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The Design of USB Video Device _通信工程毕业论文

发布时间:2015-06-01 来源:人大经济论坛
The Design of USB Video Device _通信工程毕业论文 全部作者: 李振华 Jiang Wei 第1作者单位: Wuhan University of Technology School of Science 论文摘要: The abroad usage of USB (Universal Serial Bus) Video device and enhancement has become increasingly important nowadays, such as video conferencing based on networks and the inspection usage in industry. Recent technological advances, such as the widely use of CCD and CMOS sensors, promotes the development of USB Video device. We describe a UVC based approach for designing a desktop video device comprised of firmware and software .Our approach is particularly attractive for those video and audio device exploiters who haven’t had any experience in driver development area. In our solution approach , we first configure the USB chip compliant to the UVC specification 1.1 , then we send video stream data through Input Terminal which is located at the video functionality topology by means of sending a fixed pattern via personal computers or configuring USB chip in Slave-FIFO mode to transfer the real video or image data .Windows system would recognize this video device automatically after bus enumeration and then search the proper driver in our system which is used for setup and making the hardware work and communicate with our personal computers properly. 关键词: USB 2.0, USB Video Class, YUV, Video for Window (浏览全文) 发表日期: 2007年12月25日 同行评议: (暂时没有) 综合评价: (暂时没有) 
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