the insurance, and any portion exceeding the insured value of the subject matter of the insurance is null and void as a matter of law.
Unless otherwise specified in the contract, in the event that the sum insured is less than the insured value, the insurer shall undertake the obligation for indemnity pro rata of the sum insured to the insured value.
第四十条 重复保险的投保人应当将重复保险的有关情况通知各保险人。
Article 40 In the event of double insurance, the applicant shall notify all the insurers concerned of relevant information with respect to such double insurance.
If the total amount of the sum insured by double insurance exceeds the insured value, the total amount of indemnity paid by all insurers concerned shall not exceed the insured value. Unless specified otherwise in the contract, the insurers concerned shall undertake their obligation for indemnity based on the proportions their respective amounts of the sum insured bear to the total amount of the sum insured.
A double insurance refers to insurance under which an applicant enters into insurance contracts with two or more insurers on the same subject matter of the insurance, the same insurable interests and the same insured event.


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