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(计算机行业报告)中信证券-共20期报告!带你领略大数据、云计算、Google、Facebool attachment 行业分析报告 sunzhao90 2013-7-25 33 7222 512661101 2021-1-16 20:24:54
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分享 谷歌(Google)搜索技术贴合集
hylpy1 2016-9-2 18:07
怎样上 学术: http://ifukua.com/post-3733.html 怎样上gmail: http://ifukua.com/post-3702.html WIN hosts文件修改方法: http://ifukua.com/post-4174.html 最近给群里的朋友远程设置hosts文件时,发现电脑管家和某些卫士会提示hosts文件警报,请在修改时注意选择,以免造成不生效的现象。 安卓 hosts文件修改方法: http://ifukua.com/post-4279.html 苹果 hosts文件修改方法: http://ifukua.com/post-4280.html 谷歌网页搜索结果: http://so.ifukua.com 帐号注册:下载群(24191525)里的HOSTS文件,进入 https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?hl=zh-CN 能注册完成。 推荐VPN (VPN教程可在产品使用里浏览,不同客户端方法不同。 可免费使用200M,注册帐号啥的200M完全够了。): http://gjsq.me/4550254 免费软件:自己搜索 fqrouter 的用法(安卓专用,可以共享给电脑或其它手机。) 下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i3osd7J 那些问要注册帐号手机上用的,请自行下载fqrouter去玩。装好后,能正常访问某站,然后就能正常注册了,可别在那问怎么注册啊!不用这个你注册也没用,有帐号后面还是要通过网络验证的。 Google被封怎么样科学上网: http://ifukua.com/post-4292.html 谷歌 10个高明的搜索技巧: http://ifukua.com/post-3084.html 欢迎大家在多交流,希望能交流出更多的方法, 本博文将不定时更新! 最后留几个谷歌目前能用IP地址给大家备用: - 其实百度浏览器和极速浏览器都能解决这些海外技术网站无法访问的问题,用谁的自己看着办,我就不做推荐,根据自己的需求选择。 百度浏览器:http://liulanqi.baidu.com/ 极速浏览器:http://chrome.360.cn/ 相关链接: 使用谷歌学术(Google Scholar)的 8 种方法 Google学术搜索可以帮忙生成参考文献库 科研神器——做科研必备的18个搜索引擎 http://research.iae.ac.cn/web/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=3355 google Scholar高级学术搜索技巧 https://www.google.com/intl/zh-CN/scholar/refinesearch.html 计算机操作系统hosts文件快速攻略 科学网 张慧铭 博客上也有类似的博文。以下内容转自他的一篇博文 若镜像被封锁, 访问 https://github.com/greatfire/wiki 或者 https://tumutanzi.com/archives/12663 下面分享的一些奇葩的Google使用方法,通过下列镜像网址也可以使用Google来搜索–基本上都是用了反代理的原理: 第1种是完全山寨版本,优点是与谷歌搜索结果同步,缺点是不能打开谷歌学术。 1 : http://www.googleout.com/ 2: https://google3.azurewebsites.net/ 3: https://e127f.azurewebsites.net/ http://sssis.com https://ibd.pt/ http://google.0zv.net/ https://xie.lu/ https://jiong.lu/ https://soso.red/ https://google.sqzr.cc/ https://www.lamjoeone.info/ http://www.googleforchina.com/ https://g.net.co/ http://gl.randomk.org/ https://g.keyiso.com/ https://goojie.me/ http://0s.o53xo.m5xw6z3mmuxgizi.erenta.ru/ https://gg.jude.me/ http://www.1220.cc/ https://gg.eeload.com/ https://g.ratafee.nl/ http://g.openibm.com/ http://www.sssis.com/ http://g.ttlsa.com/ 谷歌搜索 https://repigu.com/ 第2种是调用谷歌搜索源,版面可能改了,搜索结果可能滞后,有的能打开谷歌学术。 Google 搜索 http://www.gfsoso.com/ http://www.fqgoogle.com/ http://web.btbook.net/ http://suche.web.de/ http://webwebweb.com/ https://www.gusouk.com/ http://www.wow.com/ http://www.886404.com/ http://verygoogle.com/ http://home.tb.ask.com/index.jhtml https://goog.sinaapp.com/ http://www.xiexingwen.com/ http://www.gvgle.com/ Google IP list - http://tinyurl.com/Google-IPs 谷歌学术搜索 https://scholar.google.com.cn/ 的一些山寨版本 谷歌学术搜索镜像1 http://www.gfsoso.com/scholar 谷歌学术搜索镜像2 http://scholar.glgoo.com/ 谷歌学术搜索镜像3 http://www.fqgoogle.com/Scholar 谷歌学术搜索镜像 http://scholar.google.com.sci-hub.org/ 可免费下载各种国际数据库的论文,不用校园网。 若被封锁, 访问 https://github.com/greatfire/wiki 或者 https://tumutanzi.com/archives/12663 http://www.xiexingwen.com Google镜像,动态检测可用Google服务器IP,实时更新 Google免翻墙镜像 如果镜像被封锁,访问 https://github.com/greatfire/wiki 获得最新网址 http://g.ttlsa.com/ hosts文件配置工具 huhamhire-hosts ( 这是一个帮您科学上网的 hosts 文件) 我们倡导自由的互联网 https://hosts.huhamhire.com/,这是个好东西。 有了它 妈妈再也不用担心 我上不了谷歌了 这是个 稳定上Google的神器。 国内Google非常不稳定,速度慢且经常上不去,通过 huhamhire-hosts ,可以安全稳定地使用Google、Gmail、Google+等平时需要特殊手段才能上去的网站。 huhamhire-hosts 并不会对用户造成安全性问题,只是利用Google在国外的一些稳定服务器来进行访问。 老版本被封杀, 这个软件最新版本在小木虫可以下载,打开 http://emuch.net/bbs/search.php?wd=hostsfid=0uid=2344642mode=1 也就是说在小木虫里面搜索 hosts 由于众所周知的原因,在中国大陆想要访问部分国外网站需要通过某些特殊途径,其实修改hosts文件便能够访问部分被封的网站,此法应该可以满足大多数国人的需求。另外,hosts文件中的地址并非永久有效,随时都有可能被屏蔽,如遇相关情况请及时更新文件,也可暂时采取其他方式访问相关网站。 这里提供了最新可用的hosts文件列表,具体功能包括: 优化 Google 搜索访问 (可选北京服务器及美国服务器) 可访问 G oogle学术,邮箱 可访问 Facebook 可访问 twitter (仅IPv6支持访问) 可访问 YouTube (视频播放仅支持IPv6) 可访问Wiki 屏蔽 Adobe 激活服务器 (支持CC) 屏蔽 Parallels Desktop 7 激活服务器 屏蔽 Altium Designer 10 激活服务器 加速 Google Drive 服务访问 加速 Flickr 与 Dropbox 服务访问 提供 Steam 服务器解析 (适用于非电信网络) 链接地址: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-81613-858482.html
19 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 [转载]Google 镜像站搜集
hylpy1 2016-9-2 18:03
其他搜索 必应: http://cn.bing.com/ 雅虎: https://search.yahoo.com/ 虫部落快搜: http://so.chongbuluo.com/ 原版网页 https://g.alexyang.me/ https://ggss.ml/ https://fuckgfw.ggss.cf/ https://g.zrj766.com/ http://soguge.com/ http://gg.ak47gu.com/ http://gg.yasusj.com/ http://gg.lsdzm.com/ https://g.jikewenku.cn/ http://ss2.prozhi.com/ http://gc.ihuan.me/ https://www.onk6.com/ http://glgoo.jsylhs.com/ https://g.suconghou.cn/ http://www.cdjltz.com/ http://gg.zchybg.com/ http://gg.tcfghl.com/ http://gg.tj-feiyouhuishou.com/ https://ggso.in/ https://www.guge.xxx/ http://xs.hntvchina.com/ 谷歌学术 打开上面任意一个原版网页搜索,在跳转完成成功打开的前提下,在地址栏的地址后面加上 /scholar ,回车。如果出现 Google 学术的界面,就可以使用,如果出现无法访问,就在上面重新更换一个尝试。 https://www.scholar.live/ http://ssdao.cdjltz.com/scholar/ http://xs.chongbuluo.com/ https://www.scholar.live/ http://fcczp.huwaige.com/scholar https://ma.liu.ba/ www.wacao.org 变种网页 https://www.tlss.space/ http://www.g363.com/ 谷歌图片 打开上面任意一个原版网页搜索,在跳转完成成功打开的前提下,在地址栏的地址后面加上 /imghp ,回车。如果出现 Google 图片的界面,就可以使用,如果出现无法访问,就在上面重新更换一个尝试 https://g2.wen.lu/imghp https://www.iamgg.pw/imghp http://ggss.cf/imghp https://go.cccyun.cn/imghp http://vip.cytbj.com/imghp http://google.casejs.com/imghp http://google.kainidi.cn/imghp http://www.vsok.net/imghp https://gg.kfd.me/imghp http://fcczp4.cytbj.com/imghp http://gg3.cytbj.com/imghp http://soguge.com/imghp http://www.wen.lu/imghp http://www.gogfw.com/imghp http://rose.jgoproxy.tk/imghp http://hao.cytbj.com/imghp http://gc.ihuan.me/imghp https://www.scholar.live 谷歌原版网页 http://gg.xafengtu.com/ 谷歌原版学术 http://gg.xafengtu.com/scholar/ 谷歌原版图片 http://gg.xafengtu.com/imghp 谷歌原版视频 http://gg.xafengtu.com/videohp 谷歌原版网页 http://gg.tj-feiyouhuishou.com/ 谷歌原版学术 http://gg.tj-feiyouhuishou.com/scholar/ 谷歌原版图片 http://gg.tj-feiyouhuishou.com/imghp 谷歌原版视频 http://gg.tj-feiyouhuishou.com/videohp 谷歌原版网页 http://www.cdjltz.com/ 谷歌原版学术 http://www.cdjltz.com/scholar/ 谷歌原版图片 http://www.cdjltz.com/imghp 谷歌原版视频 http://www.cdjltz.com/videohp 基于集群的谷歌搜索镜像: https://g.jikewenku.cn https://www.jiuminghu.com https://wikipedia.kfd.me 谷歌原版网页 http://xs.hntvchina.com/ 谷歌原版学术 http://xs.hntvchina.com/scholar/ 谷歌原版图片 http://xs.hntvchina.com/imghp 谷歌原版视频 http://xs.hntvchina.com/videohp http://dir.scmor.com/google/ 本文转自: http://www.itechzero.com/google-mirror-sites-collect.htm IPv6 Google http://ipv6.google.com/ 或 http://ipv6.google.co.jp/ 或 https://www.google.de/ https://kuaiguge.com/ http://www.wanzi138.com/ http://g.yon.hk/ http://www.wanzi138.com/ http://www.gufen138.com/ 谷歌学术搜索(Google Scholar ) 大家可以用这些网址: http://www.xiexingwen.com/ http://www.googto.com http://www.gugesou.cn/ http://www.liu16.com/g.html http://guog.org/ http://gfsoso.99lb.net/ http://so.sciencesoft.cn/ https://gsou.org 学术网(scholarnet.cn)一个非营利的学术网站,提供各类搜素(谷歌—ip直连,谷歌学术—原生镜像),界面简洁,化学类主要数据库罗列齐全,界面简洁,无任何广告 网址:scholarnet.cn 数学学科:scholarnet.cn/math http://saber.pub/ http://x.saber.pub/ http://guge.suanfazu.com/ https://www.google.com.sg/ http://dir.scmor.com/google/ 或者用chrome内核浏览器+谷歌访问助手扩展 Google学术搜索可以帮忙生成参考文献库 使用谷歌学术(Google Scholar)的 8 种方法 授人以鱼不如授人以渔,低成本搭建谷歌镜像 Sci-hub中国整合版上线,再也不怕被屏蔽了 链接地址: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-81613-893054.html
