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Think Python:How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (中英对照版) attach_img 量化投资 igs816 2015-5-24 77 14150 无心不出岫 2022-1-4 13:12:42
求书: 悬赏5th的英文解答『Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware/Software attach_img 悬赏大厅 201366 2015-4-6 5 13210 ysh19988 2019-8-30 14:55:36
Linear Algebra and Probability for Computer Science Applications (MATLAB) attach_img 量化投资 igs816 2015-5-10 27 3781 笑哈哈999 2019-7-7 10:48:49
MIT 离散数学课件 attachment 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品 andywan2012 2015-4-30 5 2823 512661101 2019-3-14 19:21:03
悬赏 Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective 3rd - [悬赏 30 个论坛币] attachment 文献求助专区 rzcak 2015-4-21 8 10413 mywayfan 2018-9-24 23:23:34
W.Sande, C.Sande (2010) Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners attachment python论坛 kevinchen24 2015-5-1 1 1111 sensna 2018-5-3 14:52:57
[Lecture Notes]C Programming,University of Strathclyde Computer Centre HLM专版 Lisrelchen 2015-3-16 1 1044 Elena3 2016-7-2 22:18:11
[Lecture Notes]Machine Learning for Computer Vision winbugs及其他软件专版 Lisrelchen 2015-4-21 3 1895 igs816 2016-2-24 09:29:07
How To Think Like A Computer Scientist: C++ Version attachment C与C++编程 Lisrelchen 2015-3-13 15 2305 Elena3 2016-2-23 07:45:17
Making Music with Computers: Creative Programming in Python attach_img 量化投资 igs816 2015-5-2 19 3473 Nicolle 2016-2-6 12:40:26
悬赏 Fragmented standards and the development of Japan's microcomputer software - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 linb02 2015-5-22 2 702 giresse 2015-5-22 06:02:54
2015年穿戴装置、平板手机、3D列印发展受关注 行业分析报告 天拓咨询 2015-5-21 0 765 天拓咨询 2015-5-21 16:40:27
大数据开发每年可为欧委会节省2000亿欧元 数据分析与数据挖掘 lovelywolf 2015-4-28 0 1063 lovelywolf 2015-4-28 15:51:49
三十年来科技产品的沧桑巨变 休闲灌水 dmworld1998 2015-4-13 0 1286 dmworld1998 2015-4-13 09:57:25
急求!!计量经济学computer exercise!!!求计量大神解答!!高分求助!! attachment 悬赏大厅 gaoyi932 2015-4-10 3 1740 wannafree 2015-4-10 20:35:16
悬赏 求助众筹融资的英文文献,谢谢! - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 zhutx 2015-3-29 2 1047 zhutx 2015-3-29 09:39:33
[C++网络教程]Computer Science I (CS 170)[网络资源可下载] 量化投资 Nicolle 2015-3-15 3 1132 ys4abc 2015-3-20 07:59:25
悬赏 Maximum projection designs for computer experiments - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 ozj9325 2015-3-19 1 461 zogcee 2015-3-19 23:53:38

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