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Undefined function 'ols' for input arguments of type 'double' MATLAB等数学软件专版 evelyn0121 2013-9-3 5 11785 dujt11972900 2018-7-22 11:29:35
请教matlab中函数colmmd MATLAB等数学软件专版 yezicangshan 2013-6-22 5 4525 matlab-007 2016-8-28 21:35:28
为什么输出时总是显示为:Error: unexpected symbol in:“ estResults" R语言论坛 LSQ927928 2013-7-10 2 30590 DM小菜鸟 2015-2-13 22:13:39
A Paper for High Frequency Trading attachment 量化投资 Chemist_MZ 2013-8-30 13 6510 fantuanxiaot 2015-1-3 09:03:10
有俩个问题求解答 微观经济学 郭颖明 2013-4-4 3 6402 西门吹雪666 2014-5-29 11:26:56
华尔街工作四十五年 attachment 金融学(理论版) zhangyufa 2013-3-5 4 5906 q378648220 2013-10-15 11:31:26
悬赏 Nonparametric estimation of conditional quantile function. - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 一诺9257 2013-8-28 2 789 一诺9257 2013-8-28 14:53:41
Structural Macroeconometrics 求VAR impulse function的数值方法问题 attachment 宏观经济学 cheetahyk 2013-8-21 5 1932 cheetahyk 2013-8-22 12:11:09
悬赏 为什么这里yvar不是can呢? - [!reward_solved!] R语言论坛 dxystata 2013-7-7 6 2321 410234198 2013-7-9 16:13:53
悬赏 The probability function of a geometric Poisson distribution - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 352693585 2013-7-6 1 1781 xjqxxjjqq 2013-7-6 18:58:07
悬赏 求解!Bertrand competition model with differentiated products - [悬赏 5 个论坛币] 悬赏大厅 paradox9 2013-6-30 0 1525 paradox9 2013-6-30 14:26:02
reshape data with melt function R语言论坛 bobguy 2013-5-26 1 2798 jgchen1966 2013-6-1 09:47:40
fmincon优化 输出结果问题 MATLAB等数学软件专版 bingbingying 2013-4-23 0 1520 bingbingying 2013-4-23 19:28:07
悬赏 Capital-energy substitution and the multi-level CES production function - [悬赏 3 个论坛币] attachment 求助成功区 西交共享 2013-4-13 2 2453 西交共享 2013-4-14 09:36:57
有一个要素市场的理解问题 微观经济学 郭颖明 2013-4-4 2 1431 郭颖明 2013-4-5 13:43:57
三月的天空 情感交友 lilikang520 2013-3-21 2 1780 txffeng 2013-3-24 22:58:25
看了这本书相信你对货币会有一个全新的认识 attachment 金融学(理论版) zhangyufa 2013-3-4 5 2650 haffer 2013-3-4 21:44:37
中国颁布新举措缩小收入差距(转贴) 真实世界经济学(含财经时事) 太原张建宏 2013-2-7 1 1427 atmmta 2013-2-8 18:53:39


分享 香港2007统计年鉴
qiuzhiyu 2014-7-15 16:54
好不容易找到的,大家共享哈! (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON);
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分享 SAS能自己编写函数么?