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分享 Say goodbye to Google: 14 alternative search engines
insight 2016-8-29 10:28
https://searchenginewatch.com/2016/02/25/say-goodbye-to-google-14-alternative-search-engines/ Say goodbye to Google: 14 alternative search engines SEO 25 Feb 16 | Christopher Ratcliff 742 487 96 Well it’s been a big week for search, I think we can all agree. If you’re a regular Google user ( 65% of you globally ) then you’ll have noticed some changes, both good and bad. I won’t debate the merits of theseimprovements, we’ve done that already here: Google kills Right Hand Side Ads and here: Google launches Accelerated Mobile Pages , but there’s a definite feeling of vexation that appears to be coming to a head. Deep breath… As the paid search space increases in ‘top-heaviness’, as organic results get pushed further off the first SERP, as the Knowledge Graph scrapes more and more publisher content and continues to make it pointless to click through to a website, and as our longstanding feelings of unfairness over Google’s monopoly and tax balance become more acute, now more than ever we feel there should beanother, viable search engine alternative. There was a point not that long ago when you could easily divide people between those that used Google, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves and AltaVista. Now it’s got to the point where if you’re not using Google, you’re not really using the internet properly. Right now though maybe we should be paying more attention to the alternatives. Maybe our daily lives and, for some of us, careers shouldn’tneed to balance on the fickle algorithm changes of the world’s most valuable company. Let’s see what else is out there in the non-Google world.It’s not that scary, I promise. Although you may want to bring a coat. Please note: this is an update of an article published on SEW in May 2014, we felt like it needed sprucing up especially many of the listed engines (Blekko, Topsy) are no longer with us. Bing Microsoft’s search engine is the second most popular search engine in the world, with 15.8% of the search market. But why should you use Bing? Lifehacker has some great articles where they try to convince themselves as much as anyone else why Bing is a serious contender to Google. Plus points include: Bing’s video search is significantly better than Google’s, giving you a grid of large thumbnails that you can click on to play or preview if you hover over them. Bing often gives twice as many autocomplete suggestions than Google does. Bing can predict when airfares are about to go up or down if you’re searching for flights. Bing also has a feature where if you type linkfromdomain: it will highlight the best ranked outgoing links from that site, helping you figure out which other sites your chosen site links to the most. Also note that Bing powers Yahoo’s search engine. DuckDuckGo The key feature of DuckDuckGo is that it doesn’t retain its users’ data, so it won’t track you or manipulate results based on your behaviour. So if you’re particularly spooked by Google’s all-seeing, all-knowing eye, this might be the one for you. There’s lots more info on DuckDuckGo’s performance here . Quora As Google gets better and better at answering more complicated questions, it will never be able to match the personal touch available with Quora . Ask any question and its erudite community will offer their replies. Or you can choose from any similar queries previously asked. Dogpile Dogpile may look like a search engine you cobbled together with clip-art, but that’s rather the point as it pulls in and ‘curates’ results from various different engines including Google, Yandex and Yahoo, but removes all the ads. Vimeo Of course if you’re going to give up Google, then you’ll also have to give up YouTube, which can be a terrifying prospect. But there is an alternative. And a pretty good one at that… Vimeo . The professional’s choice of video-sharing site, which has lots of HD video and no ads. Yandex This is a Russian portal, offering many similar products and services as Google, and it’s the dominant search engine in Russia . As you can see it offers results in a nice logical format, replete with favicons so you can clearly see the various channels for your branded queries. Boardreader If you want to get into the nitty-gritty of a subject with a variety ofdifferent points of view away from the major publications, Boardreader surfaces results purely from forums, message boards and, of course, Reddit. SHARE THIS ARTICLE 742 487 96 RELATED ARTICLES Five common keyword research mistakes you need to avoid How to make speed a core part of your traffic and conversion strategy 12 video SEO tips to help improve your search rankings Understanding how users, not algorithms, search online will help your SEO WolframAlpha WolframAlpha is a ‘computational knowledge engine’, or super clever nerd to you and me. Ask it to calculate any data or ask it about any fact and it will give you the answer. Plus it does this awesome ‘computing’ thing while it thinks about your answer (which can take a short while.) It’s not always successful, you have to practice how to get the best from it. But at least it’s aware of the terrible 90s television show The Dinosaurs. IxQuick Another search engine that puts its users’ privacy at the forefront. With IxQuick none of your details are stored and no cookies are used. A user can set preferences, but they will be deleted after 90 days of inactivity. Ask.com Oh look… Ask Jeeves is still around. Also he’s no longer a Wodehousian butler, but a computer generated bank manager. Weird. It’s still a slightly mediocre search engine pretending to be a question and answer site, but the ‘Popular QA’ results found on the right hand side are very handy if Jeeves himself can’t satisfy your query. And what a