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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目 录 摘 要I ABSTRACTII 绪 论1 (一)课题研究的背景和意义1 (二)论文的内容1 一、虚拟演播室的相关基本介绍1 (一)虚拟演播室的组成和原理1 1.虚拟演播室的组成2 2.虚拟演播室的工作原理2 (二)虚拟演播室实现的功能2 1.实时三维场景建造2 2.摄像机参数传感3 3.虚拟场景控制3 4.演员与虚拟场景的合成3 5.无限蓝箱功能3 6.多机位虚拟演播3 7.前景深度键3 8.丰富多彩的大屏幕特技3 9.双通道自由切换3 (三)应用实例3 二、虚拟演播室的设计4 (一)设计框架4 1.设计的原则和理念4 2.虚拟演播室系统结构5 3.设计方案5 (二)二维与三维虚拟演播室的比较6 (三)虚拟演播室中应该注意的几个问题6 1.蓝箱的设计6 2.演播室的灯光7 3.演员的服装8 三、虚拟演播室的具体实现8 (一)虚拟演播室技术的概述8 (二)系统的关键技术要点9 1.摄像机的跟踪与定位9 2.摄像机的锁定9 3.变焦、聚焦与景深9 4.色键与蓝箱10 5.计算机技术10 (三)系统的实现10 四、系统的测试和分析11 (一)测试11 (二)分析12 五、总结和展望13 (一)总结13 (二)展望13 参考文献15 后 记16 摘 要 数字技术的发展为电视节目制作领域带来了巨大的变革。传统的模拟电视节目制作设备在经历了几代的转变后,已经达到了顶峰,其发展速度也趋于缓慢。现代计算机技术的成熟和数字电视制作技术的高速发展,软硬件的代价相对降低,带动了全国各行业的多媒体制作的数字化进程。多媒体影视教学的制作,同样需要跟随这种形势发展。在这种形势下,虚拟演播室技术应运而生。 虚拟演播室系统作为当前视频制作领域的一个研究发展的热点,其主要研究内容是在蓝箱中拍摄演员的表演,然后通过色键将之与计算机制作的虚拟场景合成。本文的主要讲述了虚拟演播的研究与设计,它具有一些传统技术无法达到的功能和优点,可以更为有效的利用资源,节省大量的制景费用及装、拆布景所耗费的时间和人力。这一技术还使编导、美工人员摆脱了时间、空间及道具制作等方面的限制,充分发挥其想象力进行自由创造。尽管诞生才短短数年,但其发展趋势却相当迅猛,日益成为电视领域中的一个引人注目的焦点。 关键词:虚拟演播室 计算机技术 色键 视频 ABSTRACT The development of digital technology for the field of television programming has brought enormous change. Traditional analog television program production equipment at the changes experienced after several generations, has reached its peak, which tends to slow the pace of development. Sophisticated of modern computer technology and digital television, high-speed development of production technology, the relatively lower cost of hardware and software to bring the country's various sectors of the digital multimedia production process. Multi-media teaching video production, this situation needs to follow the same development. Under such circumstances, the virtual studio technology came into being. Virtual studio system as the current field of video production, a research and development of hot spots, the main study are: shooting at blue box in the actor's performances, then through the color key to the production of computer-synthesized virtual scene. This article focuses on the study of virtual design studio, which has a number of traditional technologies can not achieve the features and benefits, can be a more effective use of resources, substantial savings in the cost of the system and installed King, set down by the time and manpower consuming。This technology also enables producers, artists from the time, space and props production constraints, and give full play to their imagination to create freely. Even though a few short years before the birth, but the trend of its development is very rapid, the field of television is increasingly becoming a focus of attention. Keywords:Virtual Studio Computer Technology Color key video
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