intheangel 2014-6-23 23:35
偶然情况下载help里面看到的一个过程步proc fcmp;就到网上查了些资料,原来SAS也可以编写自己的function并调用,可以使复杂的函数瞬间变简单有木有!!! proc fcmp outlib=function.funcsol.conversion function change(lb); kg=lb/2.2; return (kg); endsub; run; 复制代码 恭喜大家,这样已经定义了一个属于你自己的函数了,名字叫做change,储存在function.funcsol.conversion 里面;需要注意的是储存的文件夹,也就是function.funcsol.conversion 一定是由三个目录组成的,WHY? 大家可以定义了这个函数之后自己去打开文件看一下,首先是主文件夹function(相当于work), 然后是funcsol(相当于数据集), 而conversion就相当于数据集里的索引了,我个人觉得SAS储存函数还是与储存数据是一样的,把编译了的函数储存在数据集里相当于,个人理解,希望大神指正,这样想便于理解嘛; 语法方面并不是很复杂,我就随便说一下; 相当于do循环有end; function 有 endsub;如果大家会VB的话,对sub肯定不陌生吧?打VBA天天打有木有~~~ 剩下的就简单了,定义一个变量,计算,然后返回计算出来的值,函数结束; 接下来就和format一样,(或者是matlab里面的path),你要告诉SAS到哪里去找你定义的函数; options cmplib=(function.funcsol); 复制代码 OK, 这样子SAS应该已经知道到哪里去找了; 接下来试一下效果: data a; set sashelp.class(keep=name age weight); kilos=change(weight); run; 复制代码 这样我们就成功的调用了自己定义的函数; 最简单的例子就是这样了,接下来是进阶教程: proc fcmp outlib=function.funcsol.conversions; function lb2kgc(lb) $; length kg $10; kg = catt(put((lb/2.2),6.2),'kg'); return (kg); endsub; run; 复制代码 这个是什么?和前面不同的只有一点,就是return的不是一个数值型变量而是一个字符型变量; SO,和定义变量一样,加一个 $ 就好; 其他的语法都是一样的,只是一个catt的连接函数而已; options cmplib=(function.funcsol); data b; set sashelp.class(keep=name age weight); kilos=change(weight); kg_c=lb2kgc(weight); run; 复制代码 一样的,试一下; proc fcmp outlib=function.funcsol.conversions; function bmi(lb,ht); return((lb*703)/(ht*ht)); endsub; run; options cmplib=(function.funcsol); data bmi; set sashelp.class(keep=name age weight height); bmi=bmi(weight,height); run; 复制代码 OK,两个自变量,right? 接下来两个例子我觉得写得爆赞,可以一窥函数定义的妙处所在; proc fcmp outlib=function.funcsol.conversions; subroutine biomassindex(w,h,b); outargs b; b= ((w*703)/(h*h)); endsub; run; options cmplib=(function.funcsol); data bmi; set sashelp.class(keep=name age weight height); bmindex=.; call biomassindex(weight,height,bmindex); run; 复制代码 几个重要一点的point; 1、 subroutine 这里可以把自变量和return值放在一起;然后通过 outargs来确定输出值是哪一个;看看例子大家一定会明白吧,所以用一个 call function 就可以完成对输出值的赋值; proc fcmp outlib=function.funcsol.conversions; function fromto(code $,v); if upcase(code)='LB2KG' then r=V/2.2; else if upcase(code)='KG2LB' then r=v*2.2; else r=.; return (r); endsub; run; option cmplib=(function.funcsol); data conv; set sashelp.class(keep=name age weight); kilos=fromto('lb2kg',weight); pounds=fromto('kg2lb',kilos); run; 复制代码 没有错,函数里面是可以用逻辑语句的,想怎么编就怎么编,接下来大家可能会想怎么样才能够做的更复杂,接下来的例子就是在函数里引入macro, macro本来就是为了使语句更加简化而生的,碰上个一样目的的函数过程步,不能再简化了有木有~~ %macro printit(); %put lib dsn; %let lib = %sysfunc(dequote(lib)); %let dsn = %sysfunc(dequote(dsn)); %let num = %sysfunc(dequote(num)); %if num = %then %let num=max; title2 "lib..dsn"; title3 "first num observations"; proc print data=lib..dsn(obs=num); run; %mend printit; proc fcmp outlib=function.funcsol.utilities; subroutine printN(lib , d s n , num); rc=run_macro('printit',lib,dsn,num); endsub; run; 复制代码 这里有一个错误使用macro的误区,我来说说我的看法吧,如果你在fcmp里面使用%macro来调用宏的话,就会存在一个编译错误的问题,具体的机制我也不甚清楚,但是可以肯定的是,这样子的宏是没法编译的,因为编译函数我觉得可能在编译宏之前,那样函数的编译就会出错; 所以使用run_macro ('printit',...); 来输入宏和宏变量; 剩下两个例子我个人觉得有点鸡肋,不过用处还是有的,如果你想定义非常复杂的format的话,这个还是有用的吧; proc format; value pounds2kg other= ; run; options cmplib=(function.funcsol); title2 'Weight in Kg'; proc print data=sashelp.class; var name age weight; format weight pounds2kg.; run; 复制代码 大家看到了,就是起到了一个定义format里面格式的作用,把所有的格式都定义为change里面的return值,但是数据集里的值是不变的; 当然,fcmp是可以输出多个值得,用subroutine就好了不是么? proc fcmp outlib=function.funcsol.conversions; subroutine metric_hwbmi(h,w,mh,mw,bmi); outargs mh,mw,bmi; mh = h*.0254; mw = w*.4536; bmi = mw/(mh*mh); endsub; run; options cmplib = (function.funcsol); data multiple; set sashelp.class(keep=name age height weight); heightmeters=.; weightkilos=.; bmi=.; call metric_hwbmi(height,weight,heightmeters,weightkilos,bmi); run; 复制代码 %sysfunc 和 %call,能调用普通函数的工具当然也能调用我们定义的函数; options cmplib=(function.funcsol); %let ht = 69; %let wt = 112.5; %let bmi = %sysfunc(bmi(wt,ht)); %put bmi; 复制代码 最后一点,定义的函数怎么去除,easy, delete 掉就好(deletefunc) proc fcmp outlib=function.funcsol.conversions; deletefunc lb2kgc; deletefunc biomassindex; run; 复制代码 定义了的函数可以一直调用而且也可以给别人使用; 但是根据我自己的试验,这个因为是储存成字符,英文版和中文版定义的函数是不能通用的哦~~~~希望大家能把自己的code写的越来越简单,越来越漂亮~~~~ 翻译自: https://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-3102197-1-1.html ——Arthur:L.Carpenter(希望我理解的木有错)
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分享 Doing Transformations with Stata
statalearning 2014-6-10 14:22
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transformations: an introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In data analysis transformation is the replacement of a variable by a function of that variable: for example, replacing a variable x by the square root of x or the logarithm of x. In a stronger sense, a transformation is a replacement that changes the shape of a distribution or relationship. This help does not pretend to be comprehensive or even generous on literature citations. Various references that I have found helpful are sprinkled here and there. Two that have particularly shaped my understanding are Emerson and Stoto (1983) and Emerson (1983). Behind those articles lies the persistent emphasis placed on the value of transformations in the work of John Wilder Tukey (1915-2000). This help item covers the following topics. You can read in