good use of the right-hand side space, huh Google. SlideShare SlideShare is a really handy place to source information from presentations, slide decks, webinars and whatever else you may have missed from not attending a conference. You’ll also be surprised what information you can find there. Addict-o-matic “Inhale the web” with the friendly looking hoover guy by creating your own topic page, which you can bookmark and see results from a huge number of channels in that one page (including Google, Bing News, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr). Creative Commons Search CC Search is particularly handy if you need to find copyright free images for your website (as discussed in this post on image optimisation for SEO ). Just type your query in then click on your chosen site you want to search. Giphy Because really, when it comes down to it, we could imagine a worse dystopian future than one in which we all communicate entirely in Gifs . Christopher Ratcliff is the editor of Search Engine Watch.You can follow him on Twitter: @Christophe_Rock
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分享 15 Ways to Get a Top Google Ranking for Your Small Business
alloon 2016-8-10 16:18
Attend our free webinar August 24 and learn how to create highly profitable direct mail campaigns that will grow your business. Register Now » Having trouble getting your small business site to rank in the search engines? Not even sure where to start?This post will provide you with 15 simple hacks to ensure your site is properly optimized and starts ranking as soon as possible. These hacks have helped me to go from a startup to having millions of online visitors tomy site each month in less than a year. If you're an ecommerce or local business, make sure to stick around to the end of the post. I've included some special hacks just for you! 1. Write long-form content. There is a correlation between longer content (2000+ words) and high rankings. Think about topics that are particularly relevant to your target audience, then create in-depth blog posts that cover every angle of that subject. Several studies have been done on how long your content should be to rank . All have show that to rank in the top10 pages of Google, you should have at least 1100+ words on the page. 2. Upload a sitemap for Google. An XML sitemap shows Google exactly what's on your site. You can easily createand upload one to your site using XML Sitemap Generator . 3. Make sure you're using 301 redirects, not 302s. 301s indicate that your content has permanently moved, and that all SEO "juice" and rankings should be redistributed to the new page. 4. Don't inadvertently block Google from accessing your site. If you're not receiving any search traffic, check the section of your site and look for something like this:.Also look throughyour robots.txt file for something like this: User-agent: * Disallow: / Both of these directives tell the search engines not to crawl or index your site. All the SEO hacks in the world won't help until you remove these. Related: Don't Be a Content Marketing Dinosaur -- 5 Must-Haves to Stay Current 5. Optimize for mobile. Google's Mobile-Friendly tool can help with this. If your site isn't mobile-friendly, you'll needto switch to a responsive design, mobile app or dedicated mobile site. If you're using Wordpress, you can install theplugin WPTouch to automatically switch to a mobile theme for your mobile visitors. 6. Your site needs toload quickly on all devices. Use Google's PageSpeed Insights to see how quickly your site's main pages load. If you find they're taking too long, here is a list of 10 ways to speed up your site . 7. Use descriptiveURLs. Your URLs should always be static and should use descriptive keywords, not just random letters or numbers (such as you'd find with dynamic URLs). 8. Use a .com domain if possible. My friends at Searchmetrics have concluded 84% of top-ranking pages use .com as their top-level domain (TLD). Don't worry too much about using your keywords in your domain name; using your URL for branding purposes is much more important. 9. Use internal linking to refer users and search engines to related products or content. Don't worry about artificially incorporating keyword-rich anchor textto rank for specific keywords. Instead, focus on using natural anchor text that would make the most sense to your readers. 10. Keep your most important content on your root domain. Most top-ranking pages sit on a site's root domain,rather than on a subdomain. Related: The 4 Easiest Ways to Supercharge Your Social-Media Marketing 11. Title tags still matter. Ensure each page of your site uses a unique, descriptive title tag to tell users and the search engines what the page is about. Consult the HTML Improvements report in your Google Webmaster account to see if there are any potential issues with your site's title tags. 12. Use schema.org to show rich snippets in search. By adding this markup to your site, you giveGoogle a better sense of what your site is about, and ensure rich snippets are displayed alongside your site in the search results. Here is a great overview of what rich snippets are and how to use them. 13. Write a blog . Having a basic business website is great, but regularly adding unique, relevant content to a blog on your site will give you thebest chance of attracting search traffic. Find out what topics your prospects and customers are interested in, and write long-form content that addresses these issues. If at all possible, keep your blog on your business site's root domain (e.g., www.yoursite.com/blog) rather than on a separate domain. 14. Find and use relevant keywords. Keywords don't hold the same level of importance they did even a few years ago. That said, keyword research is still a goodway to find popular, relevant topics to include on your site. For step-by-step guidance on this, see my content marketing guide . 15. Content marketing is key to search rankings. Creating and distributing high-quality content via your blog (see #13), social media and email list is the key to achieving and sustaining high rankings, building trust with your prospects and ultimately, for increasing sales. Instead of focusing exclusively on optimizing your content for the search engines, take aholistic approach tocreate and promoteexcellent, well-researched content that both the search engines and your readers will love.
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分享 google、google学术及其文献获取方法汇总!
hylpy1 2015-8-3 14:53
