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[下载]美林:The Investment Clock:Special Report : Making Money from Macro attachment 行业分析报告 BABY3000 2008-10-22 25 14665 xishuluohua 2022-6-6 11:26:20
[下载]IEA Oil Market Report - 14 May 2009 attachment 行业分析报告 tyn 2009-6-7 10 3349 512661101 2021-12-31 19:38:46
悬赏 A theory and measure of ethical climate in organizations - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 wawa1997 2013-7-26 4 2903 Mengguren15 2019-2-17 18:09:11
JP Morgan Facebook Research report attachment 行业分析报告 batman119 2013-1-17 72 9708 a670651584 2015-6-7 13:40:34
Global Finance Magazine Grades the World's Top Central Bankers 2012 attachment 休闲灌水 bot2007 2012-8-26 1 3169 潭生.经济学笔记 2014-12-7 10:33:05
2013 World investment report attachment 金融学(理论版) sandy5337 2013-7-2 1 2980 zzyftpl 2013-7-3 22:20:30
悬赏 Technical report: diagnosis and management of childhood obstructive sleep apnea - [悬赏 10 个论坛币] attachment 文献求助专区 moonstone 2013-5-20 4 2407 moonstone 2013-5-20 09:25:29
Linklaters China report (2012) attachment 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) Αρτεμιδ 2013-3-13 0 1978 Αρτεμιδ 2013-3-13 10:36:57
World Resources Report 2008 世界资源报告 attachment 数据交流中心 tyn 2009-3-25 17 8066 2阿瓦 2012-9-20 11:36:22
World Bank Report on Chindia attachment 国民经济管理 abbzhenhua 2007-1-28 0 3884 abbzhenhua 2011-11-8 07:46:34
KPMG:China Auto Industry Report attachment 国民经济管理 arbree 2006-10-27 0 3162 arbree 2011-10-28 14:20:48
GLOBAL CORRUPTION REPORT 2007 AND 2008 attachment 经管相关法律法规 gejg 2009-3-4 1 3280 melodymmm 2009-10-21 08:55:23
苏黎世再保险公司2009年全球风险报告Global Risk 2009-a global risk network report attachment 金融类 wangwangfans88 2009-6-9 2 2551 allsure 2009-7-6 13:49:57
[下载]Merrill Lynch--HOW TO READ A FINANCIAL REPORT 免费 attachment 金融学(理论版) aleana 2009-6-12 3 6005 smilefy 2009-6-12 14:47:00
Nomura Research Report: Cathay Pacific 12 Jun 2009 attachment 金融学(理论版) smalldoorboy 2009-6-12 0 2954 smalldoorboy 2009-6-12 12:11:00
[转帖]金融分析报告案例 Financial Statement Analysis Report 金融学(理论版) xujingnan 2005-9-24 1 12514 jjoohhnn 2009-1-17 05:13:00
Free!BIS 78th Annual Report attachment 金融学(理论版) kaka0531 2008-7-3 1 2601 pipperoo 2008-7-3 14:20:00
[分享]2008年4月全球金融稳定报告(Global Financial Stability Report,IMF,PDF) attachment 金融学(理论版) shuxiang 2008-5-4 2 4217 bankerer 2008-5-4 20:03:00
FREE!!IMF Global Financial Stability Report -- April 08, 2008 attachment 金融学(理论版) kaka0531 2008-4-9 1 4482 cia801027 2008-4-9 11:00:00
拜求china logistics report 2004 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) dzhong 2005-5-22 0 2047 dzhong 2005-5-22 13:35:00


分享 daliy report 1
scarfacetony 2014-12-16 19:54
/*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ options nodate nonotes nosource nocenter; options notes source; dm 'flsvlast'; *保存代码; dm 'log; clear; output; clear;'; *清除记录和输出; dm 'odsresults' clear ;*清除结果菜单rusult; dm 'next VIEWTABLE:; end;'; *关闭已打开的数据; proc datasets lib=work kill; quit; *删除数据集; %let g3_path = F:\G3; libname g3 "g3_path\sasdata"; %include "g3_path.\日报\code\read_g3v1.sas"; /*options mautosource sasautos = ("g3_path\Code",sasautos);*/ %let date1 = %sysfunc(mdy(11,12,2014)); %let date2 = %sysfunc(mdy(11,18,2014)); %inputdata(login,date1,date2,loginrole) %inputdata(online,date1,date2,onlinerolenum) %inputdata(prepaid,date1,date2,prepaid) %server(server) /*************************************************读取数据的宏*************************************************/ %let g3_path = F:\G3; %macro inputdata(ds,fdate,tdate,type); proc delete data = ds.; run; %if fdate 19976 %then %let fdaten = %eval(fdate. - 1); %if fdate = 19976 %then %let fdaten = fdate; %put fdate. fdaten. tdate.; %do i = fdaten. %to tdate.; data _null_; call symput('ii',put(i,yymmddN8.)); run; %put ii.; %type(ii.,type.); proc append base = ds. data = type._ii.(where = (date = fdate. and date = tdate.)); run; proc delete data = type._ii.; run; %end; %mend; %macro loginrole(date,type); data type._date.; %let _EFIERR_ = 0; /* set the ERROR detection macro variable */ infile "g3_path.\log\loginrole\date..log" dlm=',]}"' encoding="utf-8" missover ls=32767; input @'[' dt anydtdtm19. #1 @'"u_city_level":' crank :best12. #1 @'"role_level":' rank :best12. #1 @'"account_id":"' furs :$40. #1 @'"os_ver":"' os_ver :$10. #1 @'"u_vip_level":' viplv :best12. #1 @'"server":' server :best12. #1 @'"app_channel":"' channel :$12. #1 @'"udid":"' udid :$40. #1 @'"ip":"' ip :$15. #1 @'"role_id":' roleid :best12. #1 @'"role_name":' rolenm :$20. #1 @'"app_ver":"' appver :best12. #1 @'"network":"' network :$10. #1 @'"os_name":"' os_name :$10. #1 @'"last_logout_time":' lastdt :best12. /*#1 @'device_width":' width :best12.