sequence or skim directly to each section. Starred sections are likely to appear more esoteric or more difficult than the others to those new to the subject. Reasons for using transformations Review of most common transformations Psychological comments - for the puzzled How to do transformations in Stata * Transformations for proportions and percents * Transformations as a family * Transformations for variables that are both positive and negative Typographical notes: ^ means raise to the power of whatever follows. _ means that whatever follows should be considered a subscript (written below the line). The Stata notation == for "is equal to" and != for "is not equal to" are used for tests of various true-or-false conditions. Reasons for using transformations There are many reasons for transformation. The list here is not comprehensive. 1. Convenience 2. Reducing skewness 3. Equal spreads 4. Linear relationships 5. Additive relationships If you are looking at just one variable, 1, 2 and 3 are relevant, while if you are looking at two or more variables, 4 and 5 are more important. However, transformations that achieve 4 and 5 very often achieve 2 and 3. 1. Convenience A transformed scale may be as natural as the original scale and more convenient for a specific purpose (e.g. percentages rather than original data, sines rather than degrees). One important example is standardisation , whereby values are adjusted for differing level and spread. In general value - level standardised value = -------------. spread Standardised values have level 0 and spread 1 and have no units: hence standardisation is useful for comparing variables expressed in different units. Most commonly a standard score is calculated using the mean and standard deviation (sd) of a variable: x - mean of x z = -------------. sd of x Standardisation makes no difference to the shape of a distribution. 2. Reducing skewness A transformation may be used to reduce skewness. A distribution that is symmetric or nearly so is often easier to handle and interpret than a skewed distribution. More specifically, a normal or Gaussian distribution is often regarded as ideal as it is assumed by many statistical methods. To reduce right skewness, take roots or logarithms or reciprocals (roots are weakest). This is the commonest problem in practice. To reduce left skewness, take squares or cubes or higher powers. 3. Equal spreads A transformation may be used to produce approximately equal spreads, despite marked variations in level, which again makes data easier to handle and interpret. Each data set or subset having about the same spread or variability is a condition called homoscedasticity : its opposite is called heteroscedasticity . (The spelling -sked- rather than -sced- is also used.) 4. Linear relationships When looking at relationships between variables, it is often far easier to think about patterns that are approximately linear than about patterns that are highly curved. This is vitally important when using linear regression, which amounts to fitting such patterns to data. (In Stata, regress is the basic command for regression.) For example, a plot of logarithms of a series of values against time has the property that periods with constant rates of change (growth or decline) plot as straight lines. 5. Additive relationships Relationships are often easier to analyse when additive rather than (say) multiplicative. So y = a + bx in which two terms a and bx are added is easier to deal with than y = ax^b in which two terms a and x^b are multiplied. Additivity is a vital issue in analysis of variance (in Stata, anova, oneway, etc.). In practice, a transformation often works, serendipitously, to do several of these at once, particularly to reduce skewness, to produce nearly equal spreads and to produce a nearly linear or additive relationship. But this is not guaranteed. Review of most common transformations The most useful transformations in introductory data analysis are the reciprocal, logarithm, cube root, square root, and square. In what follows, even when it is not emphasised, it is supposed that transformations are used only over ranges on which they yield (finite) real numbers as results. Reciprocal The reciprocal , x to 1/x, with its sibling the negative reciprocal , x to -1/x, is a very strong transformation with a drastic effect on distribution shape. It can not be applied to zero values. Although it can be applied to negative values, it is not useful unless all values are positive. The reciprocal of a ratio may often be interpreted as easily as the ratio itself: e.g. population density (people per unit area) becomes area per person; persons per doctor becomes doctors per person; rates of erosion become time to erode a unit depth. (In practice, we might want to multiply or divide the results of taking the reciprocal by some constant, such as 1000 or 10000, to get numbers that are easy to manage, but that itself has no effect on skewness or linearity.) The reciprocal reverses order among values of the same sign: largest becomes smallest, etc. The negative reciprocal preserves order among values of the same sign. Logarithm The logarithm , x to log base 10 of x, or x to log base e of x (ln x), or