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An intriduction to random matrices attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 xiejunshan 2010-6-24 3 1518 atwoodcloyd 2020-1-30 14:34:36
Handbook of Matrices下载 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 wanghp3 2010-2-4 7 4652 dengyfman 2019-7-10 10:33:52
Matrix Facts, A colletion of matrices facts for a quick desktop reference attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 zyweimath 2008-10-16 2 2247 bbslover 2016-2-17 01:41:31
瑞文标准推理测验 attachment 人力资源管理 宁心听风 2013-3-27 2 1143 candywang0117 2014-1-10 19:01:41
Positive Definite Matrices attachment SPSS论坛 masterxyq 2010-4-9 4 3079 zsy6621 2013-9-30 13:26:41
悬赏 求助Taylor文献 - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 tanninghui 2013-9-3 2 610 tanninghui 2013-9-3 13:46:13
[R]怎样用for或者while写matrices的程序 attach_img R语言论坛 kiotoqq 2013-6-11 8 1881 kiotoqq 2013-6-13 14:31:56
悬赏 On square roots of M-matrices - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 lianghongjing 2013-3-20 1 874 jianhongnet 2013-3-20 20:45:07
determinantes and matrices 文献求助专区 qifa2010 2013-1-29 0 965 qifa2010 2013-1-29 10:41:19
Positive Definite Matrices attachment SPSS论坛 masterxyq 2010-4-9 1 1533 ambition0210 2012-11-13 14:24:52
谁用pajek啊??关于其3.01版本的问题!!! 爱问频道 Cheryl_WANG 2012-10-23 2 1057 Cheryl_WANG 2012-10-23 16:18:41
悬赏 Minimal realization of transfer function matrices A comparative study of differe - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 summerye 2011-11-30 2 886 yonghengzhiran 2011-11-30 19:48:25
Stable perturbations of nonsymmetric matrices 文献求助专区 chaoyang712 2011-10-11 0 690 chaoyang712 2011-10-11 09:50:05
悬赏 on smoothed density of states for wigner random matrices - [悬赏 5 个论坛币] 计量经济学与统计软件 xiejunshan 2011-1-10 0 960 xiejunshan 2011-1-10 19:50:24
求书 经济金融数学专区 hghg2002523 2010-12-30 1 905 VISACTION 2010-12-31 17:12:23
求助!! Gauss专版 xyz1517226 2010-8-3 2 1801 wangziheyi 2010-8-7 18:32:28
求这篇文章<On smoothed density of states for Wigner random matrices> 爱问频道 爱萌 2010-4-24 0 1381 爱萌 2010-4-24 13:12:10
[求助]英文文献1篇 attachment 文献求助专区 cquyangjun 2010-2-21 1 711 cashjane 2010-2-22 08:50:50
Theory and Application of Migration Matrices - Stefan Trueck attachment 金融学(理论版) 新生菜鸟 2009-3-10 0 1715 新生菜鸟 2009-3-10 07:39:00
Gray - Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices attachment 经济金融数学专区 shanxinning 2008-5-21 0 2328 shanxinning 2008-5-21 14:37:00

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