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[下载]Multiple Testing Procedures with Applications to Genomics attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 eijuhz 2007-10-4 6 4210 BBluo 2016-1-26 05:38:29
运筹学,适合数学不好的同学 attachment 运营管理(物流与供应链管理) thxb 2013-8-18 7 12712 nothbusin 2015-2-4 03:56:52
Data Analysis Using SAS Enterprise Guide attachment SAS专版 eardsion 2013-3-29 1 1605 tamtam7010 2014-6-18 16:22:20
Base SAS® 9.2Procedures GuideStatistical Procedures(total pages 492) attachment 数据分析与数据科学 倚天照海 2009-10-16 6 2952 wujiaofen 2013-12-10 16:13:30
Recommendations for cleaning and disinfection procedures in digestive tract endo 文献求助专区 木棉小猪 2013-3-27 0 820 木棉小猪 2013-3-27 11:49:47
求助成功:Bootstrap procedures in a spatial-temporal model attachment 论文版 qingqing840322 2013-2-27 3 940 qingqing840322 2013-3-1 21:18:56
悬赏 Root-coverage procedures for the treatment of localized recession-type defects - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 ihc7788c 2013-2-26 1 837 Benzju 2013-2-26 21:06:07
悬赏 Journal of Financial Economics - [阅读权限 255]- [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 pertain 2013-1-28 1 194 jigesi 2013-1-28 21:52:00
[转帖]Relational Schemas as a Source of If-Then Self-Inference Procedures-->wan attachment 行为经济学与实验经济学 张文 2007-11-18 0 3368 张文 2011-12-31 17:09:11
Handbook of Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures,3rd-CRC attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 zhushiyou 2007-7-10 8 4106 shqchen1966 2011-12-7 07:11:30
[下载]Recursive Functions and Procedures in GAUSS and MATHEMATICA attachment Gauss专版 xuelida 2007-5-20 2 3399 iloveyou21 2011-11-27 10:55:49
Base SAS 9.1 Procedures Guide下载 attachment 数据分析与数据科学 jy97031046 2005-5-22 7 2792 dongridr 2011-10-4 08:30:50
悬赏 Efficient procedures for valuing European and American path-dependent options - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品 甜蜜 2009-10-14 8 3950 shalou1 2011-9-12 14:46:03
Handbook of Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures 3rd(djvu) attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 dreamathstat 2010-10-12 5 1761 rcdjh 2011-3-24 21:16:32
Controls, Procedures and Risk attach_img 休闲灌水 zeiko 2010-10-27 0 924 zeiko 2010-10-27 03:13:30
[下载]Base SAS® 9.2 Procedures Guide Statistical Procedures attachment 数据分析与数据科学 rd_jj 2009-4-19 3 1632 davinci37 2010-6-2 14:36:18
Gauss Procedures Gauss专版 xuehe 2010-2-15 1 2090 rucsdy 2010-2-15 22:27:38
[下载]Base SAS® 9.2 Procedures Guide attachment 数据分析与数据科学 rd_jj 2009-4-19 1 1715 tommywu 2009-4-19 14:36:00
[下载]Evolution and Procedures in Central Banking attachment 金融学(理论版) diviny 2009-4-16 0 1431 diviny 2009-4-16 14:29:00
IFRS Policies and Procedures attachment 金融学(理论版) murwhin 2008-11-15 0 1362 murwhin 2008-11-15 07:15:00


cyh 2013-1-25 11:44
Single Family Housing: Pricing, Investment, and Tax Considerations 家庭住宅:定价、投资和税收 Readers will gain a general understanding of the determinants of house prices and appraisal procedures used for residential mortgage lending. We will provide techniques for determining the appreciation rates in house prices and on equity, as well as federal income tax treatment for homeowners and comparisons with the cost of renting. We will also review the three approaches used by appraisers to estimate the market value of residential properties. Various issues involving housing bubbles and investing in distressed properties will be discussed. Lenders and investors should be familiar with these concepts and with the assumptions made by each and their effects on value.
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