x to log base 2 of x, is a strong transformation with a major effect on distribution shape. It is commonly used for reducing right skewness and is often appropriate for measured variables. It can not be applied to zero or negative values. One unit on a logarithmic scale means a multiplication by the base of logarithms being used. Exponential growth or decline y = a exp(bx) is made linear by ln y = ln a + bx so that the response variable y should be logged. (Here exp() means raising to the power e, approximately 2.71828, that is the base of natural logarithms.) An aside on this exponential growth or decline equation: put x = 0, and y = a exp(0) = a, so that a is the amount or count when x = 0. If a and b 0, then y grows at a faster and faster rate (e.g. compound interest or unchecked population growth), whereas if a 0 and b 0, y declines at a slower and slower rate (e.g. radioactive decay). Power functions y = ax^b are made linear by log y = log a + b log x so that both variables y and x should be logged. An aside on such power functions : put x = 0, and for b 0, y = ax^b = 0, so the power function for positive b goes through the origin, which often makes physical or biological or economic sense. Think: does zero for x imply zero for y? This kind of power function is a shape that fits many data sets rather well. Consider ratios y = p / q where p and q are both positive in practice. Examples are males / females; dependants / workers; downstream length / downvalley length. Then y is somewhere between 0 and infinity, or in the last case, between 1 and infinity. If p = q, then y = 1. Such definitions often lead to skewed data, because there is a clear lower limit and no clear upper limit. The logarithm, however, namely log y = log p / q = log p - log q, is somewhere between -infinity and infinity and p = q means that log y = 0. Hence the logarithm of such a ratio is likely to be more symmetrically distributed. Cube root The cube root , x to x^(1/3). This is a fairly strong transformation with a substantial effect on distribution shape: it is weaker than the logarithm. It is also used for reducing right skewness, and has the advantage that it can be applied to zero and negative values. Note that the cube root of a volume has the units of a length. It is commonly applied to rainfall data. Applicability to negative values requires a special note. Consider (2)(2)(2) = 8 and (-2)(-2)(-2) = -8. These examples show that the cube root of a negative number has negative sign and the same absolute value as the cube root of the equivalent positive number. A similar property is possessed by any other root whose power is the reciprocal of an odd positive integer (powers 1/3, 1/5, 1/7, etc.). This property is a little delicate. For example, change the power just a smidgen from 1/3, and we can no longer define the result as a product of precisely three terms. However, the property is there to be exploited if useful. Square root The square root , x to x^(1/2) = sqrt(x), is a transformation with a moderate effect on distribution shape: it is weaker than the logarithm and the cube root. It is also used for reducing right skewness, and also has the advantage that it can be applied to zero values. Note that the square root of an area has the units of a length. It is commonly applied to counted data, especially if the values are mostly rather small. Square The square , x to x^2, has a moderate effect on distribution shape and it could be used to reduce left skewness. In practice, the main reason for using it is to fit a response by a quadratic function y = a + b x + c x^2. Quadratics have a turning point, either a maximum or a minimum, although the turning point in a function fitted to data might be far beyond the limits of the observations. The distance of a body from an origin is a quadratic if that body is moving under constant acceleration, which gives a very clear physical justification for using a quadratic. Otherwise quadratics are typically used solely because they can mimic a relationship within the data region. Outside that region they may behave very poorly, because they take on arbitrarily large values for extreme values of x, and unless the intercept a is constrained to be 0, they may behave unrealistically close to the origin. Squaring usually makes sense only if the variable concerned is zero or positive, given that (-x)^2 and x^2 are identical. Which transformation? The main criterion in choosing a transformation is: what works with the data? As examples above indicate, it is important to consider as well two questions. What makes physical (biological, economic, whatever) sense, for example in terms of limiting behaviour as values get very small or very large? This question often leads to the use of logarithms. Can we keep dimensions and units simple and convenient? If possible, we prefer measurement scales that are easy to think about. The cube root of a volume and the square root of an area both have the dimensions of length, so far from complicating matters, such transformations may simplify them. Reciprocals usually have simple units, as mentioned earlier. Often, however, somewhat complicated units are a sacrifice that has to be made. Psychological