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【下载】Bayesian Forecasting and Dynamic Models ~Springer..2nd.1997 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 kxjs2007 2010-6-1 8 4783 davidliu666 2018-3-26 23:30:09
APPLIED TIME SERIES MODELLING AND FORECASTING完全版 attachment 金融学(理论版) bjlbh 2010-5-9 8 2926 wh7064rg 2015-1-26 07:31:12
悬赏 garch模型下forecast,fit,和makegarch结果的区别 - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] EViews专版 llxxjun 2010-4-15 4 2767 rayzhangfy 2013-9-26 08:14:17
Time Series: Economic Forecasting attachment 宏观经济学 xiashi1988 2010-5-29 1 1254 xiaolongzi1991 2011-11-7 18:06:08
悬赏 3E analysis and forecast models - [悬赏 5 个论坛币] 计量经济学与统计软件 wqsotto 2010-6-1 1 1060 xd203 2011-5-5 10:34:03
Mckinsey Quarterly WSJ_forecast stock market by PE ratio_Shiller vs Siegel attachment 创业论坛 stickgundam 2010-4-23 3 1872 stickgundam 2010-10-29 23:33:21
悬赏 Elements of forecasting Francis X. Diebold forth edition - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] 计量经济学与统计软件 观海望鱼 2010-4-14 4 3004 xiangning 2010-8-14 02:33:17
悬赏 时间序列的分析结果该怎么看? - [!reward_solved!] SAS专版 Dzeko 2010-5-31 8 4946 ladyw 2010-6-2 20:40:18
求文章一篇 attachment 文献求助专区 fufhong 2010-6-1 2 1073 fgq5910 2010-6-1 11:49:36
Price Forecasting with Time-Series attachment 宏观经济学 xiashi1988 2010-5-29 1 1586 gssdzc 2010-5-29 16:34:53
(已经解决)求助:forecasting financial failure: a re-examination attachment 文献求助专区 duncan_zheng 2010-5-20 3 1239 duncan_zheng 2010-5-21 15:43:41
求助,我用ARIMA预测煤炭价格怎么预测结果都是一个值呢? SAS专版 yuanmei26 2010-5-21 0 1344 yuanmei26 2010-5-21 14:40:18
求书:Harvey, Forecasting, Structural Time Series Models, 计量经济学与统计软件 liuhztang 2010-5-5 2 3260 liuhztang 2010-5-15 16:47:51
新版crystal ball11.1.1破解不成功,不能用 计量经济学与统计软件 taming_cj 2010-5-2 1 2493 hcsimagi 2010-5-5 13:57:59
分享外国文献 attachment 文献求助专区 Tracy07 2010-5-1 1 1218 czshhh 2010-5-1 09:35:12
2010.01China Energy Report and Energy Price Forecast Scenario attachment 行业分析报告 勇敢去飞 2010-4-28 0 1239 勇敢去飞 2010-4-28 11:18:51
海信E90软件下载攻略 休闲灌水 chidu 2010-4-24 0 1144 chidu 2010-4-24 23:10:54
MODELING AND FORECASTING REALIZED VOLATILITY波动估计方法 attachment R语言论坛 maple992 2010-4-20 1 1754 maple992 2010-4-20 15:48:42
找书Time Series Analysis,Forecasting,and Control 文献求助专区 sunnyjlx 2010-4-19 2 2771 wesker1999 2010-4-19 19:39:47

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