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发布时间:2015-03-15 来源:人大经济论坛
应用物理学专业论文范文 目 录 第一章 绪论1 1.1 三维数字化及其实现方法概述1 1.1.1 三维数字化1 1.1.2 三维数字化的实现方法1 1.1.3 国内外发展现状2 1.2 激光三维传感器标定技术概述2 1.2.1 摄像机标定技术概述3 1.2.2 激光三维传感器标定概述4 1.3 本课题的背景和论文的主要工作5 第二章 激光三维传感器的数学模型7 2.1 激光三角法基本原理7 2.2 线结构光三维传感器的数学模型8 2.2.1 线结构光传感器的理想线性模型8 2.2.2 线结构光传感器的实际非线性模型12 2.3 本章小结13 第三章 足部三维扫描仪的标定14 3.1 摄像机内参数的标定14 3.1.1 棋盘格靶标的设计与制作14 3.1.2 角点检测及排序算法15 3.1.3 摄像机内参数求解18 3.1.4 角点检测结果评价20 3.2 系统线性标定21 3.2.1 系统标定靶的设计思想22 3.2.2 采用34细丝标定靶获得标定点对23 3.2.3 利用摄像机内参数校正镜头畸变24 3.2.4 畸变校正后的线性标定26 3.2.5 标定结果的线性度分析27 3.3 本章小结28 第四章 系统扫描实验及精度验证29 4.1 系统的恢复与完善29 4.2 扫描实验及扫描精度分析与验证30 4.3 本章小结34 第五章 总结与展望35 5.1 工作总结35 5.2 后续工作展望35 参考文献36 外文资料 中文译文 致谢 摘 要 基于激光三角原理的结构光三维传感器具有无接触、测量速度快、精度高等优点被广泛应用于三维数字化技术中。对于三维数字化系统来说,现实世界三维信息到计算机虚拟世界的信息转换的映射关系,是通过标定工作实现的,标定技术是三维数字化技术中最为关键的技术。 本文在分析国内外现状的基础上,对三维传感器的标定技术进行了研究,并给出了线结构光三维传感器的数学模型。在此基础上,运用“两步法”的思想完成了足部三维扫描仪的标定工作。最后给系统嵌入标定结果并对金属标准块进行了扫描实验,通过测量精度分析验证了标定理论的正确性。 主要工作及创新点如下: 1、完善了足部扫描仪,设计、加工了电气控制柜。 2、通过两个步骤对足部扫描仪进行了系统标定。首先改进了黑白棋盘格角点检测及排序算法,运用张氏摄像机标定方法求取了摄像机内参数及镜头畸变系数。在此基础上,校正了实际图像坐标。接着通过细丝标定靶建立了理想图像坐标与世界坐标的线性变换关系。 3、给系统嵌入了新的标定参数,进行了对标准金属块的扫描实验。分析了扫描测量精度,验证了标定理论的可行性。 关键词:线结构光;三维传感器模型;标定靶;标定技术 ABSTRACT Based on optical triangulation principle,3D sensor based on structure-light has many special characteristics such as non-contact, high efficiency, good precision, which enable it is widely applied in the field of 3D digitization technique. In 3D digitization system, the mapping relationship between real-world 3D information and computer virtual world information is derived by calibration. Calibration technique is the most important technique of 3D digitization technique. Based on the detailed analysis of present research status, study has been carried out on calibration technique of 3D sensor and mathematical model of 3D sensor based on structure-light is presented in detail. Then, the calibration work of foot 3D scanner is carried out with the “two step” method. Finally the foot scanning system is embedded with the calibrated results, and the scanning experiment on the standard metal gauge is performed to verify the correctness of the calibration theory by analyzing the measuring precision. The main study and innovation are as follows: 1、The foot 3D scanner is improved by designing and manufacturing the electric control cabinet. 2、The foot 3D scanner is calibrated through two process. First, the detecting algorithm and the sorting algorithm of the corner point of black-white chessboard are improved, then the intrinsic parameters and lens distortion co-efficiency of the camera are solved by Zhang's camera calibration method. Basing on these, the real image coordinate is corrected. Then the linear transformation relation between the ideal image coordinate and the global coordinate is set up by a filament calibration target. 