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人口老龄化经济学Paolo Onofri.The Economics of an Ageing Population attachment 宏观经济学 ye62933255 2008-8-14 5 3374 jinyl_80 2022-12-20 14:52:57
[下载][分享]Monte Carlo Simulation方法(EXCEL程序) attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 zhezhe326 2008-4-5 25 10068 txt8255 2022-1-21 14:26:59
Government Capacity to Assure High Quality Regulation in the United States attachment 博弈论 价格理论 2008-4-15 1 2964 512661101 2019-5-13 21:26:48
[下载]Data Manipulation with R (2008) attachment R语言论坛 jyliao 2008-3-30 33 10441 gz_xqq16 2014-9-7 22:30:42
伯克利的课件Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation byKenneth E. Train attachment 经济金融数学专区 shanxinning 2008-5-18 11 5768 acbz2003 2014-8-9 16:48:06
Monte Carlo Simulation Model for Option Pricing(excel 文档) attachment Excel ForeverLearner 2008-3-27 43 9304 mac白 2012-8-20 16:52:50
[下载]Business Strategy Formulation Theory, Process, and the Intellectual Revoluti attachment 商学院 diviny 2008-8-1 2 2360 caopingson 2011-5-24 21:28:14
Data Manipulation with R Springer2008新书 attachment R语言论坛 eijuhz 2008-3-29 22 8458 nanou 2010-12-20 01:15:37
有谁用中国数据做过Micro-simulation的(讨论送金币200玫+n万论坛币) attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 wangzt 2008-4-3 14 3763 babyday 2010-5-2 12:32:48
数据很短的情况下如何计算ETL? 计量经济学与统计软件 stonexu1984 2008-8-30 1 1657 stonexu1984 2008-9-2 05:27:00
Inventory Simulation Model attachment 金融学(理论版) stewartxie 2008-8-26 0 1765 stewartxie 2008-8-26 17:04:00
大家帮我看看我的小程序 MATLAB等数学软件专版 agan06 2008-8-24 5 1812 birdnick 2008-8-25 17:36:00
请教一个关于中心极限定律的问题 金融类 stanhope 2008-8-3 6 2391 stanhope 2008-8-4 22:29:00
[求助]Stata中如何只对某一类型的数据变量进行操作 Stata专版 huntwind 2008-7-14 1 3592 xjtuluo 2008-7-16 14:00:00
[原创]立交桥畔生活的孩子们 学者专栏 fancunhui 2008-6-8 0 1872 fancunhui 2008-6-8 01:26:00
stata 火速求救 Stata专版 laihamawang 2008-4-19 0 2259 laihamawang 2008-4-19 20:35:00
LVR for population and GDP dynamics 环境经济学 elinor 2008-4-17 1 2094 elinor 2008-4-17 17:54:00
[推荐][下载]Simulation(Fourth Edition) attachment 金融学(理论版) bundy 2008-3-13 1 3424 wesker1999 2008-3-13 17:54:00
[下载]monte carlo simulation and finance - don l. mcleish - wiley 2005 attachment 金融学(理论版) gaowq 2008-3-10 0 2225 gaowq 2008-3-10 23:48:00
[下载]free-Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation Methods in Econometrics attachment 金融学(理论版) cia801027 2008-2-27 1 2221 cia801027 2008-2-27 13:49:00

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