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Hotelling模型疑问 微观经济学 ccrabbit98 2010-7-14 11 11623 dominee 2019-12-5 11:36:21
问卷相关统计方法 attach_img SPSS论坛 huangcmu 2011-5-30 1 1365 bakoll 2015-4-25 09:52:57
悬赏 Hotelling模型 - [!reward_solved!] 博弈论 iamssj 2012-3-10 4 7768 star0417 2015-3-19 23:26:46
悬赏 求文献Hotelling 1929 Stability in competition - [!reward_solved!] attachment 博弈论 shaode01 2011-5-12 6 3376 chenwen333 2014-4-26 16:48:45
On Hotelling's Stability in Competition attachment 运营管理(物流与供应链管理) 小女子2010 2011-9-11 1 1384 beenic 2013-3-22 12:17:26
hotelling model, economics of the firm attachment 制度经济学 262308411 2012-11-29 2 1290 yangwag 2013-1-11 11:22:35
计量中的stata Stata专版 593352826 2012-10-29 4 1731 gs1984 2012-11-4 16:17:14
Hotelling 模型 attachment 微观经济学 zuihoudeyezi 2012-10-29 0 1192 zuihoudeyezi 2012-10-29 11:57:06
悬赏 文献求助Harold Hotelling and the principle of minimum differentiation - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 hbzhang520 2012-8-19 2 1035 allord 2012-8-19 16:29:53
SAS中怎么做Hotelling-T^2检验 SAS专版 金黄色的风 2012-3-13 0 2250 金黄色的风 2012-3-13 18:43:44
请教投入需求,产出供给的可积分性 微观经济学 ka7805 2011-12-16 2 962 ka7805 2011-12-22 23:51:06
天音通信2012年校园招聘全线启动 经管类求职与招聘 wanghaocau 2011-10-16 1 1104 changganghua 2011-10-18 00:36:23
Hotelling Model attachment 微观经济学 matlabour 2011-8-8 0 1543 matlabour 2011-8-8 13:31:46
急求More on Hotelling's stability in competition attachment 文献求助专区 bnuwwb 2011-5-25 4 2215 bnuwwb 2011-5-25 09:49:19
救助文献Hotelling's spatial competition as a model of sales attachment 文献求助专区 weilingyu 2011-4-6 1 1126 水晶雪碧 2011-4-7 05:44:54
从帕累托至善到帕累托至悲 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) rongrong009 2011-2-1 2 1298 qhdeconomy 2011-2-1 19:02:50
求助:Hotelling‘s T2检验 attachment SPSS论坛 qcshare 2010-9-8 1 6658 write2me 2011-1-18 16:34:08
求助!!Hotelling T-square test如何做? SPSS论坛 misswhiteflf 2011-1-8 3 7719 misswhiteflf 2011-1-10 12:06:01
死寂古都的妙想 哲学与心理学版 magic/tp 2010-9-26 0 1232 magic/tp 2010-9-26 14:14:50

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