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发布时间:2015-01-11 来源:人大经济论坛
行政管理论文范文 大纲 [摘要]1 Abstract1 一. 选题的背景以及选题的理论与实践意义3 二.地方政府绩效评估的内涵3 三.我国地方政府绩效评估的实践及其存在的问题6 五.完善我国地方政府绩效评估的若干对策8 六.结语10 致谢10 注释:11 参考资料11 [摘要]:随着中国改革开放的深入推进,我国的经济和社会都得到了较快的发展。在这个发展的过程中,政府作为一个重要的角色,发挥了主导的作用,特别是地方政府在公共资源的使用和分配过程中的主导地位更为明显,这就必然要求对其行政的绩效进行评估,这不仅符合现代政府的行政理念,更有利于提高政府的行政水平。本文在明确地方政府绩效评估相关概念的基础上,指出地方政府绩效评估体系的内容:包括评估目标、评估主体、评估对象、评估指标、评估标准、评估环境等。本文通过分析自改革开放以来我国在绩效评估体系方面的实践,指出了其存在的问题,并提出了相应的改善措施。 [关键词]:地方政府,绩效评估,改进对策 Abstract:Economy and the society of our country all got the quicker development to thoroughly the pushing on of Chinese reforming and opening policy.The government is an important role, and gave play to the leading effect in this follow-on course.The leading position in using and the distribution course of public resources of local government is more clearer. This asks the performance eva luation of local government.It’s not only fits the administration of modern government, and redound to improving the administration of modern government.This article makes clear some concept and points out that the performance eva luation system to local government includes: the aim of the eva luation ,the main body of eva luation, assessment environment, the standard of the performance eva luation, the guide line of eva luation and so on.This article construes the practice of local government performance eva luation and points out the questions and puts forward the improvement countermeasure. keyword:local government, performance eva luation, improvement countermeasure
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