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  • 基于UG的链焊机虚拟装配_本科毕业论文范文

    本科毕业论文范文 摘 要 本文主要运用UG软件对自动链焊机进行三维图的绘制,以及对其进行虚拟装配,UG中的虚拟装配是由其中的ASSEMBLY(装配)模块完成的。 UG虚拟装配设计有自底向上(Bottom-up)设计和自顶向下(Top-down)设计2种。其中前者是指在设计过程中,先设计单个零部件,在此基础上进行装配生成总体设计。这种装配建模需要设计人员交互给定配合构件之间的配合约束关系,然后由UG系统自动计算构件的转移矩阵,并实现虚拟装配。然而,交互给定构件之间的配合约束关系不仅费事,并且当构件之间的配合较多时,容易出现约束不当或约束出错等情况。也只有在进行装配时才能发现零件设计是否合理,一旦发现问题,就要对零件重新设计,重新装配,发现问题再进行修改,而Topdown的设计方式正避免了以上缺点,可以方便、直接接地进行设计。 虚拟装配将从根本上改变传统的产品设计和制造模式,在实际生产之前,首先在虚拟制造环境中完成虚拟产品原型代替实际产品进行试验,对其性能和可装配性等进行评价,从而达到整个产品全局最优,缩短产品设计与制造周期,降低产品开发成本,提高产品快速响应市场变化的能力。 关键词:UG软件 自动链焊机 虚拟装配 Abstract In this paper, the use of UG to the Automatic chain welding machine software for three-dimensional mapping, as well as their virtual assembly, UG Virtual assembly is one of the ASSEMBLY (assembly) module completed. UG virtual assembly bottom-up design (Bottom-up) design and top-down (Top-down) design of two kinds. The former of which refers to the design process, the first design of the individual components, on the basis of design for assembly generation. Assembly modeling that designers need to interact with a given component with the binding relationship between, and then automatically calculated by the UG system transfer matrix elements and the realization of virtual assembly. However, the interaction between a given component with the binding relationship is not only cumbersome, and when the co-ordination between the components were more easily bound by binding or improper error and so on. Only during the assembly parts can be found in the design is reasonable, and once problems are detected, it is necessary to re-design of parts, re-assembly and found that the issue of further changes to the design and Topdown is to avoid the above shortcomings can be easily and directly to ground Design. Virtual assembly will fundamentally change the traditional product design and manufacturing model, in the actual production, first in a virtual manufacturing environment to complete a virtual prototype instead of the actual product testing, its performance and eva luation of assembly, etc., so as to achieve the entire global optimum products to shorten product design and manufacturing cycles, reduce product development costs and improve products to respond quickly to market change. Keywords:UG software Automatic chain welder Virtual assembly 目 录 中文摘要…I 英文摘要…II 目录…III 第一章 绪论…1 1.1 课题背景和目的及意义…1 1.2 本文主要研究的内容…2 第二章 三维造型的设计方法…3 2.1 三维造型方法…3 2.1.1 线框造型…3 2.1.2 曲面造型…4 2.1.3 实体造型…5 2.2 产品结构的主要特征和合理的建模顺序5 2.3 曲面造型技巧…6 2.3.1 化整为零…6 2.3.2 建立光顺的曲面片控制线6 2.3.3 轮廓线删繁就简构造曲面7 2.3.4 曲面光顺评估…7 第三章 UG三维造型软件概述…8 3.1 UG三维造型软件概述8 3.1.1 UG软件特点9 3.2 UG实体特征…10 3.2.1 UG建模的基本术语10 3.3 建模基准…11 3.3.1 建模特征及其作用11 3.3.2 建立基准面…12 3.4 常用工具介绍13 3.4.1 点构造器13 3.4.2 向量构造器…17 第四章 链焊机造型与装配…21 4.1 链焊机实物图…21 4.2 三维造型…21 4.2.1 左侧面造型…21 4.2.2 后侧面造型…22 4.2.3 基本框架造型24 4.2.4 升降台支架造型…25 4.2.5 整个框架造型25 4.2.6 凸轮造型26 4.3 装配27 4.3.1 凸轮与凸轮轴装配27 4.3.2 凸轮轴与机架装配29 第五章 设计总结31 参考文献…32 致谢…33