google可用链接: http://scholar.glgoo.com/ http://sepu.org/ http://secure.hjc.im/ http://www.glgoo.com/ https://xie.lu/ http://duliziyou.com/ http://www.xiexingwen.com/ http://www.gfsoso.com/ http://www.googleforchina.com/index_desktop.html http://scholar.glgoo.com/ https://www.booo.so/ google学术搜索网页:http://scholar.google.com.cn/ wiley 数据库账号: 格拉斯哥大学 账号 luoyanbuwoyehui@163.com 密码 946635121 XX大学 账号 shiluodemaya125@163.com 密码 946635121 MIT 账号 shiluodemaya126@163.com 密码 946635121
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分享 研究生期间应该明确的50件事情
CainVampire 2015-5-19 13:02
又到了保研面试的时候,还望有志于读研的童鞋们放松心态,冷静应对。读研既不是逃避就业压力的避风港,也不是通向学术圣殿的独木桥。读研是为了向外发现更大的世界,也是为了向内寻找真实的自己。 50 件事,与所有将要读研和已经读研的你共勉。   你还没有完全踏入社会,但你也不能容许自己的青涩。    “ 应知学问难,在乎点滴勤。 ”—— 陈毅   关于学术:   阅读文献,始于今日。很多研究人员花一半的时间阅读文献,阅读可以很快地从别人的工作中学到很多东西。   学习时间管理的方法,订计划,执行计划。这个习惯会让你终身受益。   学习怎么使用 google scholar 和各类数据库,还包括各类搜索方法。   能把自己的观点说清楚,口头 + 书面。   读读那些写作高超的书,并思考作者的句法运用。你会发现不知不觉地,你已经吸收了作者的风格。要成为写作高手,需要付出颇多,历经数年,期间还要忍受和认真对待他人的批评。除此之外,并无捷径可走。   学好英语,不学二外。如今不论去日本还是欧洲,学术交流早已是英语的天下。你不必为看不懂一篇法语的文章而遗憾,写那篇文章的人正在为没学好英语而犯愁。如果英文尚未精通,暂且不要去学二外。   能够顺利地写出专业英语论文,基本不要翻译软件。   进入一个领域最简单也是最有效的办法是找一本这个领域最早的论述专著或教材,不可以在网上乱搜论文。否则,你会感到,看了 20 篇文章,对这个领域的认识还没有形成。   建立合理的知识结构:尽量广地涉猎学科基本知识,尽量深地了解研究领域方方面面、过去和现在。   掌握独立研究的方法和技能:尽量多的学习各种研究方法,熟练掌握研究过程和步骤。   学会写论文 : 写论文不仅是训练表达能力,更是训练思维的逻辑性。论文体例虽是八股,但却是整理思路、与他人沟通的有效结构,不可不尊重。   无论做研究还是做工程,不要期待导师给你太多的指导,这点全世界都一样,不要抱怨,独立解决问题的能力就是这样锻炼出来的。好的导师能够在大方向上给一些意见,但具体的工作是需要自己去做的。   尝试与不同研究组、实验室人员、不同学术领域的人交换论文,使自己成为没有联系的两个科研组交流的桥梁,很快的,你的桌子上就会冒出一大摞相关的论文。   很多科学家都有做科研笔记的习惯,你也应该这样。   写下自己的想法是很好的调整思路的方式。你会经常地发现自以为很完美的想法一旦写下来就显得语无伦次。    “ 志向不过是记忆的奴隶,生气勃勃地出世,但却很难成长。 ”—— 莎士比亚   关于成长:   争取每一个能让自己能力增强的机会(实习,比赛之类的),要努力争取实习机会,和导师好好商量。三个月的相关领域的实习会对能力的帮助很大,对找好的工作也是一个有利的筹码。   不要鄙视成功学是为渴望 “ 名利成功 ” 但没思路的人准备的。《高效能人士的七个习惯》、《要事第一》、《人性的弱点》等书籍也能为你建立起积极的心态和高效的习惯。   害怕失败会使一切变得更加困难。如果发现自己无法完成工作,问问自己是否是在逃避。这种情况没有办法避免,但要认识到失败和浪费也是研究过程的一部分。   更加理解和疼爱父母,争取更多的时间陪他们。   只有一条路不能选择那就是放弃的路;只有一条路不能抗拒那就是成长的路。    “ 行走,这是我的心理治疗。 ”—— 朱德庸   关于心态:   不要因为别人而左右自己的内心。有人月薪翻番了,有人升职了,这些都跟你无关。更不能因此后悔自己读研的决定,安心读书、学术,你会收获内心的宁静。   不要随随便便拿两个人来比,只看到他所得到的,却看不到他所失去的,这有什么意义?   正确面对困境,用辩证的眼光去看问题。   如果你学的专业,中国不是最好的,那么请好好学英语,请不要说什么英语教育是毒瘤之类的话。研究生毕业前,准备好一份英文简历,也要达到能够进行英语面试的能力。   不管现在的专业是不是热门,或者多么地不堪,一旦不爱自己的专业,自甘平庸,那毕业的时候真的死定了。不管多烂的专业,先爱她,然后学好。   扩大知识面,做好踏入社会的准备。   对自己的职业有初步的规划和想法,有些事情自己不想,没有人替你想。   若倾向就业,要在平衡学术的基础上增加实习经历和实践经验;若倾向继续学术,则也应考虑好是出国还是考博,并做相应的准备。   个人心理管理就是经常的自我心态调整。知足长乐、量力而行。   凡事都是都有它存在的理由,不要经常有抱怨。   不要抱怨课程无聊,老师讲的不好。读到研究生,没有自学能力还不如退学。   研究生毕业不见得能找到好工作,好工作是给能力强的人,不是给学历高的人,见到 NB 的本科生,也要虚心学习。   研究生面临着比较大的生存压力,但是要平衡自己的方向,在没有生存威胁的情况下,要专注于学习。   在校研究生 100 万,在我国整个人口结构中占的比例是非常低的。研究生仍然是社会的精英群体,既然是精英群体,就要有责任感和使命感。   从来就没有太晚的时候。很多人老是说自己基础如何如何差,担心搞不定。有这种心态是很自然的,但是不要因此而否定自己的能力。    “ 一个永远不欣赏别人的人,也就是一个永远也不被别人欣赏的人。 ”—— 汪国真   关于社交:   努力做一个善良的人,学着改变自己,控制自己的欲望,善待你周围的人。   有一帮不错的朋友,能够互相帮助。   和别人讨论的时候,先理解别人的观点,学会聆听。   别人没有义务来帮助你,不管是师兄还是同学,最可靠的人永远是自己。别人帮助你,要表示感谢,并努力帮助别人。别人不帮助你,也不要抱怨。   学会把握与他人之间的距离    “ 有两种东西丧失后才发现它们的价值:青春和健康。 ”—— 阿拉伯谚语   关于身体:   养成锻炼身体的习惯, 30 岁以前你找病, 30 岁以后病找你。   培养一项体育爱好,并坚持下去。   每天吃早餐。   少吃油腻的快餐食品。   尽量减少咖啡的饮用,更不要对其养成依赖。    “ 生活是一种绵延不绝的渴望,渴望不断上升,变得更伟大而高贵。 ”—— 杜伽尔   关于生活:   不断的培养自己的良好的习惯,要相信连续坚持一件事情 21 天你就会拥有这个好习惯。   每天看书。除本专业的相关书籍外,看半个小时其它方面的书:经济学,管理学,各类励志书籍。还可以看看一些牛人的博客。   养成写东西的习惯。定期写博客是一个好办法,写作是一个锻炼自己逻辑思维能力的好办法。   培养游戏之外的一些爱好,如运动、手工等。研究和娱乐要相结合。   疯狂做兼职是没有自信的表现。不要为暂时的困难所束缚,尤其是不要被眼前一时的较小的物质利益所蒙蔽。   (来源:北京大学深圳研究生院)
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分享 收藏日记 10-April-2015 写论文必备的17个学术搜索引擎
kychan 2015-4-10 20:19
写论文必备的17个学术搜索引擎 学术搜索是一项免费服务,可以帮助快速寻找学术资料,如专家评审文献、论文、书籍、预印本、摘要以及技术报告。以下为您介绍17个学术搜索引擎。   1.Google Scholar   Google 推出的免费学术搜索工具,可以帮助用户快速查找学术资料,包括来自学术著作出版商、专业性社团、预印本、各大学及其他学术组织的经同行评论的文章、论文、图书、摘要和技术报告。   2.SciVerse   从2010年8月28日起,ScienceDirect、Scopus 以及 Scirus 的特定网页内容已整合到一个称为 SciVerse 的平台中。那么,SciVerse是什么呢?概括起来讲,就是海量科研信息的一个一站式集散平台。这个平台,将帮助科研人员实现“少量搜索,更多信息”,而且,这些信息都是与科研相关的信息。就像文章题目所显示的那样,SciVerse整合了包括SD、Scopus以及Scirus的信息,形成一个“SciVerse Hub”(SciVerse中心)。除此之外,SD用户以及Scopus用户依然可以享受之前的服务,它们将与“SciVerse Hub”一起形成SciVerse的三大部分“SciVerse ScienceDirect”、“SciVerse Scopus”、“SciVerse Hub”   3.web of science/web of knowledge   Web of Science是美国Thomson Scientific(汤姆森科技信息集团)基于WEB开发的产品,是大型综合性、多学科、核心期刊引文索引数据库,包括三大引文数据库(科学引文索引(Science Citation Index,简称SCI)、社会科学引文索引(Social Sciences Citation Index,简称SSCI)和艺术与人文科学引文索引(Arts Humanities Citation Index,简称AHCI))和两个化学信息事实型数据库(Current Chemical Reactions,简称CCR和Index Chemicus,简称IC),以及科学引文检索扩展版(Science Ciation Index Expanded,SCIE)、科技会议文献引文索引(ConferenceProceedings Citation Idex-Science,CPCI-S)和社会科学以及人文科学会议文献引文索引(ConferenceProceedings Citation index-Social ScienceHumanalities,CPCI-SSH)三个引文数据库,以ISI Web ofKnowledge作为检索平台。   4.OALIB.com(开放图书馆)   OALIB,全称Open Access Library,中文名开放图书馆。它是检索全世界所有学术期刊数据库的搜索引擎。它由美国科研出版社赞助。现已检索学术文献超过200万篇,检索操作简单涵盖领域包括生物、化学、物理、工程、医学、社会学、经济学、计算机科学等所有学科。它在网上提供完全免费的服务,包括查看摘要,引用,加入收藏,PDF免费下载。操作十分简单。学者还能通过该平台发表自己的论文,成为开放图书馆的作者之一,并让自己的文章被全世界所有学者看到。它也是谷歌学术的重要内容提供者,谷歌学术已索引其上百万篇论文。是笔者较为推荐的一个数据库。   5.ResearchIndex   ResearchIndex 又名CiteSeer ,是NEC 研究院在自动引文索引AutonomousCitation Indexing ,ACI 机制基础上建设的一个学术论文数字图书馆,它提供了一种通过引文链接检索文献的方式,目标是从多个方面促进学术文献的传播与反馈。ResearchIndex 检索互联网上Postscript 和PDF 文件格式的学术论文。目前在其数据库中可检索到超过500000 篇论文。主要涉及计算机科学领域,涉及的主题包括互联网分析与检索、数字图书馆与引文索引、机器学习、神经网络、语音识别、人脸识别、元搜索引擎、音频/ 音乐等。 ResearchIndex 在网上提供完全免费的服务包括下载PS 或PDF 格式的全文,系统已实现全天24 小时实时更新。   6.CNKI   CNKI 即是中国知识基础设施工程(China National Knowledge Infrastructure)。CNKI工程是以实现全社会知识资源传播共享与增值利用为目标的信息化建设项目,由清华大学、清华同方发起,始建于1999年6月。   7.万方数据   Information 万方数据ilib 是万方数据股份有限公司旗下的专业学术搜索平台,隶属于万方数据资源系统。它是Google Scholar 和Yahoo !奇摩学术搜索重要的内容提供者,平均每周新增文献5 万余篇。   Information ilib 提供一般检索、关键词检索和按学科分类浏览三种检索形式,检索结果显示标题、作者、出处、年期、关键词、摘要及参考文献等详细信息,但是获取全文需要付费。   8.INFOMINE   INFOMINE 是为大学教师、学生和研究人员建立的网络学术资源虚拟图书馆。它建于1994 年,由加利福尼亚大学、威克福斯特大学、加利福尼亚州立大学、底特律- 麦西大学等多家大学或学院的图书馆联合建立。它拥有电子期刊、电子图书、公告栏、邮件列表、图书馆在线目录、研究人员人名录,以及其他类型的信息资源40000 多个。INFOMINE 对所有用户免费开放,但是它提供的资源站点并不都是免费的,能否免费使用,取决于用户所在图书馆是否拥有该资源的使用权。   9.Intute   Intute 是一个免费、便捷、强劲的搜索工具,由英国高等教育资助理事会下的信息系统联合委员会JISC 和艺术与人文研究委员会AHRC 开发建立,专注于教学、研究方面的网络资源。所收录的信息资源都是经过行业专家选择和评审的,从而保证了其质量。目前数据库信息已达120060 条。   Intute 共设四大领域:科学与技术、艺术与人文、社会科学、健康与生命科学。各个领域下又包含诸多学科,以科学与技术类为例,覆盖了天文、化学、物理、工程、计算、地理、数学、地球科学、环境以及交叉学科,信息达33806 条。   Intute 的检索功能包括基本检索、高级检索和分学科浏览三种方式。Intute 支持布尔逻辑语,可以用“and” ,“or” ,“not” 限定检索条件,检索词可以是题名、关键词或领域描述。   10.OAIster   OAIster 是密歇根大学开发维护的一个优秀的开放存取搜索引擎,收集了来自536 家学术机构的590 万篇文档,包括开放使用期刊的文章、工作论文、讨论文章、会议论文和学位论文。可按关键词、题名、创作者、主题或资源类型进行检索。检索结果含资源描述和该资源链接。   11.Information Bridge   Information Bridge 是由美国能源部DOE 下属的科学与技术信息办公室OSTI 开发维护的搜索工具,提供美国能源部1994 年以来研究成果的全文文献和目录索引,涉及的学科领域包括物理、化学、材料、生物、环境科学、能源技术、工程、计算机与情报科学和可再生能源等。检索功能有基本检索和高级检索两种。   12.Find Articles   Information Find Articles 提供多种顶极刊物的上千万篇论文,涵盖艺术与娱乐、汽车、商业与经融、计算机与技术、健康与健身、新闻与社会、科学教育、体育等各个方面的内容,大部分为免费全文资料,检索操作简单。   13.百度文档搜索   Information 百度文档搜索可以查找以Word 、PowerPoint 、PDF 等格式存在的研究报告、论文、课件等各类文件。它支持对Office 文档包括Word 、 Excel 、Powerpoint 、Adobe PDF 文档、RTF 文档进行了全文搜索。搜索时,在检索词后面加一个“filetype :” 来限定文档类型。“filetype :” 后面可以跟以下文件格式:DOC 、XLS 、PPT 、PDF 、RTF 、ALL 。其中,ALL 表示搜索所有这些文件类型。在搜索结果页面,点击结果标题,可以直接下载该文档,也可以点击标题后的“html 版” 快速查看该文档的网页格式内容。   14.Base-Search   BASE是德国比勒费尔德(Bielefeld)大学图书馆开发的一个多学科的学术搜索引擎,提供对全球异构学术资源的集成检索服务。它整合了德国比勒费尔德大学图书馆的图书馆目录和大约160 个开放资源(超过200 万个文档)的数据。   15.Vascoda   Vascoda是一个交叉学科门户网站的原型,它注重特定主题的聚合,集成了图书馆的收藏、文献数据库和附加的学术内容。   16.OJOSE   OJOSE (Online Journal Search Engine,在线期刊搜索引擎)是一个强大的免费科学搜索引擎,通过OJOSE,你能查找、下载或购买到近60个数据库的资源。但是感觉操作比较复杂。   17.cnpLINKer   为了给读者用户提供一个方便快捷的查阅国外各类期刊文献的综合网络平台,中图公司组织开发了cnpLINKer(cnpiec LINK service)在线数据库检索系统,并正式开通运行。cnpLINKer即“中图链接服务”,目前主要提供约3600种国外期刊的目次和文摘的查询检索、电子全文链接及期刊国内馆藏查询功能.并时时与国外出版社保持数据内容的一致性和最新性.
