人大经济论坛 标签 stance 相关帖子

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生态方向做模型,R 提醒更改变量,求指导 R语言论坛 Planthopper 2017-6-16 3 1935 Planthopper 2020-5-25 11:46:59
R做判别分析,多分类问题的距离判别,同样的程序换个数据就运行不了? attach_img R语言论坛 135792486 2016-11-21 4 4153 陈2晨晨 2018-8-30 09:42:56
jogging long distance 坛友说 wawemivip 2017-9-9 0 251 wawemivip 2017-9-9 14:02:09
悬赏 求Mardia KV. Mahalanobis distances and angles. 1977 - [悬赏 5 个论坛币] attachment 文献求助专区 我有疑wen 2017-8-17 2 796 我有疑wen 2017-8-23 15:03:01
变革平衡公式是什么_变革平衡公式概述_变革平衡公式 休闲灌水 虎虎856 2017-7-29 9 1354 hellofutingting 2017-7-30 17:03:17
悬赏 A General Class of Social Distance Measures - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 shanxianmin2011 2017-5-27 3 670 Mengguren15 2017-7-26 19:16:02
澳高校现辱华公告 其背后还有阴谋 attach_img 学术道德监督 ada89k 2017-7-24 2 1840 guowy67 2017-7-25 08:53:45
悬赏 Innovation, SMEs and the liability of distance: the demand and supply of bank - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 littlefox18 2017-7-13 1 452 heracles1977 2017-7-13 15:55:19
悬赏 Travelling distances, modal split and transportation energy - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 ticket1988 2017-6-20 2 530 ticket1988 2017-6-20 21:16:01
GS+技巧 休闲灌水 muyexiaoxiao 2017-5-25 2 2121 valmet 2017-5-26 16:46:02
悬赏 Juggling with Proximity and Distance - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 wfldragon 2017-5-18 1 577 Terry950901 2017-5-18 10:30:57
感恩 坛友说 linjing2013 2017-5-13 0 142 linjing2013 2017-5-13 09:57:33
Getting the assistance daily bonus 坛友说 bieleib 2017-4-4 0 255 bieleib 2017-4-4 23:59:15
悬赏 Store assistance and coordination of supply chains facing consumer's return - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 wangt_1997 2017-1-9 2 669 wangt_1997 2017-1-10 16:54:46
【美国对盟友的援助】 US Assistance, Development, and Hierarchy in the ME (2017) attach_img 金融学(理论版) cmwei333 2016-12-28 3 848 wl5f 2016-12-29 12:09:04
【分享】对数似然距离(Log-Likelihood Distance)——一种度量簇与簇间相异度的方法 attach_img 数据分析师(CDA)专版 yua20062006 2016-12-13 0 2810 yua20062006 2016-12-13 11:03:22
【转】kullback-leibler distance的计算(matlab) 经管代码库 三世相思2013 2016-6-22 2 1929 maodongjun 2016-11-2 22:29:38
【独家发布】【每天一本书助力经管芯401】-The economic analysis of substance use and abuse attach_img 行为经济学与实验经济学 fumingxu 2016-8-13 8 735 fumingxu 2016-8-14 23:52:38
中国量子通信行业发展问题及建议分析 行业分析报告 骑着猪漂移 2016-6-3 0 1495 骑着猪漂移 2016-6-3 17:51:15
计算北京到各国的距离 区域经济学 秋月杨 2016-3-1 1 1000 阳光eric 2016-3-5 18:44:27

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