  • C市农村小学体育教学现状分析_本科毕业论文范文

    本科毕业论文范文 摘 要 农村教育一直是是中国教育的重点和难点,是农村教育的一个重要组成部分,是促进学生全面发展和形成完善个性的主要途径和手段之一。同时,农村学校体育也是农村体育的有机组成部分。长期以来传统的体育教学都是以教师为中心,农村小学体育教学更是弊病甚多严重影响了学生身心健康、束缚了学生个性的发展。在教学方法上表现为“灌压式”教学,致使学生被动接受,毫无乐趣可言。这样一来学生的主动性和积极性完全被压抑了,在课堂教学内容上则是单一的,造成学生完全没有了学习的兴趣,和厌学体育,体育教师教学效果不佳也就成了必然。本文从学校体育教育的发展角度出发,通过问卷,访谈探讨分析当前农村体育教学的现状,得出农村学校体育教育观念陈旧、体育设施不足与运动项目单一、体育经费不足,教师对新课程标准的理解,敬业精神以及领导的重视程度等严重制约着农村学校体育教育的发展。经过分析总结所提出的结论具有一定的针对性,对推进农村小学体育教育改革,适应素质教育的发展,培养学生全面发展具有一定的指导作用。 关键词:农村小学; 体育教育; 现状 ABSTRACT Rural education in China has been the focus of education and the difficulties of rural education is an important component of the overall development of students is to promote and improve the formation of personality, one of the main ways and means. At the same time, rural schools in rural areas of sports is an integral part of sports. Physical Education has long been the traditional teacher-centered, rural primary school physical education is severely affected by the drawbacks of many physical and mental health of students, hindered the development of personality of students. Performance in teaching methods as "filling pressure" teaching, resulting in passive acceptance of students, there is no fun at all. As a student of the initiative and actively suppressed completely, and in the content of classroom teaching is the single, students do not have the interest in learning, and the weariness sports, physical education teachers teaching the poor has become an inevitable effect.This paper start from the development of school physical education, through questionnaires and interviews to explore and analysis the current status of physical education in rural areas, come to the concept of physical education in schools of rural areas are out-date and lack of sports facilities and funds, as well as sports aspects are simple. Teachers’ understanding standards of the new curriculum and their professionalism, and leaders’ attention, such kind of aspects are restrict seriously to rural school’s physical education development. The conclusions made after the analysis are really targeted. It will play a guiding role of the promotion of sports in rural primary education reform, it will also adapt to the development of quality education and to train all-round development students. Key words: rural primary schools ;physical education ;present status 目 录 第一章 前言1页 1.1农村小学体育教学现状1页 1.1.1体育意识1页 1.1.2受应试教育的影响1页 1.1.3办学经费极其紧张2页 第二章 研究对象和方法3页 2.1研究对象3页 2.2研究方法3页 2.2.1文献资料法3页 2.2.2问卷调查法3页 2.2.3访谈法3页 第三章 调查结果与分析4页 3.1C市下属的27所农村小学体育教学是现状4页 3.1.1体育开课率与实际上课率4页 3.1.2C市下属的27所农村小学的体育教师依教案上课率4页 3.1.3体育教师的工作能力及其态度5页 3.2体育场地,器材与设施6页 第四章 建议8页 4.1 完善政府职能,提高体育意识8页 4.2 加大体育经费的投入8页 4.3加强对体育师资的队伍规划和管理8页 4.4加强社会各界对体育教育的认识8页 参考文献9页 附录10页 致谢13页

  • 基于ANSYS的海洋石油平台结构分析_本科毕业论文范文

    本科毕业论文范文 摘要 有限元法是一种有效的数值计算方法,运用有限元法对海燕石油平台进行分析可以有效的指导和修正设计,由于海洋平台工作环境是在近海海面上,受到风浪等载荷的作用,因此对其安全性和可靠性的分析和评价是确保其在服役年限内正常使用的重要环节。 本文所述就是利用ANSYS软件对海洋平台进行三维建模,划分网格,施加相应的约束,并对其进行模态分析,谐响应分析,随机振动分析,得到相应的数据以及图片显示。 通过有限元计算可以有效避开共振,并对其变形较大处进行改进,使其能安全有效的工作。 关键词:有限元分析 海洋平台 模态分析 Abstract Finite Element Method(FEM) is an effective numerical method. Analyzing offshore oil platform a by FEM can direct and amend design.As the offshore platform work environment in the near ocean surface,loaded by wind and wave.Therefore, security and reliability of their analysis and eva luation is to ensure that the service life of an important part of normal use. ANSYS software is used in this article to three-dimensional modeling of the offshore platform ,meshing ,imposing the corresponding constraint and its modal analysis,harmonic response analysis ,random vibration analysis,getting the corresponding data and image. Through FEM can avoid the resonance,and improve on their large deformation of the department,to enable safe and effective work. Keywords: FEM Offshore Platform Modal Analysis 目录 摘要i abstractii 目录iii 第一章 绪论1 1.1研究目的1 1.2研究背景和意义1 1.3 研究方法与步骤2 第二章ANSYS有限元的基本步骤3 2.1有限元模型的建立3 2.2 ANSYS的主要功能模块5 2.2.1前处理模块5 2.2.2分析求解模块5 2.2.3后处理模块5 2. 3有限元静力分析6 2.4有限元动力分析6 第三章 海洋石油平台动力分析8 3.1工程背景8 3.2平台结构模型的建立8 3.2.1 组成机构特点8 3.2.2 单元类型选择和计算参数设定9 3.2.3 建模总体规划9 3.2.4 几何模型的建立9 3.2.5 划分网格11 3.3 海洋平台结构的模态分析12 3.3.1 计算模态解13 3.3.2 结果观察与分析13 3.4 海洋平台谐响应分析18 3.5 冰载荷作用下海洋平台结构响应21 3.5.1 获得瞬态分析解21 3.5.2 观察结果22 3.6 波浪载荷作用下海洋平台随即振动分析23 3.6.1 波浪载荷简介23 3.6.2 获得谱解24 3.7 归纳总结27 第四章 钢结构楼房的分析29 4.1钢结构概述29 4.2多层钢结构住宅体系特点29 4.3多高层钢结构住宅体系类型30 4.4 钢结构结构分析30 4.5总结34 结论35 参考文献:36 致谢37

