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20190103【充实计划】第940期   [推广有奖]

scucook103 发表于 2019-1-3 13:17:50 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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从1万到一亿 在职认证  发表于 2019-1-3 13:42:10 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
At the customary time按照惯例     昨日阅读1小时,累计阅读192小时

At the customary time of 4:30pm ET for Apple, the world's (formerly) largest company saw its stock unexpectedly halted, when just a few months after Apple shocked investors when it announced it would no longer break out iPhone sales, Tim Cook delivered even more bad news for investors warning that it was slashing Q1 revenue guidance, saying "our revenue will be lower than our original guidance for the quarter" blaming it all on iPhone sales in China, i.e., "lower than anticipated iPhone revenue, primarily in Greater China, accounts for all of our revenue shortfall to our guidance and for much more than our entire year-over-year revenue decline", and now expects to make only $84 billion in the first fiscal quarter, an 8% drop from the consensus estimate of $91 billion, and sharply lower from the previous revenue guidance of $89-$93 billion given just two months ago, prompting numerous question just how bad and how quickly things must have deteriorated for AAPL not to see this 2 months ago.
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北冥熊猫 发表于 2019-1-3 13:44:07 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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lemei 发表于 2019-1-3 13:44:08 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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mingke24 发表于 2019-1-3 13:57:53 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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wh1618 发表于 2019-1-3 14:06:40 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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nothingcao 发表于 2019-1-3 15:34:43 来自手机 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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derekzeng1972 发表于 2019-1-3 15:59:43 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
33 war strategies 部分摘要如下
10.         Create A Threatening Presence: Deterrence Strategies
The best way to fight off aggressors is to keep them from attacking you in the first place. To accomplish this you must create the impression of being more powerful than you are. Build up a reputation: You’re a little crazy. Fighting you is not worth it. You take your enemies with you when you lose. Create  this reputation and make it credible with a few impressive—impressively violent—acts. Uncertainty is sometimes better than overt threat: if your opponents are never sure what messing with you will cost, they will not want to find out. Play on people’s natural fears and anxieties to make them think twice.
“Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”
Inevitably in life you will find yourself facing people who are more aggressive than you are—crafty, ruthless people who are determined to get what they want. Reverse intimidation. This art of deterrence rests on three basic facts about war and human nature: First, people are more likely to attack you if they see you as weak or vulnerable. Second, they cannot know for sure that you’re weak; they depend on the signs you give out, through your behavior both present and past. Third, they are after easy victories, quick and bloodless. That is why they prey on the vulnerable and weak.
Deterrence is simply a matter of turning this dynamic around, altering any perception of yourself as weak and naïve and sending the message that battle with you will not be as easy as they had thought. This form of defensive warfare is infinitely applicable to the battles of daily life. Appeasing people can be as debilitating as fighting them; deterring them, scaring them out of attacking you or getting in your way, will save you valuable energy and resources. To deter aggressors you must become adept at deception, manipulating appearances and their perceptions of you—valuable skills that can be applied to all aspects of daily warfare. And finally, by practicing the art as needed, you will build for yourself a reputation as someone tough, someone worthy of respect and a little fear.
The following are five basic methods of deterrence and reverse intimidation. (1) Surprise with a bold maneuver. (2) Reverse the threat. If your enemies see you as someone to be pushed around, turn the tables with a sudden move, however small, designed to scare them. Threaten something they value. Hit them where you sense they may be vulnerable, and make it hurt. Send a short, threatening message to indicate that you are capable of a lot worse. (3) Seem unpredictable and irrational. In this instance you do something suggesting a slightly suicidal streak, as if you felt you had nothing to lose. You show that you are ready to take your enemies down with you, destroying their reputations in the process. (4) Play on people’s natural paranoia. Instead of threatening your opponents openly, you take action that is indirect and designed to make them think. (5) Establish a frightening reputation. This reputation can be for any number of things: being difficult, stubborn, violent, ruthlessly efficient. Build up that image over the years and people will back off from you, treating you with respect and a little fear.
You must take control over people’s perceptions of you by playing with appearances, mystifying and misleading them.
When someone attacks you or threatens you, you make it clear that he will suffer in return. He—or she—may be stronger, he may be able to win battles, but you will make him pay for each victory. Instead of taking him on directly, you hurt something he values, something close to home. You make him understand that every time he bothers you he can expect damage, even if on a smaller scale. The only way to make you stop attacking him in your irritating fashion is for him to stop attacking you. You are like a wasp on his skin: most people leave wasps alone.
Keep the threat veiled: if they can only glimpse what you are up to, they will have to imagine the rest. Making them see you as calculating and strategic will have a chilling effect on their desires to harm or attack you. It is not worth the risk to find out what you may be up to.
Reputation is key. Your own reputation may not be intimidating; after all, we all have to fit in, play politics, seem nice and accommodating. Most often this works fine, but in moments of danger and difficulty being seen as so nice will work against you: it says that you can be pushed around, discouraged, and obstructed.
Understand: there is great value in letting people know that when necessary you can let go of your niceness and be downright difficult and nasty. A few clear, violent demonstrations will suffice. Once people see you as a fighter, they will approach you with a little fear in their hearts. And as Machiavelli said, it is more useful to be feared than to be loved.
Authority: “When opponents are unwilling to fight with you, it is because they think it is contrary to their interests, or because you have misled them into thinking so.”—Sun-tzu
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obaby85 在职认证  发表于 2019-1-3 16:14:49 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

推荐:统计学七支柱 The Seven Pillars of Statistical Wisdom (中文版)
Stephen M.Stigler  知名统计学家、统计学史研究家,芝加哥大学教授。其父是诺贝尔经济学奖得主George J. Stigler。除本书外,还著有《统计探源》等统计学著作。
知名统计学家、哈佛大学文理研究生院院长孟晓犁教授 美国国家科学院院士、斯坦福大学教授Bradley Efron 斯坦福大学数学与统计学教授Persi Diaconis联合推荐。

第十三章      防卫系统



Elliott Wave 艾略特波浪 由R.N.艾略特发展的理论,它认为市场的移动是由一系列的5个上涨的波浪再接着一系列3个纠正性的下跌波浪组成的。
Ralph Nelson Elliott developed the Elliott Wave Theory in the late 1920s. Elliott believed that stock markets, generally thought to behave in a somewhat chaotic manner, in fact traded in repetitive cycles. In this article, we'll take a look at the history behind Elliott Wave Theory and how it is applied to trading.
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Greenwicher 学生认证  发表于 2019-1-3 17:32:20 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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