个人分类: 收藏日记|25 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Google学术不能用的解决方法
accumulation 2015-3-1 21:33
进入C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc,找到hosts,用文本文档打开,在最下面加上以下几行,保存。 scholar.google.com 然后谷歌学术都可以用了。
个人分类: 原子核物理|23 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Gadgets to make you a superhuman
science21 2014-9-26 00:48
Wearable gadgets -- from Google Glass to the Apple ( AAPL , Tech30 ) Watch -- are here to stay. But it's not yet clear what purpose many of these wearable gizmos will serve. They're marketed as everything from second screens for your smartphone to fitness trackers to personal assistants. Meanwhile, there's a less talked-about group of wearable gadgets that has a clear, futuristic purpose: To turn people into superhumans by amplifying their senses and abilities. Many of these gizmos are prototypes, but they paint a portrait of a future in which gadgets hack people -- not the other way around. Related: Apple unveils the Apple Watch Sight: A group of British designers developed a mask called Eidos that allows people to see movement better. The device overlays what you're seeing now with images that it recorded just a few milliseconds ago. The effect is a kind of time-lapse video, only in real time. Eidos allows you to see moving objects more clearly and determine patterns in them. For instance, a rower or golfer could trace her ideal stroke, or security professionals could better track suspicious activity. Hearing: SoundHawk is a kind of a hearing aid on steroids. The wearable device doesn't just amplify all sounds like a traditional hearing aid -- it cuts through background noise, focusing on the speech of the person you want to hear. An app lets you tune the device to listen for specific sounds you'd like to make louder (say, your wife), and reduces other sounds. And Eidos makes another mask that works like SoundHawk. It doesn't look nearly as inconspicuous, but it has the same basic function. Strength: The Ekso body suit is a kind of robotic exoskeleton that gives people super strength. It's kind of like a real-life Iron Man suit. Perhaps one day Ekso will be used to make ordinary people into superhumans. Today, Ekso is marketed for people with traumatic injuries, including victims of strokes, spinal cord injuries or disease and brain injuries. The suit works by powering steps when the wearer shifts his or her weight. Motors push the legs forward . Health: Google ( GOOGL , Tech30 ) , Microsoft ( MSFT , Tech30 ) and some other companies are developing smart contact lenses that measure the glucose levels in diabetics' tears. If successful, the contacts could help to eliminate one of the most painful and intrusive daily routines of diabetics. The prototype contacts are outfitted with tiny wireless chips and glucose sensors, sandwiched between two lenses. They are able to measure blood sugar levels once per second. Google is working on putting LED lights inside its lenses that would flash when those levels are too low or high. Wear all these devices, and you can become a real-life bionic woman. Or a $6 million man -- only for much less.
24 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The rise of big data brings tremendous possibilities and frightening perils
science21 2014-9-22 02:53
Debates are raging about whether big data still holds the promise that was expected or whether it was just a big bust. The failure of the much-hyped Google Flu Trends to accurately predict peak flu levels since August 2011 has heightened the concerns. In my mind, there is no doubt that data analytics will one day help to improve health care and crime detection, design better products, and improve traffic patterns and agricultural yields. My concern is about how we will one day use all the data we are gathering—and the skeletons it will uncover. Think about how DNA technology is being used to free people who were wrongfully imprisoned decades ago. Imagine what supercomputers of the future will be able to do with the data that present-day data gatherers haven’t yet learned to use. Over the centuries, we gathered data on things such as climate, demographics, and business and government transactions. Our farmers kept track of the weather so that they would know when to grow their crops; we had land records so that we could own property; and we developed phone books so that we could find people. About 15 years ago we started creating Web pages on the Internet. Interested parties started collecting data about what news we read, where we shopped, what sites we surfed, what music we listened to, what movies we watched, and where we traveled to. With the advent of LinkedIn, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and many other social-media tools, we began to volunteer private information about our work history and social and business contacts and what we like—our food, entertainment, even our sexual preferences and spiritual values. Today, data are accumulating at exponentially increasing rates. There are more than 100 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, and even more video is being collected worldwide through the surveillance cameras that you see everywhere. Mobile-phone apps are keeping track of our every movement: everywhere we go; how fast we move; what time we wake. Soon, devices that we wear or that are built into our smartphones will monitor our body’s functioning; our sequenced DNA will reveal the software recipe for our physical body. The NSA has been mining our phone metadata and occasionally listening in; marketers are correlating information about our gender, age, education, location, and socioeconomic status and using this to sell more to us; and politicians are fine-tuning their campaigns.