  • 恒顺达生物能源有限公司安全评价报告_本科毕业论文范文

    本科毕业论文范文 摘要 江苏恒顺达生物能源有限公司生产的生物柴油是将植物油、动物油、废餐饮油等原料油与甲醇反应得到脂肪酸甲酯。在生产过程中在生产过程中用到甲醇,硫酸,氢氧化钠。这三种物质都有一定的危险,是危险有害物质。在生产过程中存在火灾爆炸、中毒窒息、机械伤害、物体打击、高处坠落、淹溺、触电、噪声与振动、灼伤、毒物等危险有害因素。为了提高建设项目安全管理的效率和经济效益,确保实现安全生产,使事故及危害引起的损失最少,预防因小的失误而导致大的灾难,对项目的生产中危险有害物质、危险有害因素、产品和原料贮存、各种设备和作业的危险等级进行分析,从而编制安全评价报告。在评价过程中运用了危险度评价方法、作业条件危险性评价方法和预先危险性分析方法对本项目进行评价。对此,要加强安全管理,建立和完善各种制度;采取防火、防爆、防毒措施;按照操作规程生产;对一些压力容器、起重设备的操作必须经过培训,要持证上岗。同时,每个员工都应牢记“安全第一,预防为主”,每个员工都要有安全意识,只有这样才能保证安全生产。 关键词:生物柴油 甲醇 硫酸 氢氧化钠 危险度评价方法 作业条件危险性评价方法 预先危险性分析方法 安全对策措施 Safety appraises a report of HENGSHUNDA bioenergy CO.,LTD Abstract HENGSHUNDA bioenergy CO.,LTD produces the living things diesel oil is that reaction gets the fatty acid A ester with raw oil and methanol such as plant oil ,animal oil ,useless meal drink oil. Be useful in procedure of production in procedure of production to methanol , sulfuric acid , sodalye. This three kinds, It both, matter certain danger , is dangerous hazardous wastes. For improving the efficiency and economic effect building project safety administration's , ensuring that realizing safety at work, make the loss that the accident and damage arouse the fewest , prevent from leading to big disasters because of minor fault, dangerous hazardous wastes , dangerous harmful factor , product and raw material reserve , various equipment and dangerous school assignment grade go along analyse , work out thereby safety in the turn out to the project to appraise a report in advance. The danger degree having applied in the process of valuation estimates that method , school assignment condition danger estimate that method and danger analyses method in advance carries out valuation on the project. To here, be going to reinforce safety administration , to build and perfect various system; Adopt fire prevention , explosion protection , gas defense measure; Give birth to a child according to handling directive rules; The operation to a little pressure container , lifting equipment must train through , need to hold a certificate going to post. At the same time, every employee all should learn "safety and prevention are the top priority by heart", Every employee all needs to have safe mental consciousness, only when such ability ensures safety in production. Key words Living things diesel oil Methanol Sulfuric acid Sodalye Danger degree appraises method School assignment condition danger appraises method Safe countermeasure measure Danger analyses method in advance 目录 引言1 第一章 概述2 1.1 安全评价的目的、内容、范围和依据2 1.1.1 评价的目的2 1.1.2 评价的内容2 1.1.3 评价的范围2 1.1.4 评价的依据2 1.2 建设单位概况3 1.2.1 概况3 1.2.2 项目简介3 1.2.3 地理位置及周边情况3 1.2.4 公司平面布置4 1.2.5 生产工艺5 1.2.6 主要设备5 第二章 危险有害因素分析与辨识7 2.1 主要危险有害因素分析7 2.1.1 主要危险有害物质的危险有害因素分析7 2.1.2 生产工艺过程中主要危险有害因素分析8 2.1.3 公用工程主要危险有害因素分析9 2.2 主要危险有害因素辨识9 2.2.1 火灾、爆炸9 2.2.2 中毒窒息10 2.2.3 烫伤10 2.2.4 触电10 2.2.5 机械伤害10 2.2.6 高处坠落10 2.2.7 物体打击10 2.2.8 起重伤害10 2.2.9 淹溺10 2.2.10 毒物10 2.2.11 噪声与振动11 2.3 重大危险源辨识11 2.3.1 重大危险源辨识方法介绍11 2.3.2 辨识11 第三章 安全预评价方法和评价单元的确定12 3.1 安全预评价方法12 3.1.1 危险度评价方法12 3.1.2 作业条件危险性评价法13 3.1.3 预先危险性分析方法简介14 3.2 确定评价单元15 第四章 定性定量评价16 4.1 危险度评价方法16 4.2 作业条件危险性评价法16 4.3 预先危险性评价方法16 第五章 安全对策措施及建议19 5.1 工艺和设备装置方面的安全措施19 5.1.1 工艺方面的安全措施19 5.1.2 安全工程设计方面的安全措施19 5.2 安全管理对策措施20 5.3 重大危险源对策措施20 5.4 防火,防爆对策措施20 第六章 安全预评价结论22 6.1 项目主要危险有害因素评价结果22 6.1.1 危险度评价结果22 6.1.2 作业条件危险性评价22 6.1.3 预先危险性分析评价结果22 6.2 需要强调的重要安全对策措施22 6.3 安全评价结论22 结论23 致谢24 参考文献:25

