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Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance - Arbitrage and Option Pricing attachment 金融学(理论版) martinnyj 2012-8-27 15 3797 三江鸿 2023-1-16 15:58:53
[瑞银UBS] 内部使用:全套财务估值培训材料 已降价 并免费附赠投行excel comps table attach_img 行业分析报告 bennylau 2013-1-21 890 70935 小明学投资 2021-8-31 19:19:54
《Trading optures and futions》英文原版书,Joe Ross关于option不可逾越的经典著作 金融实务版 Rhea5 2013-6-18 30 5336 tztosh 2018-12-24 18:21:22
求binomial model option price 计算期权价格(只要答案,不需要过程) 爱问频道 dugu924 2013-2-23 3 9109 滑溜溜的牛柳 2018-3-15 06:47:00
求助运行stata时的一个错误 Stata专版 caiwh 2013-6-17 1 2502 ermutuxia 2015-1-8 12:45:53
绝版 option marker making attachment 金融学(理论版) xumba 2013-6-14 4 1955 simba2009 2014-3-10 19:34:05
新手请问如何检测逻辑回归的异方差和共线性 Stata专版 gexixiyingming 2013-9-5 4 11448 nannan1107 2013-9-6 18:37:58
悬赏 Cap option:5612.59 怎么来的? - [!reward_solved!] 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品 路小雨 2013-9-3 5 3130 Chemist_MZ 2013-9-4 01:40:12
获得nnmatch后的样本权重 统计软件培训班VIP答疑区 peyzf 2013-7-5 7 2637 peyzf 2013-8-7 01:06:52
悬赏 Empirical evidence on the relation between stock option compensation ...... - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 灰色鸟genan 2013-7-20 1 1976 dreamtree 2013-7-20 07:56:03
关于excel Table(模拟试算表) 如何查看,调试背后的code? attachment Excel haosiC 2013-7-15 2 8798 haosiC 2013-7-17 12:04:47
hac , rob option 统计软件培训班VIP答疑区 peyzf 2013-7-3 2 1219 peyzf 2013-7-4 12:10:16
这句话要怎么翻译比较好呢~急~ 爱问频道 心若睡了 2013-6-26 1 1720 闲潭落花 2013-6-26 00:43:39
naked option 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品 あおい踵を 2013-4-19 2 3968 あおい踵を 2013-6-18 15:06:54
建立一個SAS library, option怎麼填? attach_img SAS专版 vieri32 2013-6-10 1 1212 vieri32 2013-6-10 01:01:27
The.Option.Traders.Workbook.A.ProblemSolving.Approach.2nd.Edition attachment 金融实务版 Rhea5 2013-6-6 4 1922 learningEcon 2013-6-8 19:05:07
ols command 的 other option不能正常工作 Gauss专版 zlqs1985 2013-5-26 2 1372 zlqs1985 2013-5-28 22:10:39
悬赏 有关比较两组数中位数是否相等 - [!reward_solved!] attachment Stata专版 econfj 2013-4-19 6 4613 gongyunrou 2013-4-21 03:02:55
翻译问题 CFA、CVA、FRM等金融考证论坛 1376175155 2013-4-6 0 1747 1376175155 2013-4-6 23:24:37
悬赏 Risk analysis of commitment–option contracts with forecast updates - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 tamago1204 2013-3-14 1 2066 husteconyy 2013-3-14 15:20:37


分享 组间效应、固定效应、随机效应
chuck19850703 2016-3-27 15:43
be 这个option让stata以组为分析单位,此时的个案数为分组数。此时,用到的观测其实是y的各组均值和x的各组均值。以下两个命令等价。 1、xtreg y x,be i(groupvar) 2a、collapse (mean) y x,by(groupvar) 2b、reg y x fe这个option计算固定效应,以下两个命令等价: 3、xtreg y x,fe i(groupvar) 4、reg y x i.groupvar 对于re vs. fe,一般,基于panel data的回归分析需要考虑用fixed effect还是random effect,有时文章同时将两者的结果列出。通过hausman test,作者可以选取更适合的那种具体在文中解释。
0 个评论
分享 利率期限结构建模
accumulation 2015-7-9 11:56
1) 利率模型里面的利率和债券的关系是股票和期权的关系,而不是股票和收益的关系,换言之债券是一种利率衍生品。就跟你不会去model option的process一样。即使是定价期权的期权,compound option,你也是从stock price model起。 2)因为利率是不可交易资产所以一般都是用债券来构建hedging portfolio推出risk neutral measure下的market price of risk,然后再代入利率的SDE推出利率在该measure下的drift
个人分类: 金融工程|0 个评论
分享 Example 8 - Black-Scholes
accumulation 2015-5-16 15:27
Example 8 - Black-Scholes The value of a European “call option,” c (s,t ) , with exercise price e and expiration date T , satisfies the “asset-or-nothing payoff ” c (s,T ) = s, s ≥ e;= 0, s e . Prior to expiration c (s,t ) is estimated by the Black-Scholes differential equation ( ) ( ) 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 t ss s t s s s c s c rsc rc c s c r sc rc σ σ + + − ≡ + + −σ − = . The parameters in the model are the risk-free interest rate, r , and the stock volatility,σ . The boundary conditions are c (0,t ) = 0 and ( , ) 1, s c s t ≈ s →∞ . This development is described in Wilmott, et al. (1995), pages 41-57. There are explicit solutions for this equation based on the Normal Curve of Probability. The normal curve, and the solution itself, can be efficiently computed with the IMSL function ANORDF, IMSL (1994), page 186. With numerical integrationthe equation itself or the payoff can be readily changed to include other formulas, c (s,T ) , and corresponding boundary conditions. We use e = 100,r = 0.08,T − t = 0.25,σ2 = 0.04,sL = 0, and sR = 150. P1069——Fortran—Math
个人分类: 金融工程|0 个评论
分享 关于option
hellozcy 2014-2-9 08:00
In-the-money: A call option is in-the-money when its strike price is below the current trading price of the underlying asset. A put option is in-the-money when its strike price is above the current trading price of the underlying asset. In-the-money options are generally more expensive as their premiums consist of significant intrinsic value on the top of their time value. Out of money option: An option without any intrinsic value is an out-of-the-money (OTM) option. A call option is out-of-the-money when the strike price is above the current trading price of the underlying security. Intrinsic value: option value if it expired immediately. Intrinsic call value=max(S-X,0). Intrinsic value 0, then the option is in the money. Speculative Value: Speculative Value=Option Price - Intrinsic Value
21 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 print option id double sum选项
yukai08008 2013-3-16 00:15
sum的格式和变量一样。 proc print data=resdat.yrret double noobs ;/*(obs=15); infile products obs=15; */ var stkcd lstknm date yrtrds yrret; sum yrret; where lstknm in ('大众B股','万科A');/*如选项不存在则忽略*/ run; /*proc contents data=resdat.yrret; run;
个人分类: 学习笔记|0 个评论
分享 futures and option pricing
379746385 2013-1-12 09:16
mechanics of futures markets. abuse of derivatives has caused financial ruin of many organizations in recent years
4 次阅读|0 个评论

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