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怎样看漂移项/趋势项是否显著? EViews专版 1013412701 2012-5-14 7 7080 行春雨仍随2 2020-5-14 20:27:56
悬赏 求Efficient deep-blue phosphorescent organic light-emitting device with improved - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 190502203 2012-4-19 2 830 Mengguren15 2016-7-23 08:58:16
做多元logit出错 Singular covariance - coefficients are not unique EViews专版 cagalli_sac 2012-5-11 3 5279 狮心会`村雨 2014-10-12 22:40:17
关于期权契约解决套牢问题 attachment 制度经济学 723633966 2012-7-17 8 2660 流苏的小白牙 2014-5-12 16:15:48
你还在为批量重命名变量发愁吗? SAS专版 webgu 2012-5-17 12 6158 _东东♂ 2013-12-17 20:50:00
smartPLS中index values 和 calculation results里的path coefficients有什么不同? LISREL、AMOS等结构方程模型分析软件 有争议的灵魂 2012-8-14 5 3480 yolin.lee 2013-6-3 16:52:05
悬赏 De Meza, Webb (1992) European Economic Review: Efficient credit rationing - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 jerryliu 2012-4-30 4 1672 金鱼公主姬 2013-5-1 17:37:02
how to estimate coefficient for a univariate autoregressive of a serie? EViews专版 yinanswupl 2012-8-1 2 815 yinanswupl 2012-10-24 22:48:50
Pareto Efficient and Optimal Taxation and the New New Welfare Economics attachment 博弈论 iamfortunate 2012-6-19 5 1375 mm13403104 2012-9-7 16:06:03
How to make your proc sql more efficient attachment 数据分析与数据科学 sunset1986 2012-5-28 4 956 bodao 2012-8-11 07:59:57
悬赏 Efficient tests for an autoregressive unit root - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 harlon1976 2012-8-2 5 875 lingyun5102001 2012-8-2 11:52:06
linear combination of coefficients Stata专版 chyshl 2012-6-13 1 2189 uibe_cici_2008 2012-6-14 03:29:31
Self-Selection and Pareto Efficient Taxation attachment 博弈论 iamfortunate 2012-6-5 0 941 iamfortunate 2012-6-5 13:18:38
Efficient and Effective Clustering Methods for Spatial Data Mining attachment 数据分析与数据挖掘 shawnmichaels 2012-5-30 2 2072 shawnmichaels 2012-6-3 18:40:18
求高手!!!如何计算coefficient of variation 变异系数!!!急急急急急急急!!! attach_img 计量经济学与统计软件 hayashitaiyo 2012-5-19 8 16270 hayashitaiyo 2012-5-21 10:39:57
悬赏 50币求文献,谢谢! - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 fuliang07 2012-5-10 3 632 fuliang07 2012-5-10 19:20:25
求助 文献求助专区 小西瓜2008 2012-5-5 1 650 cll9981 2012-5-5 16:24:38
求助这个运算结果的含义 爱问频道 怀想的季节 2012-5-4 1 1135 怀想的季节 2012-5-4 19:36:14
美国物流发展史 3 流通经济学 olivia_swan 2012-4-24 1 2143 w08241081 2012-5-3 14:30:57
4F营销理论 营销/品牌/传播 sabrinaowen 2009-11-25 7 1712 时婉晰 2011-8-25 11:39:09

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