人大经济论坛 标签 regression 相关帖子

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数据分析、工程绘图软件Origin7.5绿色版+破解程序 attachment MATLAB等数学软件专版 xiaoshiyue 2007-4-6 68 26450 tianwk 2019-12-27 17:31:03
[免费]Introduction to Nonparametric Regression attachment digest R语言论坛 yiyo900 2007-4-2 95 33938 dxystata 2017-9-17 17:06:20
求书:Regression Models For Categorical Dependent Variables USING STATA Stata专版 yazhuishou 2007-4-4 4 3108 matlab-007 2015-7-10 09:02:20
求助两阶段最小二乘法 SPSS论坛 hnfhx0227 2007-4-9 8 5590 bakoll 2015-6-1 17:50:17
[求助]如何进行Threshold Regression Models建模和估计? EViews专版 hyq2003 2007-3-29 1 3510 胖胖小龟宝 2015-1-6 14:55:28
Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using STATA attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 方天画戟 2007-3-21 5 6462 geokaran 2013-3-14 00:17:44
[下载]降价了 semiparametric_regression_for_the_applied_econometrician attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 bh7616 2007-4-18 33 7461 zyq800408 2013-2-3 22:33:16
请教关于时间序列的季节自回归方面的问题 EViews专版 banbankeai 2007-3-10 1 1912 NKGCL 2012-4-2 21:04:34
[免费]Statistical Tools for Nonlinear Regression A Practical Guide With S-PLUS and attachment R语言论坛 yiyo900 2007-3-27 90 26611 天狮 2011-12-18 14:44:28
Logistic Regression A Self-Learning Text attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 ccpoo 2007-4-19 5 2208 warton1010 2011-11-21 15:45:34
[原创]Log Linear Models & Logistic Regression-Springer attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 wumaths 2007-4-19 6 3659 hsuyao 2011-11-21 15:39:47
SAS书籍出售 attachment 数据分析与数据科学 beatuxlee 2007-4-18 42 6270 voice1122 2011-11-21 07:39:23
Wiley,.Regression Models for Time Series Analysis.(2002) attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 毒谷123 2007-4-15 13 5824 huiwangpk 2011-11-21 01:43:36
[分享]Referance of Nonparametrical Regression attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 urbeautifull 2007-4-8 12 3266 cheny600 2011-11-20 08:27:26
新书免费 Applied Logistic Regression attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 financehr 2007-3-25 20 6037 ryanzenggb 2011-11-19 15:49:22
!!!!大家帮帮忙啊,关于计量经济学 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 Jennifer007 2007-3-31 2 1532 peterf 2011-11-19 11:22:59
[求助]残差平稳?矛盾啊! attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 cmq816 2007-3-22 5 3040 cmq816 2011-11-17 15:26:02
Local Regression and Likelihood attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 ccpoo 2007-3-18 16 6864 m8843620 2011-11-17 00:55:47
Quantile Regression -by Roger Koenker 计量经济学与统计软件 ccpoo 2007-3-29 2 3950 m8843620 2011-4-4 04:12:04
[求助]求书 regression analysis of count data 计量经济学与统计软件 cantorshen 2007-4-8 1 1987 grantdxl 2008-8-11 14:29:00

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