comments - for the puzzled The main motive for transformation is greater ease of description. Although transformed scales may seem less natural, this is largely a psychological objection. Greater experience with transformation tends to reduce this feeling, simply because transformation so often works so well. In fact, many familiar measured scales are really transformed scales: decibels, pH and the Richter scale of earthquake magnitude are all logarithmic. However, transformations cause debate even among experienced data analysts. Some use them routinely, others much less. Various views, extreme or not so extreme, are slightly caricatured here to stimulate reflection or discussion. For what it is worth, I consider all these views defensible, or at least understandable. "This seems like a kind of cheating. You don't like how the data are, so you decide to change them." "I see that this is a clever trick that works nicely. But how do I know when this trick will work with some other data, or if another trick is needed, or if no transformation is needed?" "Transformations are needed because there is no guarantee that the world works on the scales it happens to be measured on." "Transformations are most appropriate when they match a scientific view of how a variable behaves." Often it helps to transform results back again, using the reverse or inverse transformation: reciprocal t = 1 / x reciprocal x = 1 / t log base 10 t = log_10 x 10 to the power x = 10^t log base e t = log_e x = ln x e to the power x = exp(t) log base 2 t = log_2 x 2 to the power x = 2^t cube root t = x^(1/3) cube x = t^3 square root t = x^(1/2) square x = t^2 How to do transformations in Stata Basic first steps 1. Draw a graph of the data to see how far patterns in data match the simplest ideal patterns. Try dotplot or scatter as appropriate. 2. See what range the data cover. Transformations will have little effect if the range is small. 3. Think carefully about data sets including zero or negative values. Some transformations are not defined mathematically for some values, and often they make little or no scientific sense. For example, I would never transform temperatures in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit for these reasons (unless to Kelvin). Standard scores (mean 0 and sd 1) in a new variable are obtained by . egen stdpopi = std(popi) whereas the basic transformations can all be put in new variables by generate: . gen recener = 1/energy . gen logeener = ln(energy) . gen l10ener = log10(energy) . gen curtener = energy^(1/3) . gen sqrtener = sqrt(energy) . gen sqener = energy^2 . gen logitp = logit(p) if p is a proportion . gen logitp = logit(p / 100) if p is a percent . gen frootp = sqrt(p) - sqrt(1-p) if p is a proportion . gen frootp = sqrt(p) - sqrt(100-p) if p is a percent Cube roots of negative numbers require special care. Stata uses a general routine to calculate powers and does not look for special cases of powers. Whenever negative values are present, a more general recipe for cube roots is sign(x) * (abs(x)^(1/3)) . Similar comments apply to fifth, seventh, roots etc. Note any messages about missing values carefully: unless you had missing values in the original variable, they indicate an attempt to apply a transformation when it is not defined. (Do you have zero or negative values, for example?) It is not always necessary to create a transformed variable before working with it. In particular, many graph commands allow the options yscale(log) and xscale(log) . This is very useful because the graph is labelled using the original values, but it does not leave behind a log-transformed variable in memory. Other commands Stata offers various other commands designed to help you choose a transformation. ladder, gladder and qladder try several transformations of a variable with the aim of showing how far they produce a more nearly normal (Gaussian) distribution. In practice such commands can be helpful, or they can be confusing at an introductory level: for examples, they can suggest a transform at odds with what your scientific knowledge would indicate. boxcox and lnskew0 are more advanced commands that should be used only after studying textbook explanations of what they do. Box and Cox (1964) is the key original reference. For some statistical people any debate about transformation is largely side-stepped by the advent of generalised linear models . In such models, estimation is carried out on a transformed scale using a specified link function, but results are reported on the original scale of the response. The Stata command is glm. Transformations for proportions and percents (more advanced) Data that are proportions (between 0 and 1) or percents (between 0 and 100) often benefit from special transformations. The most common is the logit (or logistic) transformation, which is logit p = log (p / (1 - p)) for proportions OR logit p = log (p / (100 - p)) for percents where p is a proportion or percent. This transformation treats very small and very large values symmetrically, pulling out the tails and pulling in the middle around 0.5 or 50%. The plot of p against logit p is thus a flattened S-shape. Strictly, logit p cannot be determined for the extreme