  • 基于ARM的伺服电机控制系统的设计_本科毕业论文范文

    本科毕业论文范文 摘 要 本文主要介绍基于ARM的伺服电机控制系统的设计。 随着社会发展的不断精细化,人们对生活的高品质要求越来越强烈,高精准度的数控加工技术也越来越被重视。高精准的要求离不开电机控制的快速发展,最优化的开发伺服电机对提高电机控制的总体水平,加快数控技术的发展具有重大意义。 本文主要介绍以ARM920T为内核的三星S3C2440开发板在嵌入式系统中如何实现对伺服电机的调速控制。通过对S3C2440开发板硬件资源的分析进行控制系统的软硬件设计,充分利用ARM芯片的优势来实现伺服电机的高精准度的控制。全文以S3C2440开发板为核心,分为三大模块:控制模块(触摸屏及6个自由按键)、显示模块、控制对象模块。以开发板上的PWM模块的功能为控制主体,控制模块编写程序以PWM信号的输出来达到控制伺服电机调速的目的,同时在显示模块上加以显示,以便及时进行调整。此外,伺服电机自身所特有的反馈模块也能够提升控制系统精准度。另外,本文还介绍ARM芯片的控制优势,以ARM为主芯片的嵌入式工程因其优势在我们的生产生活中正被广泛的运用着。 关键词: ARM 伺服电机 Pwm 调速控制 嵌入式 Abstract This paper introduces servo motor control system design which based on ARM. With the continued refinement of social development, people's life growing demand for high quality, high precision CNC machining technology is more and more attentioned.The requirements of high-precision motor control can not do without the rapid development of optimized development of motor control servo motor to improve the overall level, to speed up the development of NC technology of great significance. This paper introduces the Samsung S3C2440 ARM920T for the kernel development board for embedded systems to realize the servo motor speed control.S3C2440 development board through the analysis of hardware resources, control system hardware and software design, full use of the advantage of ARM chip to achieve high-precision servo motor control.The core of this text is S3C2440 development board,it can divided into three modules: control module (touch screen and six free keys), display module, the control object module.To develop the board's PWM module to control the main functions of the control module programming for the output PWM signal to control the servo motor speed to achieve the purpose, while the display module to be displayed, so that timely adjustments.In addition, the servo motor feedback specific to their own modules to enhance the control precision.In addition, the article also describes the ARM chip control advantages to ARM-based chips in embedded engineering because of its advantage in the production of our life with Chiang Kai-shek is widely used. Keywords: ARM Servo Motor PWM Speed Control Embedded 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目 录III 第一章 绪论1 1.1 引言1 1.2 ARM及ARM920T的介绍1 1.2.1 ARM的简介及其特点1 1.2.2 ARM920T的特点3 1.3 论文的研究目的及系统的总体结构4 第二章 控制系统硬件设计5 2.1 开发板资源5 2.1.1 S3C2440开发板的介绍5 2.1.2 S3C2440开发板与S3C2410开发板的区别11 2.2 电源模块的电路设计11 2.3 LCD显示模块的电路设计12 2.4 JTAG模块13 2.4.1 JTAG的结构13 2.4.2 JTAG引脚定义14 2.4.3 JTAG接口的电路设计14 2.4.4 JTAG接口的应用设计15 2.5 伺服电机模块的设计17 2.5.1 伺服电机的分类及其特点17 2.5.2 伺服电机的控制技术18 2.5.3 PWM的基本原理19 第三章 控制系统的软件设计20 3.1 ARM嵌入式系统的编程基础20 3.1.1 嵌入式操作系统20 3.1.2 嵌入式C语言21 3.2 控制系统总体框架22 3.3 控制模块的程序设计24 3.3.1 按键判断程序24 3.3.1 按键功能程序24 3.4 显示模块的程序设计26 3.5 伺服电机控制模块的程序设计29 3.6 定时程序的设计32 第四章 总结34 致谢35 参考文献36 附录A S3C2440开发板的电路原理图37 附录B S3C2440开发板电路的PCB图45 附录C 程序:47 1、按键的控制程序47 2、LCD显示程序47 3、pwm信号的输出程序47

