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悬赏 Foreign Exchange Rate Forecasting Using Higher Order Flexible Neural Tree - [!reward_solved!] 求助成功区 kuhasu 2011-9-30 2 1083 Myty383 2018-1-19 11:00:55
悬赏 200币悬赏Bowerman. Forecasting, times series & regression. 4th ed.清晰电子版 - [悬赏 200 个论坛币] 悬赏大厅 小球藻 2011-7-28 14 4289 whflay 2017-9-2 03:17:14
下载 Diebold 迪博尔德 经济预测 第4版 elements of forecasting 4ed 英文版 attachment 版权审核区(不对外开放) leonshevchenko 2011-9-15 22 7021 wei7847 2017-3-5 21:47:35
Interpreting Value at Risk (VaR) forecasts的外文翻译(完整版) attachment 风险管理 purple5252 2011-10-11 0 2334 purple5252 2014-6-17 15:24:19
请问forecast中S.E.是怎么得来的 EViews专版 ivy_cyh 2011-10-9 1 1610 ermutuxia 2012-12-24 09:30:42
美联储:石油价格预测(Forecasting the Price of Oil) attachment 行业分析报告 qinsong 2011-8-3 159 10711 tinyactinia 2012-7-17 16:00:30
Alan T. Molnar - Economic Forecasting attach_img 经济金融数学专区 terrytong 2011-9-17 9 2382 zhxq716 2012-5-6 17:29:02
悬赏 Robust forecast combinations - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 kuhasu 2011-10-19 1 1099 xiaobo137 2011-10-19 16:17:23
LONG-TERM ECONOMIC FORECAST for North America attachment 世界经济与国际贸易 congfei 2011-10-19 0 826 congfei 2011-10-19 03:37:00
Need help on choosing/building a model for a forecast SAS专版 myocean7 2011-10-7 0 939 beebeeboybee 2011-10-7 08:46:32
悬赏 求助文献Optimal properties of exponentially weighted forecasts,论坛币20 - [悬赏 20 个论坛币] attachment 悬赏大厅 money44441234 2011-10-3 1 1033 money44441234 2011-10-4 00:28:07
Ordered regression的forecasting EViews专版 ray1893 2011-10-2 2 849 唐伯小猫 2011-10-2 16:24:51
悬赏 The Gene Expression Programming Applied to Demand Forecast - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 kuhasu 2011-9-30 2 661 hahaqhd 2011-10-1 05:44:38
悬赏 Forecasting Euro – United States Dollar Exchange Rate with Gene Expression Prog - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 kuhasu 2011-9-30 2 808 hahaqhd 2011-10-1 05:41:59
悬赏 Short-term load forecasting of power systems by gene expression programming - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 kuhasu 2011-9-30 1 1068 gamex 2011-9-30 02:59:19
悬赏 Deterministic Ensemble Forecasts Using Gene-Expression Programming* - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 匿名 2011-9-29 3 1064 匿名网友 2011-9-30 00:04:39
求 文献 爱问频道 lanxunhan 2011-9-25 7 807 lanxunhan 2011-9-25 23:05:36
信息技术将解决众多的营销难题 市场营销 了情 2011-8-21 2 1079 了情 2011-8-29 17:31:29
悬赏 Real-time flood forecasting using updateable linguistic decision trees - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 kuhasu 2011-7-23 1 1194 xjqxxjjqq 2011-7-23 22:25:19
悬赏 帮忙运行一下程序,提交详细结果 - [!reward_solved!] SAS专版 shaode01 2011-7-18 2 1758 pinggu2688 2011-7-19 01:08:47

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