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发布时间:2015-01-21 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目录 摘要II AbstractIII 1 绪论1 1.1 课题的提出依据和意义1 1.2 三相电动机保护技术的发展及其研究现状2 1.3 三相电的介绍5 1.4 本文研究的主要内容6 2 系统的硬件电路设计7 2.1 电源模块设计7 2.1.1 变压器8 2.1.2 三端稳压器78059 2.2 电压采样及其调理电路设计10 2.3 单片机(PIC12F877)接口电路设计13 3 三相电保护器的软件设计15 3.1 主程序的设计15 3.2 工作状态的程序设计15 3.3 AD采样子程序20 4 电路板的制作23 4.1 产品的元器件清单23 4.2 制作电路板的过程24 5 系统抗干扰设计25 5.1 RC低通滤波器设计25 5.2 隔离抗干扰技术25 5. 3 印刷电路板抗干扰措施26 6 总结27 主要参考文献:28 附录1 系统原理图,实物图及PCB图:29 附录2 软件程序清单:32 摘要 科学技术突飞猛进的今天,生产力不断的发展,三相电在工业生产中起到了至关重要的作用。尤其在一些电机和大功率设备上运用的比较普遍,然而在工矿、企业和农村,三相电动机因故烧毁损坏的现象很多,主要原因是因为三相电的缺相,错相,欠压而引起的。本文涉及的三相电保护继电器就是通过检测三相电是否有缺相,错相,欠压等问题来对电机进行及时的保护,从而最大限度的减少经济损失。本文在分析了目前国内外电动机保护器的研究进展与现状的基础上,设计了一种以PIC12F675单片机为控制核心,集断相、错相和欠压等故障保护于一体的多功能三相电机保护继电器。 本文首先对电动机的断相、错相欠压等常见电气故障进行了详细分析,并结合PIC12F675单片机的功能特点,提出了可靠性高、实施性强的故障保护实现方法。本系统采用变压器降压的方法来给芯片提供稳定,可靠的电源。并是通过发光二级管来反馈给使用者信息。 根据文中提出的各类故障保护实现方法,设计并实现了电动机保护装置完整的硬件电路,给出了保护装置完整的系统软件实现方案。 关键词:三相电,电机,芯片,保护继电器 Abstract Today science and technology advances, productivity continues to develop, three-phase electricity in industrial production has played a crucial role. In particular, some motor and high power devices use the more common, but in industrial, enterprise and rural areas, three-phase motor for some reason the phenomenon of burning a lot of damage, mainly because of lack of three-phase power phase-phase, undervoltage and caused. This involves the three-phase power protection relay is by detecting whether the lack of three-phase power phase-phase, voltage and other issues to the protection of the motor in a timely manner to minimize economic losses. Based on the analysis of the motor protection device at home and abroad and present research based on the design of a PIC12F675 microcontroller to control the core, set off phase,-phase and undervoltage fault protection and other multifunctional three-phase motor protection relay. This article first phase off the motor, and other common-phase-voltage electrical faults are analyzed in detail, combined with PIC12F675 MCU features, presented high reliability, the failure to implement strong protection of realization. The system uses the method of step-down transformer to the chip to provide a stable, reliable power. And through the LED to feedback to the user information. . According to the text proposed by the various types of fault protection implementation methods, design and implementation of a complete motor protection hardware, protection devices are given a complete system software solution. Key word: Three-phase power,motor,chip, protcetion relay
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