3、The new calibrated parameter is embedded in the system, and the scanning experiment on standard metal gauge is performed. The correctness of the calibration theory is verified by analyzing the measuring precision. Key words: Linear structure-light; 3D sensor model; Calibration target; Calibration technology 第一章 绪论1 1.1 三维数字化及其实现方法概述1 1.1.1 三维数字化1 1.1.2 三维数字化的实现方法1 1.1.3 国内外发展现状2 1.2 激光三维传感器标定技术概述2 1.2.1 摄像机标定技术概述3 1.2.2 激光三维传感器标定概述4 1.3 本课题的背景和论文的主要工作5 第二章 激光三维传感器的数学模型7 2.1 激光三角法基本原理7 2.2 线结构光三维传感器的数学模型8 2.2.1 线结构光传感器的理想线性模型8 2.2.2 线结构光传感器的实际非线性模型12 2.3 本章小结13 第三章 足部三维扫描仪的标定14 3.1 摄像机内参数的标定14 3.1.1 棋盘格靶标的设计与制作14 3.1.2 角点检测及排序算法15 3.1.3 摄像机内参数求解18 3.1.4 角点检测结果评价20 3.2 系统线性标定21 3.2.1 系统标定靶的设计思想22 3.2.2 采用34细丝标定靶获得标定点对23 3.2.3 利用摄像机内参数校正镜头畸变24 3.2.4 畸变校正后的线性标定26 3.2.5 标定结果的线性度分析27 3.3 本章小结28 第四章 系统扫描实验及精度验证29 4.1 系统的恢复与完善29 4.2 扫描实验及扫描精度分析与验证30 4.3 本章小结34 第五章 总结与展望35 5.1 工作总结35 5.2 后续工作展望35 参考文献36 外文资料 中文译文 致谢 摘 要 基于激光三角原理的结构光三维传感器具有无接触、测量速度快、精度高等优点被广泛应用于三维数字化技术中。对于三维数字化系统来说,现实世界三维信息到计算机虚拟世界的信息转换的映射关系,是通过标定工作实现的,标定技术是三维数字化技术中最为关键的技术。 本文在分析国内外现状的基础上,对三维传感器的标定技术进行了研究,并给出了线结构光三维传感器的数学模型。在此基础上,运用“两步法”的思想完成了足部三维扫描仪的标定工作。最后给系统嵌入标定结果并对金属标准块进行了扫描实验,通过测量精度分析验证了标定理论的正确性。 主要工作及创新点如下: 1、完善了足部扫描仪,设计、加工了电气控制柜。 2、通过两个步骤对足部扫描仪进行了系统标定。首先改进了黑白棋盘格角点检测及排序算法,运用张氏摄像机标定方法求取了摄像机内参数及镜头畸变系数。在此基础上,校正了实际图像坐标。接着通过细丝标定靶建立了理想图像坐标与世界坐标的线性变换关系。 3、给系统嵌入了新的标定参数,进行了对标准金属块的扫描实验。分析了扫描测量精度,验证了标定理论的可行性。 关键词:线结构光;三维传感器模型;标定靶;标定技术 ABSTRACT Based on optical triangulation principle,3D sensor based on structure-light has many special characteristics such as non-contact, high efficiency, good precision, which enable it is widely applied in the field of 3D digitization technique. In 3D digitization system, the mapping relationship between real-world 3D information and computer virtual world information is derived by calibration. Calibration technique is the most important technique of 3D digitization technique. Based on the detailed analysis of present research status, study has been carried out on calibration technique of 3D sensor and mathematical model of 3D sensor based on structure-light is presented in detail. Then, the calibration work of foot 3D scanner is carried out with the “two step” method. Finally the foot scanning system is embedded with the calibrated results, and the scanning experiment on the standard metal gauge is performed to verify the correctness of the calibration theory by analyzing the measuring precision. The main study and innovation are as follows: 1、The foot 3D scanner is improved by designing and manufacturing the electric control cabinet. 2、The foot 3D scanner is calibrated through two process. First, the detecting algorithm and the sorting algorithm of the corner point of black-white chessboard are improved, then the intrinsic parameters and lens distortion co-efficiency of the camera are solved by Zhang's camera calibration method. Basing on these, the real image coordinate is corrected. Then the linear transformation relation between the ideal image coordinate and the global coordinate is set up by a filament calibration target. 3、The new calibrated parameter is embedded in the system, and the scanning experiment on standard metal gauge is performed. The correctness of the calibration theory is verified by analyzing the measuring precision. Key words: Linear structure-light; 3D sensor model; Calibration target; Calibration technology
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