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分享 Google 告别 MySQL 移步 MariaDB
Lisrelchen 2014-8-4 21:42
近日,谷歌高级系统工程师对其数据库MySQL生态系统现状的展示中显示,谷歌的数据库已大部分由MySQL迁移至MariaDB,这是MySQL被Oracle收购后又一次被重量级用户抛弃。  据悉,在上周的斯坦福大学大型数据库会议上,谷歌高级系统工程师Jeremy Cole透露,谷歌的开源数据中心将由MySQL迁移至MariaDB。虽然此消息不是由谷歌官方公布,但Cole表示,为了让MariaDB更有效,Google正在致力于对它的升级和修补,用以迁移Google上万的MySQL实例。   根据演示文稿,Cole说道“我们当前运行的 MySQL5.1版已经有点过时,所以要迁移至 MariaDB 10.0”。   另外,SkySQL(MariaDB所属的公司名)表示,今年年初,谷歌已经开始与MariaDB基金会达成协作,此次迁移将涉及到上万台的MySQL服务器,两家公司共同致力于MariaDB可靠性及功能特性的研发。   由于MySQL受Oracle的控制,在数据更新上显得封闭又被动,并且MySQL 数据库社区必须嵌入Oracle的开源数据库,才能获得它的技术支持。为了摆脱此束缚,苹果、维基百科等重量级用户先后迁移数据,转战他方,而此次又一互 联网巨头的迁移,对于当下的人气之王MySQL来说着实是个不小的打击。   目前改用 MariaDB 的包括有:   Fedora Project:2013年元月,Fedora Project开始征集用户使用MariaDB的意向。而在夏季的 Fedora 19 中,Fedora Project已经换用 MariaDB成为依赖软件的默认选择。   Slackware Linux:2013年3月23日,最古老的Linux发行版Slackware Linux也宣布使用MariaDB替代MySQL,因为MariaDB社区更有活力也更愿意和开源社区合作。   Arch Linux:2013年3月25日,Arch Linux发出公告使用MariaDB代替MySQL,并于1个月内完成转换,由于多种原因,更新需手动执行。   Red Hat:2013年6月,Red Hat宣布企业版发行版RHEL 7将用MariaDB替代MySQL。而在今年早些时候,Red Hat的社区发行版 Fedora已宣布从MySQL 切换到MariaDB。
个人分类: SQL|15 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Google
fanfan20 2014-7-15 03:13
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分享 GOOGLE并购进入机器人行业引发的思考
兰亭雅叙 2014-7-11 13:39
GOOGLE 进入机器人行业引发的思考。谷歌连续 兼并收购 8 家机器人公司,终极目标旨在打造能够成为人类随身助理的机器人。当前,机器人行业正经历上世纪 80 年代个人电脑式发展,全球正向 PR 时代迈进。目前中国各细分领域的龙头企业和下游应用公司正积极通过 并购 途径,迅速进入机器人市场。华然咨询是致力于智能制造装备方面的 投资咨询 公司。 工业机器人:中国成为最大市场 , 行业进入高增长期。全球自动化趋势加速。 2013 年中国工业机器人市场规模 300 亿元 ( 全球 1800 亿元 ) ,行业增速 40%, 中国成为全球最大市场,迎来一波景气周期。国内需求至少 85 万台,至 2020 年前复合增速有望超 30% 。拐点到来,中国机器人产业化发展进入机遇期 , 本土企业占比大幅提高至 27% 。从产业链角度 , 有 3 大趋势: 1) 路径角度 , 本土企业可走系统集成包围本土之路; 2) 应用角度 , 本土企业弯道超车可望赢得蓝海市场; 3) 市场角度,关注低附加值制造业 , 掘金千亿级自动化改造蓝海市场。 服务机器人:人工智能是方向,开启千亿级美元的全球 PR 时代。全球服务机器人 2013 年市场规模 288 亿元,行业增速 17% 。产业化早期 , 功能简单的 家用机器人和医疗机器人、军事机器人、 AGV 会率先实现产业化。家用服务机器人,仅空巢家庭就可望催生千亿级市场 ; 专业机器人中的医疗机器人和无人机逐渐成熟,催生千亿级市场。后期服务机器人将与智能家居、智能穿戴等跨界结合 , 带来更大规模的商机。 他山之石:借鉴海外 , 探寻成功之路。以海外优势企业为蓝本,工业机器人最初起源于机器人产业链上下游相关企业 , 最 终上规模的机器人企业大都是以本体业务为核心的综合型企业。并购基金投资中长期看好能研制出适合中国市场需求的机器人本体的国内企业,中国应可诞生百亿级 的本土机器人公司。服务机器人,全球均处于产业化早期,需各个突破。功能简单的家用机器人和医疗机器人已率先实现产业化,并诞生出优质企业。任何一个细分 领域的突破 , 将意味数十亿市场空间。
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分享 Are You Targeted By The NSA?
insight 2014-7-4 16:21
Are You Targeted By The NSA? Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/03/2014 16:01 -0400 Apple Erste ETC FBI Germany Google Newspaper PrISM The Onion lang: en_U in Share 3 Meet XKeyscore - "a computer network exploitation system", as described in an NSA presentation, devoted to gathering "nearly everything a user does on the internet." The German site Das Erste has exposed the shocking truth about the rules used by the NSA to decide who is a "target" for surveillance. While the NSA claims to only "target" a small fraction of internet users, the perhaps unsurprising truth is very different. As Boing Boing concludes , one expert suggested that the NSA's intention here was to separate the sheep from the goats -- to split the entire population of the Internet into "people who have the technical know-how to be private" and "people who don't" and then capture all the communications from the first group. As Das Erste describes it, The NSA program XKeyscore is a collection and analysis tool and "a computer network exploitation system", as described in an NSA presentation. It is one of the agency’s most ambitious programs devoted to gathering "nearly everything a user does on the internet." The source code contains several rules that enable agents using XKeyscore to surveil privacy-conscious internet users around the world. The rules published here are specifically directed at the infrastructure and the users of the Tor Network, the Tails operating system, and other privacy-related software. And Cory Doctorow of Boing Boing summarizes, In a shocking story on the German site Tagesschau ( Google translate ), Lena Kampf, Jacob Appelbaum and John Goetz report on the rules used by the NSA to decide who is a "target" for surveillance. Since the start of the Snowden story in 2013, the NSA has stressed that while it may intercept nearly every Internet user's communications, it only "targets" a small fraction of those, whose traffic patterns reveal some basis for suspicion. Targets of NSA surveillance don't have their data flushed from the NSA's databases on a rolling 48-hour or 30-day basis, but are instead retained indefinitely. The authors of the Tagesschau story have seen the "deep packet inspection" rules used to determine who is considered to be a legitimate target for deep surveillance, and the results are bizarre. According to the story, the NSA targets anyone who searches for online articles about Tails -- like this one that we published in April, or this article for teens that I wrote in May -- or Tor (The Onion Router, which we've been posted about since 2004 ). Anyone who is determined to be using Tor is also targeted for long-term surveillance and retention. Tor and Tails have been part of the mainstream discussion of online security, surveillance and privacy for years. It's nothing short of bizarre to place people under suspicion for searching for these terms. More importantly, this shows that the NSA uses "targeted surveillance" in a way that beggars common sense. It's a dead certainty that people who heard the NSA's reassurances about "targeting" its surveillance on people who were doing something suspicious didn't understand that the NSA meant people who'd looked up technical details about systems that are routinely discussed on the front page of every newspaper in the world. But it's not the first time the NSA has deployed specialized, highly counterintuitive wordsmithing to play games with the public, the law and its oversight. From James Clapper's insistence that he didn't lie to Congress about spying on Americans because he was only intercepting all their data, but not looking at it all; to the internal wordgames on evidence in the original Prism leak in which the NSA claimed to have "direct access" to servers from Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, etc, even though this "direct access" was a process by which the FBI would use secret warrants to request information from Internet giants without revealing that the data was destined for the NSA. I have known that this story was coming for some time now, having learned about its broad contours under embargo from a trusted source. Since then, I've discussed it in confidence with some of the technical experts who have worked on the full set of Snowden docs, and they were as shocked as I was. One expert suggested that the NSA's intention here was to separate the sheep from the goats -- to split the entire population of the Internet into "people who have the technical know-how to be private" and "people who don't" and then capture all the communications from the first group. Another expert said that s/he believed that this leak may come from a second source, not Edward Snowden, as s/he had not seen this in the original Snowden docs; and had seen other revelations that also appeared independent of the Snowden materials. If that's true, it's big news, as Snowden was the first person to ever leak docs from the NSA. The existence of a potential second source means that Snowden may have inspired some of his former colleagues to take a long, hard look at the agency's cavalier attitude to the law and decency. * * * And just this week it was all found perfectly legal... But it appears the US continues to make friends wherever it goes... The German attorney Thomas Stadler, who specializes in IT law, commented: " The fact that a German citizen is specifically traced by the NSA, in my opinion, justifies the reasonable suspicion of the NSA carrying out secret service activities in Germany. For this reason, the German Federal Public Prosecutor should look into this matter and initiate preliminary proceedings. " So now you know - you are all being watched... Average: 4.94737 Your rating: None Average: 4.9 ( 19 votes)
个人分类: exceptional american|16 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Bubbly
too1813 2014-2-27 17:35
无论在Google还是Baidu上查Bubbly,每次最先出现的解释都是“起泡的”,顿时觉得很奇怪,是不是专辑上翻译错了?细查才知道为什么bubbly face的翻译是“阳光般甜美的脸庞”。 好歌曲总是让人听后回味无穷,总想轻轻哼唱....... 初听感觉她的声音很深,很纯也很有质感,让人有种闲怡自在的感觉,没有负担,没有压力。然后, 突然觉得很熟悉,听着有种欲罢不能的感觉,有五六十年代的味道,但也不失现代元素....... Bubbly
18 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How The NSA Spies On Your Google And Yahoo Accounts
insight 2013-10-31 11:18