*/ /*#1 @'device_height":' height :best12.*/ /*#1 @'old_accountid":"' ofurs :$40.*/ /*#1 @'isp":' ips :best12.*/ /*#1 @'mac_addr":"' mac :$17.*/ /*#1 @'device_model":"' device :$20.*/ ; f = find(furs,'@'); if f0 then furs = substr(furs,1,f-1); drop f; if server in (5,8,9) then server = 64; if server in (4,6,7,10) then server = 65; if server 500 and server 3; date = datepart(dt); lastdt + 315648000; format date yymmdd10. dt lastdt datetime.; if _ERROR_ then call symputx('_EFIERR_',1); /* set ERROR detection macro variable */ run; %mend loginrole;
0 个评论
分享 March Spending Driven By Surge In Services
insight 2013-5-2 11:21
March Spending Driven By Surge In Services The latest personal income and expenditure report for March was of particularly interesting reading. However, as opposed to the mainstream headlines that immediately reported that despite higher payroll taxes consumers were still spending, and therefore a sign of a strong economy, it was where they were spending that was most telling. As I searched the various headlines, and read several of the economic releases, I came across only one analysis that questioned the headline report. Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge: "Despite expectations that following several months of subpar income growth offset by rampaging spending and thus a plunging savings rate, March incomes would rise by 0.4%, while spending would be flat, this did not happen, and instead both spending and incomes rose by the same amount, or 0.2% in the past month. Worse, when adjusting for inflation, real disposable income rose just 1.1% compared to last March, and just barely above the 0% breakeven. On the other side, real spending was up 2.2% Y/Y just barely above the 2% recessionary threshold. And even that number is misleading as spending on Total Goods (including durable, already known as being quite abysmal, and non-durable), dropped by $32.8 billion in nominal dollars. What was the offset? Why a massive surge in consumption expenditures on services, which rose by $53.8 billion, which absent the spending aberration for September 11, 2001, which was reversed in the following month, was the biggest monthly increase on record! What drove this record services spending spree is anyone's guess." Tyler is correct and the chart of the monthly dollar change in services spending shows it to be the largest single monthly increase since January 2002. However, we don't have to "guess" at where the dollars were spent - all we have to do is dig down into the report. In the month of March, as noted above, the increase in services related spending offset the decline in both durable and non-durable goods spending. The chart below shows PCE, and its major subcomponents, on a net dollar and net percentage change from February to March. Of course, as Tyler correctly questioned, where were the dollars on "services" actually spent. For clarification the category of "services" comprises any item that is immediately consumed. This category covers everything from housing to financial services to food to transportation. The next chart below shows the major sub-categories of the "services" component of overall PCE. As you can see consumers spent almost 50% of their money on housing and utilities in March. The stuff that we produce, which has the largest multiplier in the economy, declined which speaks to the weakness seen in all of the recent manufacturing reports. However, if we dig down into the services sector, we can quickly find the reason that consumers are spending less on manufactured goods as their utility costs jumped sharply in March as several cold fronts ran accross the nation. The chart below shows the total increase in services consumption in March, the total spent on household utilities and the total of household utilities spent on electricity and gas. However, as we analyze the services sector spending in more detail, there are some other very interesting data points as it relates to the consumer. The chart below shows the various subcomponents