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发布时间:2015-01-11 来源:人大经济论坛
行政管理论文范文 摘要1 Abstract1 引言3 一、政府在公共事业管理中的主体地位分析3 二、政府在公共事业管理中的作用6 三、政府在管理公共事业中存在的问题7 四、解决上述问题的措施10 五、结语12 致谢13 参考文献:14 摘要:政府代表国家行使公共权力和社会公共需要的多样性,决定了政府在公共事业管理中处于主体地位。而公共产品和服务的外部性,市场失灵的存在以及社会事务管理的法律化规范化趋势,也决定了政府是公共事业管理的主体。政府在公共事业管理中的核心作用主要表现在:对公共事业产品和服务具有管制作用、是公共事业发展所需资源的主要支撑者、对公共事业管理的其他主体以及运行体制具有规范作用。但是在现有的管理体制下,政府还存在着一些亟待解决的问题,如公共物品供给的低效率、政事不分、效率低下、社会化程度不高、法律制度不健全等。因此,为了充分发挥政府的核心作用,实现对公共事业的有效管理,政府应在公共服务领域引入市场机制,提高公共事业管理的市场化、社会化程度;并加快社会公共事物管理的法制建设,建立健全事业法人制度,真正实现政事分开。 关键词:公共事业管理,政府,地位,作用 Abstract : National representatives of the government and the exercise of public authority, social and public needs diversity,decided the government in the management of public utilities in the dominant position. And public goods and services outside、the existence of market failures and social affairs in the legal trend of standardization,also decided that the government's management of public utilities subject. The management of public utilities in the central role of the main problems : a public utility products and services control、public utilities to develop the necessary resources to support the major、management of public utilities and the other main operating system can regulate the role. However,because of the existing management system,there are still some problems to be solved,just as the supply of public goods inefficiency、regardless of the conduct of public affairs inefficiency、the level of socialization is not high、 the legal system is not sound and so on. Therefore, in order to give full play to the core role of public utilities to achieve the effective management,the government should introduce market mechanisms in the area of public services to improve the management of public utilities market and socialization.According to accelerate the legal system of the social and public management 、establish and perfect the system of legal undertakings,we can actually realize the separation between government and institutions. Key words : public utilities management, the government, status, role
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