values of 0 and 1 (100%): if they occur in data, there needs to be some adjustment. One justification for this logit transformation might be sketched in terms of a diffusion process such as the spread of literacy. The push from zero to a few percent might take a fair time; once literacy starts spreading its increase becomes more rapid and then in turn slows; and finally the last few percent may be very slow in converting to literacy, as we are left with the isolated and the awkward, who are the slowest to pick up any new thing. The resulting curve is thus a flattened S-shape against time, which in turn is made more nearly linear by taking logits of literacy. More formally, the same idea might be justified by imagining that adoption (infection, whatever) is proportional to the number of contacts between those who do and those who do not, which will rise and then fall quadratically. More generally, there are many relationships in which predicted values cannot logically be less than 0 or more than 1 (100%). Using logits is one way of ensuring this: otherwise models may produce absurd predictions. The logit (looking only at the case of proportions) logit p = log (p / (1 - p)) can be rewritten logit p = log p - log (1 - p) and in this form it can be seen as a member of a set of folded transformations transform of p = something done to p - something done to (1 - p). This way of writing it brings out the symmetrical way in which very high and very low values are treated. (If p is small, 1 - p is large, and vice versa.) The logit is occasionally called the folded log . The simplest other such transformation is the folded root (that means square root) folded root of p = root of p - root of (1 - p). As with square roots and logarithms generally, the folded root has the advantage that it can be applied without adjustment to data values of 0 and 1 (100%). The folded root is a weaker transformation than the logit. In practice it is used far less frequently. Two other transformations for proportions and percents met in the older literature (and still used occasionally) are the angular and the probit . The angular is arcsin(root of p) or the angle whose sine is the square root of p. In practice, it behaves very like p^0.41 - (1 - p)^0.41, which in turn is close to p^0.5 - (1 - p)^0.5, which is another way of writing the folded root (Tukey 1960). The probit is a transformation with a mathematical connection to the normal (Gaussian) distribution, which is not only very similar in behaviour to the logit, but also more awkward to work with. As a result, it is now less seen, except in more advanced applications, where it retains several advantages. Transformations as a family (more advanced) The main transformations mentioned previously, with the exception of the logarithm, namely the reciprocal, cube root, square root and square, are all powers. The powers concerned are reciprocal -1 cube root 1/3 square root 1/2 square 2 Note that the sequence of explanation was not capricious, but in numerical order of power. Therefore, these transformations are all members of a family. In addition, contrary to what may appear at first sight, the logarithm really belongs in the family too. Knowing this is important to appreciating that the transformations used in practice are not just a bag of tricks, but a series of tools of different sizes or strengths, like a set of screwdrivers or drill bits. We could thus fill out this sequence, the ladder of transformations as it is sometimes known, with more powers, as for example in reciprocal square -2 reciprocal -1 (yields one) 0 cube root 1/3 square root 1/2 identity 1 square 2 cube 3 fourth power 4 Among the additions here, the identity transformation, say x^1 = x, is the transformation that is, in a sense, no transformation. The graph of x against x is naturally a straight line and so the power of 1 divides transformations whose graph is convex upwards (powers less than 1) from transformations whose graph is concave upwards (powers greater than 1). Powers less than 1 squeeze high values together and stretch low values apart, and powers more than 1 do the opposite. The transformation x^0, on the other hand, is degenerate, as it always yields 1 as a result. However, we will now see that in a strong sense log x (meaning, strictly, the natural logarithm or ln x) really belongs in the family at the position of power 0. If you know calculus, you will know that the sequence of powers ..., x^-3, x^-2, x^-1, x^0, x^1, x^2, ... has as integrals, apart from additive constants, ..., -x^-2 / 2, -x^-1, ln x, x, x^2 / 2, x^3 / 3, ... and the mapping can be reversed by differentiation. So integrating x^(p - 1) yields x^p / p, unless p is 0, in which case it yields ln x. Thus we can define a family t_p(x) = x^p if p != 0, = ln x if p == 0. The notion of choosing from a family when we choose a power or logarithm is a key idea. It follows that we can usually choose a different member of the family if the transformation turns out to be too weak, or too strong, for our purpose and our data. Many discussions of transformations focus on slightly different families, for a variety of mathematical and statistical reasons. The canonical reference here is Box and Cox (1964), although note also earlier work by Tukey (1957). Most commonly, the definition is changed to t_p(x) = (x^p - 1) / p if p != 0, = ln x if p == 0. This t(x, p) has various properties which point up family resemblances. 