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英国《经济学人》杂志总编辑John Micklethwait:全球动荡与中国的崛起

发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
2012-03-02 / 清华大学 / 英国《经济学人》杂志总编辑John Micklethwait:全球动荡与中国的崛起 【主题】全球动荡与中国的崛起 (Global Turmoil and the Rise of China)
【演讲人】John Micklethwait?? 英国《经济学人》杂志总编辑
【主持人】钱颖一 清华经管学院院长、教授
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, The Economist
John Micklethwait is the Editor-in-Chief of The Economist. After studying history at Magdalen College, Oxford, he worked as a banker at Chase Manhattan between 1985 and 1987 before joining The Economist as a finance correspondent in 1987. Since then his roles at The Economist have included setting up the bureau in Los Angeles, where he worked from 1990?93; being the newspaper's media correspondent; editing the business section; running the New York bureau; and editing the United States section. The Economist now has a circulation of over 1.4 million worldwide.
Mr Micklethwait has appeared on radio and television around the world. He has co-authored with Adrian Wooldridge, also an Economist journalist, five books: "The Witch Doctors"; "A Future Perfect: the Challenge and Hidden Promise of Globalisation"; "The Company: A Short History of a Revolutionary Idea"; "The Right Nation: Conservative Power in America” and?"God is Back: How the Global Rise of Faith is Changing the World", published by the Penguin Press in April 2009.
Mr Micklethwait was named Editors' Editor of the Year at the British Society of Magazine Editors 2010 annual awards.
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