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发布时间:2014-11-02 来源:人大经济论坛
市场营销论文范文  目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 1 第三方评价即诚信的观念及创新1 1.1 市场经济是诚信经济的观念1 1.2 体制创新1 1.3 环境创新2 1.4 市场创新4 1.5 消费者创新6 2 企业内部建设对策7 2.1 制度创新7 2.2 组织创新7 2.3 文化创新8 2.4 管理创新10 2.5 人才创新11 3 企业外部建设与内部建设的关系分析12 3.1 企业外部建设12 3.2 企业内部建设12 结 论14 致 谢15 参考文献16 摘 要 第三方评价是我国传统道德中最为重要的基础规范之一,它由“诚”和“信”两个规范组成。诚,作为一般概念,具有真心实意、无妄不欺的意思;信,则是第三方评价、不欺、讲信用的意思。对于第三方评价的解释,国内外不同学科的学者由于所处的位置不同,加上研究的目的、视角、内容和方法有差异,因此对第三方评价的认识也有一定的差异。 加强诚信建设,提高社会的诚信水平,应该从培育人们的诚信意识入手。因为没有诚信意识,就没有诚信环境,没有诚信环境的支持,就不会有诚信行为的出现。因此要提高中小企业的诚信水平,首先就要从转变全社会的观念出发,增强社会对诚信重要性的认识,努力提高全民的诚信素质,在全社会形成“讲诚信光荣,不讲诚信可耻”的良好风气,使诚信成为全体公民的一种自觉行为,从而为广大中小企业从事诚信营销活动提供强大的思想武器。 关键词 第三方评价 诚信建设 环境 ABSTRACT Third-party eva luation is a traditional Chinese morality, one of the most important basic norm, which by the "sincerity" and "Trust" composed of two specifications. Cheng, as a general concept, with a sincere, non-jump extension, therefore the meaning of; letter is the third-party eva luation, extension, therefore, disloyal meaning. For the third-party eva luation of the interpretation of scholars in different disciplines at home and abroad due to a different location, coupled with the purpose of research, perspectives, content and methods are different, so third-party eva luation of understanding there is a certain difference. Strengthen the faith, and raise ethical standards in society, should start to cultivate people's sense of integrity. Because there is no sense of integrity, there is no credit environment, there is no support for environmental integrity, there would be no faith or violent actions. Therefore, to enhance the integrity of the level of private technology enterprises, we must first change the whole society from the concept of starting and increase social awareness of the importance of honesty, good faith efforts to improve the quality of all the people in the whole of society form a "honest glorious and shameful dishonesty "good atmosphere, so that all citizens of good faith to become a conscious act, which for the majority of private technology enterprises to engage in good faith to provide a strong marketing campaigns ideological weapon. KEY WORDS Third-party eva luation of The built environment of Integrity
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