  • 日本地震经验的新作用——日中防灾意识的角度探讨_本科毕业论文

    本科毕业论文范文 摘要 日本是个自然灾害频发的国家,地震,海啸,台风,洪水,火山等灾害之多在世界范围内也是罕见的,因此,自古以来日本就积极的致力于自然灾害的研究。特别是在1923年关东大震灾之后,政府开始正式着手防灾体制的制定。现在,日本关于地震的研究组织,法律,设施等都相当完善。 本论文就日本的防灾意识,地震对策及中国的现状进行了考察。通过大地震的损失数据的对比,分析中国在防灾体制方面的各种问题,探究其中的原因。就今后应采取的各种措施以及应借鉴日本的先进经验进行了论述。 关键词:地震、防灾意识、对策、现状 要旨 日本は、地震・津波・台風・洪水・火山など世界的に見ても自然災害の多い国で、古くから災害に関わる研究が積極的に行われてきた。特に、1923年関東大震災が起こった後、政府は防災体制に真剣に取り込む。現在、日本における地震に関する研究組織、法律、施設なども完備する。 本稿では、大地震による被害データの分析に基づき、中国における現状にある様々問題を見出し、その原因を探求し、日中における地震対策、防災意識などから、今後中国は防災体制にどう変わってべきかについて考察する。 キーワード:地震、防災意識、対策、現状 目次 要旨  …………………………………………………………………………… 1 キーワード  …………………………………………………………………… 1 はじめに  ……………………………………………………………………… 1 日本における防災意識について ………………………………………… 2 日本における地震対策 ……………………………………………………… 3 1 地震研究に関する組織 ……………………………………………………3 2 地震に関する法律 ………………………………………………………… 3 3 地震に関する施設 ………………………………………………………… 4 4 建築における対策 ………………………………………………………… 4 5 学校における対策 ………………………………………………………… 5 中国の現状と今後の対策………………………………………………………5 1 四川大地震から見る中国の現状 ………………………………………5 1.1 体制、法律にある現状 ………………………………………………6 1.2 建物にある現状 ………………………………………………………… 7 1.3 防災意識と教育にある現状 …………………………………………8 2 今後の対策 …………………………………………………………………8 2.1 地震予知と情報公開に対して ……………………………………10 2.2 防災意識と教育に対して ……………………………………………11 2.3 建物に対して ……………………………………………………………11 終わりに ………………………………………………………………………… 11 参考文献 ………………………………………………………………………12

  • 聚硅酸铝铁(PSAF)处理印染废水实验研究_本科毕业论文

    本科毕业论文范文 聚硅酸铝铁(PSAF)处理印染废水实验研究 摘 要 印染废水的治理是我国现行工业废水治理领域的几大难题之一。本文以聚硅酸铝铁(PSAF)为混凝剂,通过实验找出影响混凝效果的主要因素,研究了聚硅酸铝铁处理印染废水的最佳工艺条件,如聚硅酸铝铁投加量、Al/Fe摩尔比及废水酸度。实验结果表明,水样的pH为7.0,聚硅酸铝铁Al/Fe摩尔比为3/1,质量浓度为64mg/L时,脱色率可达79.70%,SS的去除率为83.2%,CODCr去除率为73.3%;与传统的聚合氯化铝(PAC)和聚合硫酸铁(PFS)相比,聚硅酸铝铁的除浊、脱色等效果均好于聚合氯化铝和聚合硫酸铁,其污泥沉降体积最小,沉降时间最短,处理废水后水中残余量低,处理费用低等特点。 关键词:聚硅酸铝铁(PSAF) 印染废水 脱色率 Studies on Treatment of Dyeing Wastewater with Polysilic Aluminium Ferric Flocculants ABSTEACT Treatment of dyeing wastewater is one of the few major problem areas in the current industrial wastewater treatment. Through the experiment flocculation effect affecting the main factors, dyeing treatment by using polysilicate aluminum ferric (PSAF) as coagulant was studied. The optim altreatment conditions with the combined coagulant system were investigated, such as coagulant dosage, Al/Fe mole ratio, acidity of waste water. Experimental results show that the optimal parameters were polysilicate aluminum ferric: the best pH was 7.0, Al/Fe mole ratio was 3/1, dosage of 64mg/L, the best removal of decolorization rate, SS and CODCr was 79.70%, 83.20% and 73.30%. In comparison with the conventional coagulants , such as PAC (polyaluminium chloride) and PFS (polyferric sulfate) , the coagulation performance of PSAF is characterized by higher settlement rate, smaller sludge volume , lower remains of pollutants in the treater dyeing effluent and lower cost of treatment. Keywords: polysilicate-aluminum-ferric dyeing wastewater decolorization rate 目 录 摘 要I ABSTEACTⅡ 1概述1 1.1我国的水资源现状1 1.2印染废水来源、水质及水量2 1.2.1印染废水的来源2 1.2.2印染废水的水质及水量2 1.3印染废水的特点和危害3 1.3.1废水的特点3 1.3.2废水的危害3 1.4印染废水的处理方法及研究进展3 1.4.1印染废水的处理方法3 1.4.2 研究进展7 1.5混凝过程与混凝剂8 1.5.1混凝过程8 1.5.2混凝作用的基本原理8 1.5.3混凝剂的分类9 1.5.4混凝剂的发展趋势9 1.6研究的意义10 2实验部分11 2.1实验目的11 2.2 PSAF混凝实验原理11 2.3 实验主要仪器及试剂11 2.4实验步骤12 2.5聚硅酸铝铁的制备13 2.6 PSAF胶凝时间的测定13 2.7 废水来源、水量与水质13 2.7.1废水来源、水量与处理工艺13 2.7.2废水水质14 2.7.3印染废水的排放标准14 2.8水污染项目的分析方法15 2.9 脱色率的测定15 3结果与讨论16 3.1 pH对聚硅酸稳定性的影响16 3.2 Al/Fe摩尔比对PSAF混凝性能的影响17 3.3 Al/Fe摩尔比对废水脱色效能的影响17 3.4 混凝剂投加量对混凝效果的影响18 3.5 pH值对混凝效果的影响19 3.6 沉降时间对脱色效果的影响20 3.7不同混凝剂对污染因子去除率的比较21 3.8不同混凝剂混凝沉降性能的比较22 4.结论与展望24 4.1 结论24 4.2展望24 参考文献:26 谢 辞29