How The NSA Spies On Your Google And Yahoo Accounts Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/30/2013 15:17 -0400 Google PrISM in Share 5 It's quite simple really, and as the WaPo explains , the NSA "has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and interviews with knowledgeable officials. By tapping those links, the agency has positioned itself to collect at will from among hundreds of millions of user accounts, many of them belonging to Americans. The NSA does not keep everything it collects, but it keeps a lot ." In a nutshell - 181,280,466 new records in 1 month: According to a top secret accounting dated Jan. 9, 2013, NSA’s acquisitions directorate sends millions of records every day from Yahoo and Google internal networks to data warehouses at the agency’s Fort Meade headquarters. In the preceding 30 days, the report said, field collectors had processed and sent back 181,280,466 new records — ranging from “metadata,” which would indicate who sent or received e-mails and when, to content such as text, audio and video. The NSA’s principal tool to exploit the data links is a project called MUSCULAR, operated jointly with the agency’s British counterpart, GCHQ. From undisclosed interception points, the NSA and GCHQ are copying entire data flows across fiber-optic cables that carry information between the data centers of the Silicon Valley giants. The infiltration is especially striking because the NSA, under a separate program known as PRISM, has front-door access to Google and Yahoo user accounts through a court-approved process. So, front door for whatever the "court" allows, back door MUSCULAR for everything else. Visually: It gets better: In an NSA presentation slide on “Google Cloud Exploitation,” however, a sketch shows where the “Public Internet” meets the internal “Google Cloud” where their data resides. In hand-printed letters, the drawing notes that encryption is “added and removed here!” The artist adds a smiley face, a cheeky celebration of victory over Google security. Two engineers with close ties to Google exploded in profanity when they saw the drawing. “I hope you publish this,” one of them said. And a comprehensive schematic: Keith Alexander's response was simple: it would be illegal for the NSA to break into Google or Yahoo databases. Because the threshold of illegality always stopped the NSA before and because spies never lie... Average: 4.916665 Your rating: None Average: 4.9 ( 24 votes) !-- - advertisements - .AR_2 .ob_empty {display: none;} .AR_2 .rec-link {color: #565656;text-decoration: none;font-size: 12px;} .AR_2 .rec-link:hover {color: #565656;text-decoration: underline;font-size: 12px;} .AR_2 {float: left;width:50%} .AR_2 li {list-style: none outside none !important;font-size: 10px;padding-bottom: 10px;line-height: 13px;margin:0;} .AR_2 .ob_org_header {color: #000000;text-decoration:bold; margin-left: 0px; font-size:14px;line-height:35px;} .AR_3 .rec-link {color: #565656;text-decoration: none;font-size: 12px;} .AR_3 .rec-link:hover {color: #565656;text-decoration: underline;font-size: 12px;} .AR_3 .rec-src-link {font-size: 12px;} .AR_3 li {padding-bottom: 10px;list-style: none outside none !important;font-size: 10px;line-height: 13px;margin:0;} .AR_3 .ob_dual_left, .AR_3 .ob_dual_right {float: left;padding-bottom: 0;padding-left: 2%;padding-top: 0;} .AR_3 .ob_org_header {color: #000000; text-decoration:bold; margin-left: 0px; font-size:14px;line-height:35px;} .AR_3 .ob_ads_header {color: #000000; text-decoration:bold; margin-left: 0px; font-size:14px;line-height:35px;} -- - advertisements - Login or register to post comments 14820 reads Printer-friendly version Send to friend Similar Articles You Might Enjoy: How The NSA Collects Your Internet Data In Four Charts "You Should Use Both" - How America's Internet Companies Are Handing Over Your Data To Uncle Sam Microsoft Helped The NSA Bypass Its Own Encryption Software, Spy On Its Clients The NSA Has Inserted Its Code Into Android OS, Or Three Quarters Of All Smartphones Guest Post: How The Corrupt Establishment Is Selling Moral Bankruptcy To America
个人分类: spy|12 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 4.8英寸屏2GHz四核 Google X细节曝光
kingston 2013-4-27 10:52
摩托罗拉这些年在市场的表现不好不坏,但是它旗下尚无推出一款四核手机,这确实让很多人都感到意外,不过近期有一款手机的消息被频频曝光,那就是摩托罗拉和Google合作推出的一款手机X Phone。 不过最近,这款曾经被称作X Phone的手机如今似乎改名为Google X,并且在国外网站concept-phones上已经有了这款手机的最新概念图。 Google X最新概念图 据concept-phones介绍,这款Google X将采用一块4.8英寸1080p显示屏,并且搭载一颗2GHz主频的四核处理器,并内建2GB运行内存。另外,在其背后还将内置一枚1300万像素高清镜头。而系统方面,该机毫无疑问的采用最新的Android 5.0平台。 不过除此之外,有关这款手机其他详细信息我们还不得而知。
23 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Google Moves to Destroy Online Anonymity … Helping Authoritarian Governments In
insight 2013-2-11 11:53
Google Moves to Destroy Online Anonymity … Helping Authoritarian Governments In the Process Submitted by George Washington on 02/10/2013 15:50 -0500 ABC News China DARPA ETC First Amendment FOIA Freedom of Information Act Google national security New York Times Ohio The Economist Twitter Tyler Durden Wall Street Journal Governments Move to Destroy Online Anonymity Gene Howington reported last year: The history of anonymous political free speech in America dates back to our founding. The seminal essays found in “The Federalist Papers” were written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay under the nom de plume of “Publius” although this was not A id=_GPLITA_4 title="Click to Continue by Text-Enhance" href="http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/01/homeland-security-shreds-constitutional-right-to-anonymous-political-speech-not-to-protect-our-security-but-to-monitor-dissent.html#" confirmed until a list of authorship complied by Hamilton was posthumously released to the public. As previously discussed on this blog, the right to anonymous political free speech has been addressed by the Supreme Court. Most notably in the cases of Talley v. California, 362 U.S. 60 (1960) and McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission, 514 U.S. 334 (1995). In Talley, Justice Hugo Black writing for the majority said that, “Anonymous pamphlets, leaflets, brochures and even books have played an important role in the progress of mankind. Persecuted groups and sects from time to time throughout history have been able to criticize oppressive practices and laws either anonymously or not at all.” In McIntyre, Justice John Paul Stevens writing for the majority said that, “Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. an author’s decision to remain anonymous, like other decisions concerning omissions or additions to the content of a publication, is an aspect of the freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment.” That seems clear enough in defining that citizens do have a Constitutionally protected right to anonymous political free speech. Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge points out (with slight editing): Though often maligned (typically by those frustrated by an inability to engage in ad hominem attacks), anonymous speech has a long and storied history in the United States. Used by the likes of Mark Twain (aka Samuel Langhorne Clemens) to criticize common ignorance, and perhaps most famously by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay (aka publius) to write the Federalist Papers, we think ourselves in good company in using one or another nom de plume. Particularly in light of an emerging trend against vocalizing public dissent in the United States, we believe in the critical importance of anonymity and its role in dissident speech. Like A id=_GPLITA_0 title="Click to Continue by Text-Enhance" href="http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2010/11/why-we-use-pen-names-2.html#" the Economist magazine , we also believe that keeping authorship anonymous moves the focus of discussion to the content of speech and away from the speaker – as it should be. We believe not only that you should be comfortable with anonymous speech in such an environment, but that you should be suspicious of any speech that isn’t. But governments – especially authoritarian governments – hate anonymity. A soon-to-be-released book by Google executive Eric Schmidt - called“The New Digital Age” – describes the desire of authoritarian governments to destroy anonymity. The A style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline" id=_GPLITA_1 title="Click to Continue by Text-Enhance" href="http://www.washingtonsblog.com/#" Wall Street Journal provides an excerpt: Some governments will consider it too risky to have thousands of anonymous, untraceable and unverified citizens — “hidden people”; they’ll want to know who is associated with each A id=_GPLITA_0 title="Click to Continue by Text-Enhance" href="http://blogs.wsj.com/corporate-intelligence/2013/02/01/the-future-according-to-eric-7-points/#" target=_blank online account , and will require verification at a state level, in order to exert control over the virtual world. Last December, China started requiring all web users to register using their real names . But the U.S. is quickly moving in the same direction. Gene Howington explains : Do you have a right to anonymous political free speech? According to the Supreme Court, you do. According to the Department of A id=_GPLITA_0 title="Click to Continue by Text-Enhance" href="http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/01/homeland-security-shreds-constitutional-right-to-anonymous-political-speech-not-to-protect-our-security-but-to-monitor-dissent.html#" Homeland Security , you don’t. They’ve hired General Dynamics to track