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悬赏 求文献一篇! - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 mathecon74 2014-3-7 5 672 giresse 2019-3-24 16:48:58
悬赏 [精彩WinBUGS答问]为什么会出现 multiple definition of node - [!reward_solved!] attach_img winbugs及其他软件专版 wangpeng0630 2014-4-8 5 2665 leanna-yeah 2018-11-7 23:44:29
Linearity assumption in Multiple Regression Analysis HLM专版 ReneeBK 2014-4-17 2 2152 8848sovereign 2014-4-17 00:18:31
Dummy variables for linear models with multiple levels HLM专版 ReneeBK 2014-4-15 6 1599 ReneeBK 2014-4-15 05:15:14
Crisis management for SMEs: insights from a multiple-case study 文献求助专区 bob95 2014-4-10 0 1423 bob95 2014-4-10 10:52:48
悬赏 Negative effects of outcome-feedback in multiple-cue probability learning - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 fancymarshal 2014-4-7 1 1458 刀刀豆 2014-4-8 03:32:50
悬赏 Estimation of multiple period expected shortfall and median shortfall for risk m - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 hnhs100 2014-4-2 3 853 xllbl 2014-4-3 08:56:24
悬赏 求:人际传播:多元视角之下 - [悬赏 30 个论坛币] 悬赏大厅 唐宋元清 2014-3-26 0 914 唐宋元清 2014-3-26 13:49:34
[100 Amos Questions]Factor Structures of Multiple Groups SPSS论坛 ReneeBK 2014-3-19 0 879 ReneeBK 2014-3-19 00:49:58
The newsboy problem with multiple demand classes 文献求助专区 dongying2009 2014-3-8 0 833 dongying2009 2014-3-8 15:09:38
multiple regression and R squre change attachment SPSS论坛 粽子2012 2014-3-5 0 1020 粽子2012 2014-3-5 20:32:30
SPSS for psychologists (chapter 7 multiple regession) attachment SPSS论坛 粽子2012 2014-3-5 0 728 粽子2012 2014-3-5 20:25:14
悬赏 求:《Accelerating Energy Innovation: Insights from Multiple Sectors 》 - [悬赏 70 个论坛币] 悬赏大厅 唐宋元清 2014-2-28 0 913 唐宋元清 2014-2-28 10:44:02
悬赏 Partition Based Priors and Multiple Event Censoring: An Analysis of Rosen’s Fib - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 ozj9325 2014-2-19 1 546 HFUT_LW 2014-2-19 13:42:11
悬赏 The asymptotic analysis of multiple imaginary - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment 求助成功区 chaoyang712 2014-2-9 1 715 ly411630361 2014-2-9 22:21:10
请问出现这种信息是什么意思? attachment R语言论坛 bertf 2014-1-30 7 15276 bertf 2014-2-1 14:05:28
其实是关于cas的问题 attach_img 金融类 guozifc 2014-1-16 30 4295 guozifc 2014-1-29 22:44:42
求助外文文献1篇 文献求助专区 数行天下 2014-1-27 0 1220 数行天下 2014-1-27 21:53:05
悬赏 求助英文文献1篇 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 dxystata 2014-1-12 1 913 HFUT_LW 2014-1-12 17:53:16
悬赏 Optimal linear filtering for systems with multiple state and observation delays - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 lk1966mail 2014-1-9 7 655 牛尾巴 2014-1-9 09:31:20

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