tag 标签: Volatility经管大学堂:名校名师名课


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【求问】volatility 和 variance区别在哪里 计量经济学与统计软件 xiaorenwutas 2010-10-31 9 20752 苏苏mu 2018-4-10 20:45:20
Stochastic Volatility: selected readings attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 tlyy1996 2008-9-30 10 4617 花茶物语 2017-1-4 19:23:36
求Option Valuation Under Stochastic Volatility 金融学(理论版) fengyun8323 2008-2-11 3 4452 见路不走 2015-4-11 19:38:15
请问,怎么用STATA做volatility forecasting分析? Stata专版 kyller21 2011-7-18 4 2809 fgleric 2012-11-28 12:45:27
[下载] Inside Volatility Arbitrage - The Secrets of Skewness attachment 金融学(理论版) anderson2008 2009-6-4 3 2856 zhongzihong 2012-8-2 10:57:17
Forecasting Volatility in the Financial Markets attachment 金融学(理论版) 匿名 2007-12-15 1 2190 yanggeorge 2012-1-4 06:10:12
Stochastic Volatility: Selected Readings (Advanced Texts in Econometrics) attachment 金融学(理论版) liqila 2007-12-11 1 5071 pone97206 2012-1-3 19:54:28
推荐一片好文章《A multivariate GARCH model of international transmissions of internation attachment EViews专版 兰特 2007-3-5 3 2403 jianglizhen 2011-11-13 15:14:58
[下载]A semiparametric GARCH model for foreign exchange volatility attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 xuelida 2006-10-29 1 2904 peterf 2011-10-28 17:15:37
RiskMetrics 公司研究文章:Financial crises, implied volatility and stress testing attachment 金融学(理论版) ccbrasil 2006-7-20 0 2459 ccbrasil 2011-10-23 13:28:55
Option Valuation Under Stochastic Volatility 文献求助专区 dsyev2003 2009-1-12 3 3142 chchen2778 2009-4-16 09:13:00
Matlab中如何simulate stochastic volatility process MATLAB等数学软件专版 nkxl 2008-1-22 1 4036 wenrouahlin 2009-2-11 00:17:00
Buying and Selling Volatility attachment 金融学(理论版) bundybundy 2009-2-9 2 2867 devain 2009-2-9 14:30:00
[下载]Econometric Modelling of the Volatility of Financial attachment 金融学(理论版) aipeng 2009-1-8 1 1894 myf19760316 2009-1-8 20:24:00
The volatility surface attachment 金融类 pigking 2008-10-27 0 3267 pigking 2008-10-27 03:38:00
[下载] Stochastic Volatility Selected Readings attachment 金融学(理论版) anderson2008 2008-9-26 0 2308 anderson2008 2008-9-26 22:04:00
Asset Price Dynamics, Volatility, and Prediction_Stephen J. Taylor_Princeton Uni attachment 金融学(理论版) lwddz 2008-8-15 0 6642 lwddz 2008-8-15 17:31:00
stochastic volatility attachment 金融学(理论版) zeyinz 2008-5-28 0 2426 zeyinz 2008-5-28 05:10:00
[下载]stochastic volatility attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 hebinjlu 2008-2-15 3 2081 hkswen 2008-2-16 00:28:00
[原创]A Practical Guide to Forecasting Financial Market Volatility (The Wiley Fina attachment 金融学(理论版) yuanruyu 2008-2-5 2 2127 yuanruyu 2008-2-5 13:00:00



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