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GARCH Time Series Model (Free) attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 iammt 2008-1-11 41 9946 tianwk 2020-2-3 12:30:47
[下载]Book Analysis of financial time series by Tsay.pdf attachment 宏观经济学 dragonpang 2007-12-15 1 3175 lihujiejie 2014-7-2 16:17:50
R软件使用 attachment R语言论坛 yangjianhong83 2008-1-2 29 9848 三星伴月 2013-6-27 19:55:53
[下载] ITSM FOR INTRODUCTION TO TIME SERIES AND FORCASTING attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 sue2008 2007-12-31 21 7183 Erin.J 2013-3-29 10:52:11
经典的金融时间序列分析教材Analysis of Financial Time Series. Ruey S. Tsay 第三章 attachment MATLAB等数学软件专版 huifragrant 2008-2-12 2 3328 newpic99 2013-2-4 22:01:49
经典的金融时间序列分析教材Analysis of Financial Time Series. Ruey S. Tsay 第二章 attachment MATLAB等数学软件专版 huifragrant 2008-2-12 7 3629 、AT 2012-9-28 22:16:19
时间序列分析 time series analysis 哈密尔顿 hamilton 1994 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 goldbuffalo 2008-1-12 7 6797 sunyenan 2012-3-6 13:58:31
Econometric Analysis of Financial and Economic Time Series Part B, Volume 20 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 五点天就黑 2007-12-16 2 2008 kantdisciple 2012-1-4 08:38:38
Econometric Analysis of Financial and Economic Time Series Part A, Volume 20 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 五点天就黑 2007-12-15 4 2842 xin.pan 2012-1-4 08:35:46
[感谢lml000,myxix,mliu3103i]英文文献3篇(已全) attachment 求助成功区 dragonwell_koan 2007-12-14 5 1552 wangkang1984 2012-1-4 03:51:53
[感谢版主]求文献5篇! attachment 求助成功区 Greengdp 2007-12-11 6 1422 gjwmat 2012-1-3 18:59:45
[下载]和R软件很好结合的关于时间序列的教材——英文版,老师推荐的 attachment R语言论坛 tedzzx 2008-1-24 66 17130 nyijian 2011-8-2 23:27:54
求一本书“Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods” 文献求助专区 yang-ruicheng 2007-12-23 5 4479 shuxia 2010-9-10 17:35:18
经典的金融时间序列分析教材Analysis of Financial Time Series. Ruey S. Tsay 第一章 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 huifragrant 2008-2-12 1 2095 2ziliao 2009-9-13 20:31:38
[求助成功]英文文献一篇 求助成功区 jackicjh 2008-1-30 3 1541 gjwmat 2008-2-4 22:54:00
Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance. John.Cochrane(2005) attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 bayayifu 2008-1-29 1 1669 chasergl 2008-1-30 01:11:00
Time Series Analysis by A.W Van der Vaart 计量经济学与统计软件 981464 2008-1-28 2 1987 981464 2008-1-28 11:53:00
[Share] Time series for macro and finance attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 gfk 2008-1-15 1 1449 alexander1 2008-1-15 06:24:00
Need help SAS专版 waterpuma 2008-1-1 1 1389 sunshining4203 2008-1-3 15:15:00
[求助]a difficult problem in Time Series 金融学(理论版) coolcat9885 2007-12-4 5 1662 liuxingtang 2007-12-18 11:54:00

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