1. ln x is the limit as p - 0 of (x^p - 1) / p. 2. At x = 1, t_p(x) = 0, for all p. 3. The first derivative (rate of change) of t_p(x) is x^(p - 1) if p != 0 and 1 / x if p == 0. At x = 1, this is always 1. 4. The second derivative of t_p(x) is (p - 1) x^(p - 2) if p != 0 and -1 / x^2 if p == 0. At x = 1, this is always (p - 1). Another small change of definition has some similar consequences, but also some other advantages. Consider t_p(x) = / p if p != 0, = ln(x + 1) if p == 0. This t(x, p) has various properties which also point up family resemblances. 1. If p = 1, t_p(x) = x. 2. At x = 0, t_p(x) = 0, for all p. So all curves start at the origin. 3. The first derivative (rate of change) of t_p(x) is (x + 1)^(p - 1) if p != 0 and 1 / (x + 1) if p == 0. At x = 0, this is always 1. So the curves have the same slope at the origin. 4. The second derivative of t_p(x) is (p - 1) (x + 1)^(p - 2) if p != 0 and -1 / (x + 1)^2 if p == 0. At x = 0, this is always (p - 1). The most useful consequence, however, is that this definition can be extended more easily to variables that can be both positive and negative, as will now be seen. Transformations for variables that are both positive and negative (more advance d) Most of the literature on transformations focuses on one or both of two related situations: the variable concerned is strictly positive; or it is zero or positive. If the first situation does not hold, some transformations do not yield real number results (notably, logarithms and reciprocals); if the second situation does not hold, then some other transformations do not yield real number results or more generally do not appear useful (notably, square roots or squares). However, in some situations response variables in particular can be both positive and negative. This is common whenever the response is a balance, change, difference or derivative. Although such variables are often skew, the most awkward property that may invite transformation is heavy (long or fat) tails, high kurtosis in one terminology. Zero usually has a strong substantive meaning, so that we wish to preserve the distinction between negative, zero and positive values. (Note that Celsius or Fahrenheit temperatures do not really qualify here, as their zero points are statistically arbitrary, for all the importance of whether water melts or freezes.) In these circumstances, experience with right-skewed and strictly positive variables might suggest looking for a transformation that behaves like ln x when x is positive and like -ln(-x) when x is negative. This still leaves the problem of what to do with zeros. In addition, it is clear from any sketch that (in Stata terms) cond(x = 0, -ln(-x), ln(x)) would be useless. One way forward is to use -ln(-x + 1) if x = 0, ln(x + 1) if x 0. This can also be written sign(x) ln(|x| + 1) where sign(x) is 1 if x 0, 0 if x == 0 and -1 if x 0. This function passes through the origin, behaves like x for small x, positive and negative, and like sign(x) ln(abs(x)) for large |x|. The gradient is steepest at 1 at x = 0, so the transformation pulls in extreme values relative to those near the origin. It has recently been dubbed the neglog transformation (Whittaker et al. 2005). An earlier reference is John and Draper (1980). In Stata language, this could be cond(x = 0, -ln(-x + 1), ln(x + 1)) or sign(x) * ln(abs(x) + 1) The inverse transformation is cond(t = 0, 1 - exp(-t), exp(t) - 1) A suitable generalisation of powers other than 0 is - / p if x = 0, / p if x 0. Transformations that affect skewness as well as heavy tails in variables that are both positive and negative were discussed by Yeo and Johnson (2000). Another possibility in this terrain is to apply the inverse hyperbolic function arsinh (also known as arg sinh, sinh^-1 and arcsinh). This is the inverse of the sinh function, which in turn is defined as sinh(x) = (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / 2. The sinh and arsinh functions can be computed in Mata as sinh(x) and asinh(x) and in Stata as (exp(x) - exp(-x))/2 and ln(x + sqrt(x^2 + 1)) . The arsinh function also too passes through the origin and is steepest at the origin. For large |x| it behaves like sign(x) ln(|2x|). So in practice neglog(x) and arsinh(x) have loosely similar effects. See also Johnson (1949). Acknowledgements Austin Nichols pointed out that cube roots are well defined for negative values. Author Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk (last major revision 29 November 2005; corrections and minor revisions 8 November 2006, 25 July 2007) Postscript I came across the following in a text on calculus. Transformation of a function into a form in which it can readily be integrated can be effected by suitable algebraical substitutions in which the independent variable is changed. The forms these take will depend on the kind of function to be integrated and, in general, experience and experiment must guide the student. The general aim will be to simplify the function so that it may become easier to integrate. (Abbott 1940, p.184) Modulo some small changes in terminology, this applies here too. Either way, the advice that "experience and experiment must guide the student" is not much comfort to the beginner looking for guidance! References Abbott, P. 1940. Teach Yourself Calculus. London: English Universities Press. Box, G.E.P. and D.R. Cox. 1964. An analysis of transformations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B 26: 211-252. Emerson, J.D. 1983. Mathematical aspects of transformation. In Hoaglin, D.C., F. Mosteller and J.W. Tukey (eds) Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis. New York: John Wiley, 247-282. Emerson, J.D. and M.A. Stoto. 