人大经济论坛 标签 Listening 相关帖子

tag 标签: Listening经管大学堂:名校名师名课


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悬赏 Manifestations of nationalist attitudes: domestic music listening, participatio - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 江夏雁 2020-9-28 1 317 bkm006 2020-9-28 19:24:05
十个最适合练习听力的网站 外语学习 杨明凡 2020-2-1 6 2082 ccfenghuang 2020-2-15 22:40:48
【学习笔记】Listening English attach_img 学道会 田心young 2019-7-13 2 415 jessie68us 2020-1-27 17:44:25
悬赏 I’m tired of listening: The effects of supervisor appraisals of group voice on - [悬赏 30 个论坛币] attachment 文献求助专区 复方雷尼替丁8 2019-10-20 3 776 复方雷尼替丁8 2019-10-21 09:06:48
【学习笔记】Finished reading and listening of \"the little Benjamin\ ... 学道会 mls1230 2019-7-8 1 310 经管之家编辑部 2019-7-8 17:59:25
Listening Self-Inventory 求助成功区 victorbian 2018-9-12 3 599 yiyi23ttt 2018-10-17 10:41:25
Effective Listening: Hearing What People Say and Making It Work for You [book] 求助成功区 victorbian 2018-9-12 4 811 yiyi23ttt 2018-10-17 10:40:21
悬赏 Development and validation of the active empathetic listening scale - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 victorbian 2018-9-12 1 398 钱学森64 2018-9-12 17:29:29
Practice listening English 坛友说 home69 2018-9-2 0 127 home69 2018-9-2 21:58:42
找书 attach_img 悬赏大厅 505279186 2018-8-29 3 584 505279186 2018-8-29 10:40:14
to sysu listening the standford professor lecture 坛友说 duyixuan2014 2017-3-24 0 245 duyixuan2014 2017-3-24 16:08:37
Lectures_Learn.Academic.Listening.and.Note-Take attachment 跨学科讨论区 填写此字段 2017-3-5 0 1456 填写此字段 2017-3-5 17:23:44
考雅听力备考就该注意的四大事项! 外语学习 zhang_hua1988 2016-10-11 0 715 zhang_hua1988 2016-10-11 16:23:34
学会倾听是成为优秀管理者的第一步 组织管理与领导力 yyj_1976 2016-8-2 1 555 晓七 2016-8-2 23:30:41

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