of the services category that had the biggest net percentage change in March. What immediately jumps out is the decrease in bank and securities related fees. With the market surging to all-time highs, and the media chastising individuals for not chasing the markets, you would expect to see these figures rising. Alas, that is not the case and more of individuals disposable income is being diverted into not only utilities, but also public transportation, clothing repair, internet access, personal care labor union dues and employment agencies. The ongoing theme seems to be job hunting. With incomes not rising fast enough to offset real inflation, and more individuals having ever tougher times making ends meet, it appears that they are beginning to clean themselves up and go looking for additional work. Of course, when you aren't looking for work, and need to fill some time, it appears that the onset of spring, is drawing individuals into movie theaters and sporting arenas - including casinos. As a side note - it is mildly amusing is the casino gambling is up while commissions for the largest casino on the planet, the stock market, are down. Maybe individuals are catching on that they have a better chance of winning in Vegas. However, the bottom line is that if you want to know where individuals are spending the bulk of their money in the most recent month - 73% of the money spent on "services" fell into four major categories. The personal income and spending report does little to brighten the economic picture. As we have been discussing over the past couple of weeks, see here and here , the economy clearly peaked in 2011 and has been slowing since. Despite the Fed's inflation of asset prices - there is little translation into the real economy. As we discussed i n this past weekend's newsletter the disconnect between the economy, and the markets, continues to widen due to liquidity driven interventions, the suppression of interest rates and the Central Bank's direct purchases of equities. The reality is that we now live in a world where "freely traded markets" are an anachronism and fundamental rules simply no longer apply. However, the problem is that such actions continually lead to asset bubbles, and eventual busts, that not only impact economic stability but destroy the financial stability of families. The risk is not lost on the Federal Reserve as Minneapolis Fed President Kocherlakota recently stated: "Unusually low real interest rates should be expected to be linked with inflated asset prices, high asset return volatility and heightened merger activity. All of these financial market outcomes are often interpreted as signifying financial market instability... may only be able to achieve its macroeconomic objectives in association with signs of instability in financial markets. These financial market phenomena could pose macroeconomic risks." In other words the only way for the Fed to achieve its goals of inflating the economy is to create an asset bubble. Of course, the insanity is that once the goals are achieved the asset bubble busts and then the process must be started all over again. Of course, through the long course of the Federal Reserve's ongoing interventions into the economy they have never witnessed an asset bubble before it burst and they are unlikely to do so this time either. The consumer is clearly delivering a message about the state of the real economy. Eventually, the disconnect between the economy and the markets will merge. Unfortunately, there is no historical evidence of such reversions being a positive event. Average: 4.142855 Your rating: None Average: 4.1 ( 7 votes)
个人分类: 美国消费者债务|11 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The Fed's QE Exit Will More Than Quadruple Interest Costs For The US
insight 2013-5-2 10:52