  • 氯气生产与储存过程中危险性分析及其预防_本科毕业论文

    本科毕业论文范文 摘要 本文在综述氯气的理化性质和毒理作用的基础上,分析了氯气生产工艺和储存工艺及其注意事项,并对氯气生产、储存过程中的爆炸危险性进行了探讨,分析了每个危险源的形成原因。对液氯仓储系统中钢瓶泄漏进行了分析,对涉及液氯钢瓶储存需要设置的安全设施、泄漏处理进行了归纳总结。从工艺、设备、仪表等方面简要介绍了氯气泄漏、氯气系统发生爆炸的不安全因素以及防范措施,确保安全生产。着重研究了氯气泄漏爆炸的情况。并对各个危险源提出了预防措施,简介了氯气泄漏的应急处理并探讨了氯气泄漏爆炸事故中的人为原因。通过液氯生产、储运分析了各环节的事故风险环节,提出了风险防范的方向及应急处理处置的基本原则。 关键词 氯气 生产 爆炸 泄漏 Abstract This paper reviewed the physical and chemical properties of chlorine and toxicological effects, Analysis of the chlorine production process and storage technology and its attention to matters, And chlorine production, stockpiling explosives in the process of risk were discussed, each of the reasons for the formation of dangerous source. The storage system in the cylinder of liquid chlorine leaked an analysis involving the storage of liquid chlorine cylinders need to set up the security of facilities, dealing with a leak summary. From the technology, equipment, instruments, and other aspects briefed chlorine leak, the explosion of chlorine system insecurity and preventive measures to ensure production safety. Focusing on the explosion of chlorine gas leakage. And various hazards to the preventive measures, introduction of a chlorine gas leak emergency handling of the chlorine leak and explosion accident in the man-made causes. Through the liquid chlorine production, storage and transportation of all sectors of the accident risk areas, raised the direction of risk prevention and emergency treatment and disposal of the basic principles. Key Words Chlorine Production Burst Leakage 目录 摘要..............................................................................1 目录..............................................................................2 1 引言..........................................................................4 2 氯气生产、储运过程中的事故类型.................................................4 3 生产和储存过程中发生的事故及其原因.............................................5 3.1 由于氢气产生的爆炸...........................................................5 3.2 电解槽的爆炸危险.............................................................6 3.3 高压输送容易造成超温超压,给液氯生产带来极大的危险性.........................6 3.4 输送设备故障,动力电源故障使氯气倒压或输不出去...............................7 3.5 三氯化氮引发爆炸.............................................................7 3.5.1 氯气(液氯)中三氯化氮的爆炸.................................................7 3.6 工艺中存在的引爆源...........................................................9 3.7 氯气储存过程中的危险........................................................9 3.7.1 过量充装...................................................................9 3.7.2 机械碰撞...................................................................9 3.7.3 受热爆炸..................................................................10 3.7.4 氯气泄漏爆炸事故的人为原因分析.............................................10 4 氯气泄漏爆炸事故预防措施......................................................11 4.1 严禁超装.....................................................................11 4.2 防腐.........................................................................11 4.2.1 湿氯防腐..................................................................11 4.2.2 液氯防腐...................................................................11 4.2.3 制定防腐制度...............................................................11 4.3 防碰撞......................................................................11 4.3.1 执行国家有关危险化学品运输管理规定.........................................11 4.3.2 钢瓶装卸、搬运必须戴好瓶帽、防震圈,严禁摔、碰、撞........................11 4.3.3 液氯槽区、槽车及钢瓶周围禁止机械、电气作业.................................12 4.4.1 控制NCl3生成...............................................................12 4.4.2 防止NCl3富集...............................................................12 4.4.3 控制操作规程..............................................................13 4.4.4 合理处理三氯化氮...........................................................13 4.4.5 消除引爆能.................................................................14 4.5 防止氢气爆炸................................................................14 4.5.1 防止爆炸性混合气体的形成...................................................14 4.5.2 防止有机物爆炸.............................................................14 4.5.3 控制受热..................................................................14 5 厂房防护措施...................................................................14 5.1 对厂房的要求................................................................14 5.2 工厂位置.....................................................................15 6 其他防护要求..................................................................15 6.1 防护设备....................................................................15 6.2 对工艺的要求................................................................15 6.4 氯气罐装要求..................................................................16 6.4.1 贮罐的位置.................................................................18 6.4.2 控制扩散...................................................................18 7 紧急情况时的处理程序...........................................................18 结论..............................................................................20 致谢..............................................................................21 参考文献..........................................................................22

