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categorical data analysis 2nd edition attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 hyunjee 2009-3-4 19 3586 XDG火华 2015-4-21 21:04:55
[下载]agresti之经典Categorical Data Analysis(大降价) attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 吕志华 2008-12-28 24 9597 yaoshen 2013-4-3 01:46:18
Categorical Data Analysis Using the SAS System ——sas code attachment 数据分析与数据科学 tyaer 2008-11-21 13 3537 ashley520 2012-9-8 04:10:31
[新书]Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata, 2nd Editi Stata专版 黑桃皇后 2008-12-3 8 6738 走遍天涯 2012-5-12 10:42:57
Categorical Data Analysis with Graphics and SAS attachment 数据分析与数据科学 tyaer 2008-11-24 10 5203 tyaer 2011-9-22 23:38:04
下面的书籍大家有没有? Stata专版 contemplator 2008-9-19 8 3295 蓝色 2010-12-20 11:31:20
[下载]An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis Using R attachment R语言论坛 dylan_c 2009-6-7 12 4323 bbs0805 2010-11-27 09:56:18
好书(统计)Categorical Data Analysis attachment R语言论坛 pdz1981 2009-2-16 32 6190 fishsinging 2010-9-23 15:19:32
Categorical Data analysis 2ed E (2002 Alan Agresti) attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 mrguo1234 2009-7-29 10 3290 sybil443 2010-9-11 03:00:35
[推荐]2007-Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 sophiaxie 2009-3-12 3 3214 jennyli1346 2010-2-3 00:39:54
[下载]categorical data analysis attachment 数据分析与数据科学 姜玲 2008-12-9 4 2089 pinggulily 2010-1-23 06:03:37
Splus (And R) Manual To Accompany Agresti’S Categorical Data Analysis 下载 attachment R语言论坛 remywu 2009-3-25 4 2157 zjwpg 2009-12-31 07:57:34
categorical data analysis by alan agresti 2002 second version R语言论坛 mrguo1234 2009-7-30 2 1664 wangjianimu 2009-10-15 09:27:12
求助 关于哑变量设计的标准 SAS专版 guangqing 2009-7-22 2 1684 guangqing 2009-7-23 02:13:17
用SAS 分析Categorical Data的经典书籍 attachment 数据分析与数据科学 peterpan_aus 2009-4-27 4 2020 realameko 2009-5-8 00:47:00
[感谢]英文文献一篇2008 attachment 文献求助专区 steedbear 2009-4-21 2 1208 steedbear 2009-4-22 07:32:00
[求助]关于bivariate probit里的categorical解释变量 Stata专版 遥飞 2009-4-6 4 3653 遥飞 2009-4-7 21:18:00
Dealing with categorical data.pdf attachment R语言论坛 avike002 2009-3-23 2 1786 ruiqwy 2009-3-24 15:23:00
[感谢]英文文献4篇 attachment 文献求助专区 woshiyu0809 2009-3-5 2 1109 llulla 2009-3-18 05:28:00
[求助]英文文献4篇 attachment 文献求助专区 woshiyu0809 2009-3-10 2 996 xueshanlang 2009-3-10 10:23:00

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