The Fed's QE Exit Will More Than Quadruple Interest Costs For The US Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/01/2013 15:27 -0400 Bond Japan Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee With the Fed now openly warning that there may actually come a time when the 'flow' stops; the most recent Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee (TBAC) report has some concerning statistics for those change-ridden hopers who see a smooth Fed exit, deficit-reduction, and blue skies ahead. While they are careful not shout 'sell' in a crowded bond market; hidden deep in the 126 page presentation are two charts that bear significant attention. The first shows what TBAC expects (given the market's expectations) to happen to interest rates in the US as the Fed 'exits' its QE program (taper, unwind, hold) - the result, the weighted-average cost of financing for the US government will almost triple from around 1.6% to around 4.3% over the next ten years. But more problematic is that even with CBO's rather conservative estimates of the growth in US debt over the next decade the USD cost of financing will explode from around $205bn (based on TBAC data) to over $855bn . Still convinced the Fed can exit smoothly? As TBAC warns: Treasury yields could reprice notably when the market is convinced that policy tightening is imminent There is a risk that markets may overshoot to higher-than-fair yield levels due to: Concerns about Fed portfolio unwind Inadequate interest hedging in certain asset classes Portfolio rebalancing by retail investors Annual interest cost on public debt to increase more than 400% (from $205 bn in 2013 to $855 bn in 2023) Main driver : Increase in WAC from 1.7% to 4.3% Secondary factor : ~ 65% increase in stock of debt Given the market's expectations for Fed tapering (or gradual tightening)... The marginal cost of financing will rise significantly... but with the sheer size of debt now (and growing), that will balloon the absolute cost of servicing US debt to over $850bn per year... And just what happens to all those retirees - who need yield - who are being herded into stocks when Treasuries pay over 4.5%? Would seem bullish for bond flows... think Japan... Charts: TBAC Average:
个人分类: treasury yield|10 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 8.6 of 220 default report
yukai08008 2013-3-18 01:46
proc report data=sasuser.houses nowd; column style sqfeet bedrooms price; run; a list report that displays a row for each observation in the input data set and which calculates the SUM statistic for numeric variables Answer: By default, PROC REPORT displays character variables as display variables. A report that contains one or more display variables has a detail row for each observation in the data set. By default, PROC REPORT displays numeric variables as analysis variables, which are used to calculate the default statistic SUM. 疑问: 全部是数字以及有字符型变量结果不同。不是添加一个sum数据行的事。 proc report data=resdat.class nowd; column age weight height; run; OUT: SAS 系统 2013年03月18日 星期一 上午12时34分57秒 12 Age Weight Height 253 1900.5 1184.4 proc report data=resdat.class nowd; column sex age weight height; run; SAS 系统 2013年03月18日 星期一 上午12时34分57秒 13 S e x Age Weight Height F 11 50.5 51.3 F 12 77 56.3 F 13 84 56.5 M 12 83 57.3 M 11 85 57.5 M 12 99.5 59 F 12 84.5 59.8 F 15 112.5 62.5 M 13 84 62.5 F 14 102.5 62.8 M 14 102.5 63.5 F 14 90 64.3 M 12 128 64.8 F 13 98 65.3 F 15 112 66.5 M 15 112 66.5 M 15 133 67 M 14 112.5 69 M 16 150 72
个人分类: 学习笔记|0 个评论
分享 summary report --->claim /group?
yukai08008 2013-3-18 01:22
summary report order report ...
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分享 report用法
yukai08008 2013-1-1 20:51
Proc report data= nowindows; 选项 column var1 var2 var3; 列变量选项 define var/options; 定义格式 title; 标题 run; PROCREPORT基础 (2008-12-02 09:36:09) 转载 ▼ 标签: sas report 教育 分类: report专题 A Step-by-Step Introduction to PROC REPORT PROC REPORT基础 原文地址:http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/forum2008/079-2008.pdf 参考文献地址:http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi30/259-30.pdf http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi30/116-31.pdf 转载请注明出处: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5d3b177c0100bc1u.html 1 PROC REPORT语法 PROC REPORTdata= SAS-data-setoptions ; COLUMNS variable_1 …. variable_n; DEFINE variable_1; DEFINE variable_2; . . . DEFINE variable_n; COMPUTEblocks BREAK … ; RBREAK … ; RUN; COLUMNS:指定输出到报表的列 DEFINE:上述列的格式等 COMPUTE:计算模块 BREAK / RBREAK:生成合计,或报表其它类型的格式。 PROC REPORT的选项Options有很多,下面介绍几个常用的: DATA= 指定做报表的数据集 PROMPT= PROMPT模式 NOWINDOWS= 不输出到结果 REPORT = 指定一个存储的报表来生成新报表 OUTREPT= 指定新路径来存放报表 OUT=建立新数据集 HEADLINE 在报表变量标题和内容间生成一个水平分隔线 HEADSKIP 在报表变量标题和内容间生成一行空格 2 先生成一个基本的报表 先生成数据: data mnthly_sales; length zip $ 5 cty $ 8 var $ 10 ; input zip $ cty $ var $ sales; label zip="Zip Code" cty="County" var="Variety" sales="Monthly Sales"; datalines; 52423 Scott Merlot 186. 