  • 一种高速盘式电磁铁的仿真研究_本科毕业论文范文

    本科毕业论文范文 摘 要 电磁铁是电流磁效应的一个应用,与生活联系紧密,如电磁继电器、电磁起重机、磁悬浮列车等。高速电磁铁应用范围很广:喇叭中使音圈加电流后在磁隙中运动,从而带动纸盆振动发出声音 ;继电器中使线圈通电后,铁芯吸合,带动触点分合。电磁锁中使电磁线圈通电后,吸合锁芯。 电磁起重机中的电磁吸盘,用以吸取导磁性物料;电磁选矿中是通过电磁铁通电产生磁性从而把有磁性的矿吸附没磁性的被阻挡到另一边从而进行选矿。 本论文利用有限元仿真软件QuickField对一种高速盘式电磁铁进行仿真分析,探讨了线圈电磁密度、衔铁与铁心间距和铁心高度的变化对电磁铁导磁特性的影响,计算了在不同情况下的电磁力特性,总结出了电磁力与线圈电磁密度、衔铁与铁心间距和铁心高度的变化曲线。为一种高速电磁铁的设计提供了一定的基础。 本论文分为四章,分述如下: 第一章主要介绍了选题的背景和意义以及电磁铁的国内外研究状况。 第二章主要介绍了高速电磁铁的结构和原理和仿真的现状及趋,其中着重介绍了QuickField仿真软件。 第三章是本论文的主要内容,仿真了三个参数对电磁特性的影响。 第四章是对本论文的总结。 关键字:高速电磁铁 仿真分析 电磁密度 Abstract Solenoid is a magnetic effect current applications, and living in close contact, such as electromagnetic relays, electromagnetic crane, such as magnetic levitation trains. High-speed electro-magnet a wide range of applications: speaker voice coil increases make the current movement in the magnetic gap, thereby stimulating cone vibration sound; relay coil make electricity, the core pull-drive division contacts.Make the electromagnetic coil of electromagnetic power locks, the pull-Cylinder. Electromagnetic electromagnetic crane sucker are used to absorb lead; electromagnetic beneficiation of electricity through the electromagnet so as to produce magnetic magnetic magnetic mineral absorption did not blocked in order to carry out the other side of the dressing. In this thesis, the finite element simulation software QuickField disc on a high-speed electromagnetic simulation and analysis, the density of the electromagnetic coil, armature and the core spacing and core height change on magnetic properties of magnet, calculated in different situations characteristics of the electromagnetic force, summed up the electromagnetic force and the density of electromagnetic coils, armature and the core spacing and core height curve. As a high-speed solenoid design provides a certain foundation. The thesis is divided into four chapters, are as follows: Chapter I introduces the topics of the background and significance of the electromagnet of the situation at home and abroad. Chapter II introduces high-speed electromagnetic simulation of the structure and principles and the status and trends, which highlights QuickField simulation software.Chapter III High-speed electromagnetic simulation Chapter III introduces the main contents of this paper, the simulation of the three parameters on the electromagnetic properties. Chapter IV Summarizes the paper. Keyword:High-speed solenoid; simulation analysis;electromagnetic density 目 录 中文摘要i 英文摘要ii 目录iii 第一章 绪论4 1.1 高速电磁铁的发展概述4 1.1.1 盘式电磁铁的发展5 1.2 高速电磁铁的研究状况6 1.2.1 国外状况 6 1.2.2 国内状况7 1.3 选题的背景及研究意义8 第二章 电磁铁的仿真研究9 2.1 高速电磁铁的结构9 2.2 高速电磁铁的工作原理9 2.3 仿真的现状及趋势9 2.4 QuickField仿真软件11 第三章 高速电磁铁仿真分析15 3.1 QuickField仿真的基本步骤15 3.2 参数的影响22 3.2.1 线圈电磁密度的影响22 3.2.2 衔铁与铁心间距的影响30 3.2.3 铁心高度的影响38 3.3 结果46 第四章 总结47 参考文献48 致谢49