U.S. citizens exercising this critical civil right. *** The full DHS policy statement regarding its A style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline" id=_GPLITA_2 title="Click to Continue by Text-Enhance" href="http://www.washingtonsblog.com/#" activities can be viewed in the DHS Privacy Compliance Review of the NOC Media Monitoring Initiative (November 15, 2011) , but rt.com’s summary spells out the basics: “Under the National Operations Center (NOC)’s A id=_GPLITA_1 title="Click to Continue by Text-Enhance" href="http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/01/homeland-security-shreds-constitutional-right-to-anonymous-political-speech-not-to-protect-our-security-but-to-monitor-dissent.html#" Media Monitoring Initiative that came out of DHS headquarters in November, Washington has the written permission to retain data on users of A style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline" id=_GPLITA_0 title="Click to Continue by Text-Enhance" href="http://www.washingtonsblog.com/#" social media and online networking platforms. Specifically, the DHS announced the NCO and its Office of Operations Coordination and Planning (OPS) can collect A id=_GPLITA_5 title="Click to Continue by Text-Enhance" href="http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/01/homeland-security-shreds-constitutional-right-to-anonymous-political-speech-not-to-protect-our-security-but-to-monitor-dissent.html#" personal information from A style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline" id=_GPLITA_3 title="Click to Continue by Text-Enhance" href="http://www.washingtonsblog.com/#" news anchors, journalists, reporters or anyone who may use “traditional and/or A id=_GPLITA_2 title="Click to Continue by Text-Enhance" href="http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/01/homeland-security-shreds-constitutional-right-to-anonymous-political-speech-not-to-protect-our-security-but-to-monitor-dissent.html#" social media in real time to keep their audience situationally aware and informed.” According to the Department of Homeland Security’s own definition of personal identifiable information, or PII, such data could consist of any intellect “that permits the identity of an individual to be directly or indirectly inferred, including any information which is linked or linkable to that individual.” Previously established guidelines within the administration say that data could only be collected under authorization set forth by written code, but the new provisions in the NOC’s write-up means that any reporter, whether someone along the lines of Walter Cronkite or a budding blogger, can be victimized by the agency. Also included in the roster of those subjected to the spying are government officials, domestic or not, who make public statements, private sector employees that do the same and “persons known to have been involved in major crimes of Homeland Security interest,” which to itself opens up the possibilities even wider. The department says that they will only scour publically-made info available while retaining data, but it doesn’t help but raise suspicion as to why the government is going out of their way to spend time, money and resources on watching over those that helped bring news to the masses.” – rt.com This question about the right to anonymous political free speech is also asked over the background of the Electronic Privacy Information Center filing a FOIA request against the DHS to find out the details of the agency’s social network monitoring program. *** As part of recent disclosures related to the EPIC suit, it is revealed that the DHS has hired and instructed General Dynamics to monitor political dissent and the dissenters. The range of websites listed as being monitored is quite impressive. Notably, jonathanturley.org is not on this list , but equally of note is that this list is by the DHS’ own admission “representative” and not “comprehensive”. *** Some of the more high profile and highly trafficked sites being monitored include the comments sections of The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, the Huffington Post, the Drudge Report, Wired, and ABC News. In addition, social networking sites Facebook, MySpace and Twitter are being monitored. For the first time, the public not only has an idea who the DHS is pursuing with their surveillance and where, but what they are looking for as well. General Dynamics contract requires them to “ media reports that reflect adversely on the U.S. Government, DHS, or prevent, protect, respond government activities.” The DHS also instructed General Dynamics to generate “reports on DHS, Components, and other Federal Agencies: positive and negative reports on FEMA, CIA, CBP, ICE, etc. as well as organizations outside the DHS.” In other words, the DHS wants to know who you are if you say anything critical about the government. Anybody thinking of the name “Goebbels” at this point is not out of line. Indeed, valuing online privacy could even get you labeled as a potential terrorist . Google Moving to Help Destroy Anonymity Google’s motto is “ Do No Evil “. And Google notes in a patent application: When users reveal their identities on the internet, it leaves them more vulnerable to stalking, identity theft and harassment. So you might assume that Google is fighting to protect anonymity on the web. But Schmidt’s new book reveals that Google will support the destruction of anonymity (via Wall Street Journal ): Within search results, information tied to verified online profiles will be ranked higher than content without such verification, which will result in most users naturally clicking on the top (verified) results. The true cost of remaining anonymous, then, might be irrelevance. Search Engine Journal explains : confirm what many industry writers have been passionately clattering away about for months now. Google+ is an identity verification network . As the network continues to grow, content associated with a verified identity will rise to the top of Google search rankings. (Google+ is now the world’s second most popular social network .) In other words, Schmidt acknowledges (in the first quote above) that authoritarians want to destroy anonymity … and Google will help them do so. We are not saying that Google likes authoritarians. True, there are potential ties between Google and the government . For example, the head of DARPA now works for Google, and Internet powerhouse Vint Cerf has worked at both institutions . Wired reports : Long before it reportedly enlisted the help of the National Security Agency to secure its networks, Google sold equipment to the secret signals-intelligence group . In-Q-Tel backed the mapping firm Keyhole, which was bought by Google in 2004 — and then became the backbone for Google Earth. And a former high-level CIA officer alleges that the CIA funded Google with seed money . However, the focus of this essay is on Google’s profit motive. Specifically, Google will do business with anyone … and will cowtow to authoritarians they happen to do business with. Google is doing this to make money. Remember, Google gathers information across all of its platforms , and personalizes search engine results based upon what you’ve looked for in past searches . After all, Google is primary an advertising company … not a search company. See this , this , this and this . As the Daily Mail reported last year: A former Google executive has lambasted his ex-employer … claiming that the search company has been turned into an ‘ad company’ obsessed with harvesting people’s private information. James Whittaker, a current Partner Development Manager at Microsoft and ex-Engineering Director at Google, posted the 1328-word attack on Google on his Microsoft blog this week. ‘Perhaps Google is right,’ writes Whittaker, ‘Perhaps the future lies in learning as much about people’s personal lives as possible. ‘The Google I was passionate about was a technology company. The Google I left was an advertising company.’ *** The move comes in the wake of Google’s controversial new ‘privacy policy’, which allowed the search giant to ‘pool’ information from 60 separate services including Gmail, Google Search and Android phones, to create ‘personalised’ advertising. The bottom line is that anonymity reduces Google’s ability to monetize personal information and sell it to its advertisers. So Google is on a campaign to destroy anonymity … and unintentionally helping tyrants in the process. As INeedHits laments: We knew a day would come when privacy was a thing of the past, but Schmidt clearly spells out that day is sooner than we had expected.
个人分类: exceptional american|21 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 大四小硕必看,利用google reader管理找寻文献
白玉微瑕 2013-2-4 14:23
大四小硕必看,利用google reader管理找寻文献 https://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=viewthreadtid=2168501fromuid=3156198
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分享 Google学术搜索
热度 4 zhuosn 2012-5-11 06:51
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