52423 Scott Chardonnay 156.61 52423 Scott Zinfandel 35.5 52423 Scott Merlot 55.3 52388 Scott Merlot 122.89 52388 Scott Chardonnay 78.22 52388 Scott Zinfandel 15.4 52200 Adams Merlot 385.51 52200 Adams Chardonnay 246 52200 Adams Zinfandel 151.1 52200 Adams Chardonnay 76.24 52199 Adams Merlot 233.03 52199 Adams Chardonnay 185.22 52199 Adams Zinfandel 95.84 ; run ; Proc Report生成最基本的报表: proc report data=mnthly_sales headline headskip ; title1 "Simple Report"; column cty zip var sales; define cty / displaywidth= 6 'County/Name'; define zip / display; define var / display; define sales / display format= 6.2 width= 10 ; run ; 这里的define后面的’/’,其后面有很多选项来对变量格式,输出方式等进行设置,其选项如下: GROUP:分组显示 DISPLAY:一般显示 ANALYSIS:其值用于计算或统计 ORDER:按其值排序显示 ACROSS:交叉显示 COMPUTED:其值在compute块里计算得到 结果: img src="http://s6.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d065f7b2925" real_src="http://s6.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d065f7b2925" alt="PROCREPORT基础" title="PROCREPORT基础" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; list-style: none;" 3 使用order,按指定变量名排序显示 proc report data=mnthly_sales headline headskip ; title1 "Simple Report"; column cty zip var sales; define cty / orderwidth= 6 'County/Name'; define zip / display; define var / display; define sales / display format= 6.2 width= 10 ; run ; 结果: img src="http://s16.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d06605c6dbf" real_src="http://s16.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d06605c6dbf" alt="PROCREPORT基础" title="PROCREPORT基础" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fs16.sinaimg.cn%2Fbmiddle%2F5d3b177cg5d06605c6dbf" action-type="show-slide" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; list-style: none;" 4 group分组显示 proc report data=mnthly_salesnofs headline headskip ; title1 "Simple Report"; column cty zip var sales; define cty / groupwidth= 6 'County/Name'; define zip /group; define var /group order=freq descending; define sales / display format= 6.2 width= 10 ; run ; 结果: img src="http://s11.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d06610751ea" real_src="http://s11.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d06610751ea" alt="PROCREPORT基础" title="PROCREPORT基础" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fs11.sinaimg.cn%2Fbmiddle%2F5d3b177cg5d06610751ea" action-type="show-slide" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; list-style: none;" 5 analysis,统计量求和 proc report data=mnthly_salesnofs headline headskip ; title1 "Simple Report"; column cty zipsales; define cty / groupwidth= 6 'County/Name'; define zip /group; define sales / analysis sumformat= 6.2 width= 10 ; run ; 结果: img src="http://s11.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d06619a128a" real_src="http://s11.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d06619a128a" alt="PROCREPORT基础" title="PROCREPORT基础" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; list-style: none;" 6 求多个统计量 proc report data=mnthly_salesnofs headline headskip ; title1 "Simple Report"; column cty zip sales sales=mean_sales; define cty / groupwidth= 6 'County/Name'; define zip /group; define sales / analysis sumformat= 6.2 width= 10 'sum'; define mean_sales / analysis meanformat= 6.2 width= 10 'Mean of/Sales'; run ; 结果: img src="http://s11.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d066247cc4a" real_src="http://s11.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d066247cc4a" alt="PROCREPORT基础" title="PROCREPORT基础" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; list-style: none;" 7 如果你想让某变量的每一个值都作为一列,那就要用到across。这里要注意的是,有across选项的var,在column时后面加了一个’,’,从而将其后面的变量的数据直接放到across变量下。。 proc report data=mnthly_sales nofs headline headskip; title1 "Cross Tab Report (Across Type)"; column cty zip var,sales; define cty / group width= 6 'County/Name'; define zip / group; define var / across order=freq descending '- Grape Variety -'; define sales / analysis sum format= 6.2 width= 10 'Revenue'; run ; 结果: img src="http://s7.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d06637decc6" real_src="http://s7.