  • 日处理1750吨铅锌选矿厂设计_本科毕业论文范文

    本科毕业论文范文 摘 要 按照毕业设计任务书的要求,进行了黄沙坪铅锌矿优先浮选1750吨/日选矿厂设计,产品为铅精矿和锌精矿。 在湖南郴州的黄沙坪铅锌矿进行了为期三周毕业实习,收集相关设计资料的基础上。确定了各车间的工作制度,对设计工艺流程进行了选择和论证,确定了设计的工艺流程,即:破碎采用三段半开路流程,磨矿采用一段闭路流程,浮选采用优先浮工艺,精矿采用先浓缩后过滤的两段脱水。 对设计工艺流程进行了工艺指标计算,包括破碎、筛分、磨矿、浮选(包括矿浆流程)和脱水流程。对破碎、筛分、磨矿、分级、浮选及脱水设备进行了选择计算和方案比较,确定了工艺所需的工艺设备。 进行了厂房总体布置,并进行了厂房内的设备配置。根据选厂房的地形条件,沿山坡地布置,其中,粗碎、中细碎、筛分厂房分开布置,粗碎、中细碎及筛分车间平行等高线配置。磨矿浮选共厂房配置,其中磨矿采用纵向配置,浮选机采用横向配置。浓缩机配置在露天,过滤机与精矿仓配置在厂房内。完成 了粗碎、中细碎、筛分、磨浮、脱水车间平断面图、数质量及矿浆流程图和设备联系图共10张。 关键词:选矿厂设计 铅锌矿 浮选 黄砂坪 Abstract According to the request of the intruction of plant design for undergraduated, the design of Huangshaping Pb -Zn Mine concentrator with the capacity of 1750t/d, and the products are lead and zinc concentrate. On the basis of practice in Huangshaping Pb -Zn Mine for three weeks, and the collection of data, The work institutions of each workshop were determined, and the technological process was also chosed and reasoned The process of crushing is three sections with half open circuit, the grinding process is one section with closed circuit, the floation process is selective flotation of lead minerals, and a process with two sections dewatering circiut which included concentration and filtion was adopted . Technological parameters of crushing,screening, grinding ,floation(include the circuit of pulp)and dewatering were computed, respectively. Then the technological parameters of equipments were computed and the schemes of equipments were compared and the optimal equipments were determined. The general arrangement of concentrator plant and the allocation of equipments in diferent workshop were presented. According to the topography of plant site, plants were arranged along the slope of mountain. The workshops of coarse crushing, middle and fine crushing and screening were aloted independent. Arrangment with parallel contour line of coarse crushing workshop、 middle and fine crushing and screening workshops were used. The workshops of grinding and flotation were put togather, and the longitudinal and lateral plans were used for the mills and flotation machines respectively. The concentrate machines were collocated seprarted from thefilitering workshop and concentrate bins which were aloted inside. 10 pieces drawing ,such as the workshop of coarse crushing, middle and fine crushing, screening , grinding , floation , dewatering and so on, were finished include a handicraft drawing. Keywords: concentrator design, lead and zinc ores, flotation , HuangShaPing 目 录 摘 要3 Abstract4 第1章 绪论5 1.1 建厂地区概况5 1.2 选厂厂址基本特点6 1.2.1 厂址选择6 1.2.2 供电和供水6 1.2.3 尾矿输送与处理7 1.2.4 原矿和精矿产品运输7 1.3 采矿基本情况7 1.4 选矿设计指标和产品7 1.5 其它情况8 第2章 设计流程论述9 2.1 矿床性质9 2.2 原矿基本性质9 2.2.1 岩矿鉴定9 2.2.2 原矿化学分析和物相分析10 2.2.3 原矿基本物理性质11 2.3 流程论述11 2.3.1 破碎流程论述11 2.3.2 磨矿流程论述13 2.3.3 选别流程论述14 2.3.4 脱水流程论述19 2.3.5 设计的工艺流程19 第3章 车间工作制度和生产能力21 3.1 车间工作制度21 3.2 车间生产能力21 第4章 工艺流程和工艺设备22 4.1 破碎流程和破碎设备的选择与计算22 4.1.1 破碎流程计算22 4.1.2 破碎、筛分设备选择和计算24 4.2 磨矿流程的计算30 4.3 浮选流程的计算31 4.4 矿浆流程计算41 4.4.1 磨矿流程41 4.4.2 选别流程42 4.4.3 脱水流程矿浆计算46 4.5 磨机、分级机的选择与计算48 4.5.1 磨机的选择与计算48 4.5.2 螺旋分级机的选择与计算50 4.6 浮选机选择与计算51 4.6.1 浮选机选择与计算51 4.6.2 搅拌槽的选择与计算59 4.7 脱水设备的选择与计算60 4.7.1 浓缩机的选择与计算60 4.7.2 过滤机的选择与计算61 4.8 辅助设备的计算62 4.8.1 矿仓62 4.8.2 胶带机的选择与计算64 4.8.3 其他辅助设备的选择与计算68 第5章 总体布置与设备配置71 5.1 厂房的总体布置71 5.2 厂内设备配置71 5.2.1 破碎厂房的设备配置72 5.2.2 磨浮车间设备配置72 5.2.3 脱水车间设备配置72 结 语73 参考文献74 附一:选矿厂设备选择计算附表75 附二:英文翻译78