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发布时间:2015-01-22 来源:人大经济论坛
计算机专业论文范文 摘 要 本文简要介绍了该课题的来源及研究意义。通过对当前教育类游戏的发展现状与趋势的分析,总结出教育类游戏所存在的不足。针对当前教育类游戏设计概念匮乏,设计目标不明确,缺乏创新性等弊端,通过一些试验性的游戏设计来进行可行性的探索,并辅以相关原型的开发和实现来提供一个直观实验和研究结果。本文对游戏设计理论进行深入的研究,通过对玩家心里分析以及游戏性的探索,总结出游戏和学习的结合点。 游戏原型选择了Microsoft的XNA Game Studio来进行开发,本文对开发方式和方法进行了简单的介绍。物理引擎作为原型主要的实现方式,通过对现实各种物理状态的模拟来提升游戏中的游戏性。本文对物理引擎的实现进行详细的讲解和介绍。 关键词:教育游戏; 物理引擎; XNA Game Studio; C# The Game Engine of Physic Education Design and Implementation Abstract This paper introduces the topic of the source and the meaning of the current educational game development status and trends. Based on the analysis of current educational game development status and trends, I have discussed the way to solve the problem of the scarcity of current educational game design concept, and the lack of innovation in game design theory. Through the experiment of the game design to explore the resolving which have talked above. Finally, a game prototype will be product to validate my design suppose. In this paper, I have made a research of the game play in game and the game play in education, to find the integration point in the game and education. The technology of Prototype games developed closed the XNA Game Studio which developed by Microsoft, in this paper, I will make a simple introduce of this technology which issuance in this year. I guess it will be the most important technology in the future. Physical engines are the main way to achieve this prototype, through various physical reality simulation games to enhance game play of the game. In this paper, the physics engine for the realization of detailed explanations and introductions. Key words: Educational games; physics engine; XNA Game Studio; C# 目录 1. 绪论1 1.1 课题来源及研究意义1 1.2 课题研究现状及存在问题1 1.2.1 发展现状1 1.2.2 改进方法2 1.3 本文结构3 2. 游戏设计与策划4 2.1 游戏概述4 2.1.1 游戏名称4 2.1.2 游戏类型4 2.1.3 游戏背景4 2.2 游戏特点4 2.2.1 游戏性4 2.2.2 益智性5 2.3游戏设定5 2.3.1 世界设定5 2.3.2 游戏规则5 2.3.3 角色设定6 3. XNA 游戏开发技术7 3.1 XNA 概述7 3.2 XNA 素材管道7 3.2.1 导入器7 3.2.2 素材处理器8 3.2.3 序列化8 3.2.4 加载器8 3.3 应用程序模型8 3.3.1 创建新游戏8 3.3.2 游戏循环周期9 3.3.3 开始游戏9 3.4 图形图像10 3.4.1 2D图像概述10 3.4.2 3D 图形概述12 3.5 输入14 3.6 声音15 4. 物理引擎16 4.1 基本物理学定律16 4.1.1 质量17 4.1.2 时间17 4.1.3 位置17 4.1.4 速率17 4.1.5 加速度18 4.1.6 力18 4.1.7 动量18 4.2 动量守恒19 4.3 模拟重力19 4.4 模拟摩擦力20 4.5 碰撞检测22 4.5.1 简单碰撞检测22 4.5.2 精确碰撞响应25 4.6 物理模型28 结论29 致谢30 参考文献31
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