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发布时间:2015-04-06 来源:人大经济论坛
印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要Ⅰ 英文摘要Ⅱ 目录Ⅲ 1 绪论1 1.1 概述1 1.2 研究的背景及意义1 1.3 课题的提出和研究的主要内容2 2 色度学理论基础3 2.1 颜色视觉3 2.2 CIE标准色度学系统3 2.3 色度6 2.4 影响印刷品呈色的因素分析7 3 实验方案10 3.1 实验目的和要求10 3.2 实验基本内容10 3.3 实验设备及材料10 3.4 实验环境13 3.5 实验原理13 3.6 实验过程设计14 3.7 实验数据和结果分析14 3.9 此实验存在的缺陷24 4 结论与展望25 4.1 结论25 4.2 展望25 致 谢26 参考文献27 摘 要:在包装印刷行业中,印刷品色彩质量检测至关重要,关系着印刷品直接质量。本论文主要研究检测印刷色彩质量三大方法之一——色度测量方法在包装印刷中的使用。 由于色度检测没建立起一套完整的色度理论检测体系,目前应用受到较大制约。本文从色度学基础入手,分析作为印刷行业检测印品色彩质量的色度测量的原理和作用,阐述了影响印刷品呈色的影响因素,并从这方面着手通过设计具体的实验方案验证色度测量在印刷品检测中体现的作用。 分光光度计作为最为合理的色度测量仪在此实验中担当重任,在标准照明和观察条件下,对于在同种油墨下不同纸张性能的色度测量和在同种纸张的情况下不同油墨的色度测量的测试。实验模拟中排除一些在实际印刷中难以消除的因素影响,在油墨和纸张两个可控因素下分别对其进行数据分析,并总结出根据油墨和纸张的两个性能进行适当的颜色补偿,在生产过程中的具有实际指导意义,使之能在色度测量的完整理论建立并规范化中起到一定的作用。 关键词:色差;色度测量;分光光度计;包装印刷 Abstract: In packing printing, the quality inspection of the printing products is crucial, directly relating to the quality. This paper mainly studies one of the three methods in quality detection of color printing——the use of chromaticity detection in packaging printing. Due to unestablish a complete examination system of chromaticity detection, so the theory restricted largerly. So the paper, starting from the basic colorimetry, I analyse its principle and function as a test of the quality of colour printing color measurement,then it expounds the influence factors affecting the color generation of printing products , and by designing a concrete experiment to test the function of chromaticity detection in packing printing. As spectrophotometer is the most reasonable color measurement instrument bears responsibility in this experiment, under the standardization of the lighting and observation, include chromaticity detection in the same ink under different paper performance and in the same paper performance under ink. In the simulation experiments exclude some difficult to eliminate the influent factors in actual printing, analyse datas under the two controllable factors—— ink and paper to color compensation, finds the factors to experimental data and summarizes the significance in the practical production process, enable to have a complete theory in colorimeter and plays a role in standardization. Keywords:chromatism; chromaticity detection; spectrophotometer; packing printing;
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