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d06637decc6" alt="PROCREPORT基础" title="PROCREPORT基础" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; list-style: none;" 这里,变量variety的每一个值都成为了新的列 8 BREAK与RBREAK,对分组后的报表汇总 proc report data=mnthly_sales nofs headline headskip; title1 "Report with Breaks"; column cty zip var,sales; define cty / group width= 6 'County/Name'; define zip / group; define var / across order=freq descending '- Grape Variety -'; define sales / analysis sum format= 6.2 width= 10 'Revenue'; break after cty / ol skip summarize suppress; rbreak after / dol skip summarize; run ; 结果: img src="http://s1.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d06646872d0" real_src="http://s1.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d06646872d0" alt="PROCREPORT基础" title="PROCREPORT基础" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; list-style: none;" 这里说明一下BREAK与RBREAK后面的选项: OL 汇总上方加一条线 DOL汇总上方加两条线 UL汇总下方加一条线 DUL 汇总下方加两条线 summarize对每组进行汇总 skip加入一空白行 suppress在汇总行不显示组名 9 compute块,计算统计变量,这个以后将专门介绍 proc report data=mnthly_sales nofs headline headskip; title1 "Report with Row Sums (Computed Type)"; column cty zip var,sales row_sum; define cty / group width= 6 'County/Name'; define zip / group; define var / across order=freq descending '- Grape Variety -'; define sales / analysis sum format= 6.2 width= 10 'Revenue'; define row_sum / computed format=comma10.2 'Total'; break after cty / ol skip summarize suppress; rbreak after / dol skip summarize; compute row_sum; row_sum = sum(_C3_,_C4_,_C5_,_C6_,_C7_,_C8_); endcompute; run ; 结果: img src="http://s5.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg6fb3d7066be4" real_src="http://s5.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg6fb3d7066be4" alt="PROCREPORT基础" title="PROCREPORT基础" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fs5.sinaimg.cn%2Fbmiddle%2F5d3b177cg6fb3d7066be4" action-type="show-slide" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; list-style: none;" Compute块是以compute开始,endcompute为结尾,可以计算出很多复杂的数据。这里的_C*_表示第几列的变量,例如_C3_表示第三列,_C#_代表最后一行。这里的_C7_和_C8_是多余的,但不影响结果。 10 proc report与ODS,以后会详细介绍。这里用ODS输出report过程结果,方法很简单,就是将上面的report代码放入ods语句之间。 odslisting close; ods rtf file = ‘c:\sugi30.rtf’; 上面的proc report过程代码放在这里就行 ods rtf close; 即: odslisting close; ods rtf file = 'c:\sugi30.rtf'; proc report data=mnthly_sales nofs headline headskip; title1 "Report with Row Sums (Computed Type)"; column cty zip var,sales row_sum; define cty / group width= 6 'County/Name'; define zip / group; define var / across order=freq descending '- Grape Variety -'; define sales / analysis sum format= 6.2 width= 10 'Revenue'; define row_sum / computed format=comma10.2 'Total'; break after cty / ol skip summarize suppress; rbreak after / dol skip summarize; compute row_sum; row_sum = sum(_C3_,_C4_,_C5_,_C6_,_C7_,_C8_); endcompute; run ; ods rtf close; 结果: img src="http://s2.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d06681031a1" real_src="http://s2.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d06681031a1" alt="PROCREPORT基础" title="PROCREPORT基础" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fs2.sinaimg.cn%2Fbmiddle%2F5d3b177cg5d06681031a1" action-type="show-slide" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; list-style: none;" 11 report设置style,让报表更炫一点。这个以后也会详细介绍 odslisting close; ods rtf file = 'c:\sugi30.rtf'; proc report data=mnthly_sales nofs headline headskip style(header)={background=lightskyblue foreground=black} style(column)={background=lightcyan foreground=black}; title1 "Report with Row Sums (Computed Type)"; column cty zip var,sales row_sum; define cty / group width= 6 'County/Name'; define zip / group; define var / across order=freq descending '- Grape Variety -'; define sales / analysis sum format= 6.2 width= 10 'Revenue'; define row_sum / computed format=comma10.2 'Total'; break after cty / ol skip summarize suppress; rbreak after / dol skip summarize; compute row_sum; row_sum = sum(_C3_,_C4_,_C5_,_C6_,_C7_,_C8_); endcompute; run ; ods rtf close; 结果: img src="http://s9.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d0669546658" real_src="http://s9.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/5d3b177cg5d0669546658" alt="PROCREPORT基础" title="PROCREPORT基础" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fs9.sinaimg.cn%2Fbmiddle%2F5d3b177cg5d0669546658" action-type="show-slide" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; list-style: none;"
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