1983. Transforming data. In Hoaglin, D.C., F. Mosteller and J.W. Tukey (eds) Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis. New York: John Wiley, 97-128. John, J.A. and N.R. Draper. 1980. An alternative family of transformations. Applied Statistics 29: 190-197. Johnson, N.L. 1949. Systems of frequency curves generated by methods of translation. Biometrika 36: 149-176. Tukey, J.W. 1957. On the comparative anatomy of transformations. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 28: 602-632. Tukey, J. W. 1960. The practical relationship between the common transformations of percentages or fractions and of amounts. Reprinted in Mallows, C.L. (ed.) 1990. The Collected Works of John W. Tukey. Volume VI: More Mathematical. Pacific Grove, CA: Wadsworth Brooks-Cole, 211-219. Whittaker, J., J. Whitehead and M. Somers. 2005. The neglog transformation and quantile regression for the analysis of a large credit scoring database. Applied Statistics 54: 863-878. Yeo, I. and R.A. Johnson. 2000. A new family of power transformations to improve normality or symmetry. Biometrika 87: 954-959. Also see On-line: generate, egen, graph
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cd_jackcy 2014-1-26 10:29
function Fun_A1(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A1="1 、经常帮助 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A1="2 、有时帮助 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A1="3 、很少帮助 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A1="4 、从不帮助 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A1="5 、不评价 " else Fun_A1="5 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_A2(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A2="1 、经常 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A2="2 、有时 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A2="3 、很少 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A2="4 、从不 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A2="5 、不评价 " else Fun_A2="5 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_A3(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A3="1 、关心 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A3="2 、比较关心 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A3="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A3="4 、不太关心 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A3="5 、不关心 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_A3="6 、不评价 " else Fun_A3="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_A4(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A4="1 、经常联系 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A4="2 、有时联系 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A4="3 、很少联系 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A4="4 、没有联系 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A4="5 、不评价 " else Fun_A4="5 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_A5(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A5="1 、满意 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A5="2 、较满意 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A5="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A5="4 、不太满意 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A5="5 、不满意 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_A5="6 、不清楚 " elseif cint(x)=7 then Fun_A5="7 、不评价 " else Fun_A5="7 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_B1(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B1="1 、教学态度认真 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B1="2 、教学能力较强 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B1="3 、教学语言幽默 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B1="4 、师生关系亲密 " else Fun_B1="4 、师生关系亲密 " end if end function function Fun_B2(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B2="1 、好 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B2="2 、比较好 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B2="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B2="4 、不太好 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B2="5 、不好 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B2="6 、不评价 " else Fun_B2="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_B3(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B3="1 、满意 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B3="2 、较满意 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B3="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B3="4 、不太满意 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B3="5 、不满意 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B3="6 、不评价 " else Fun_B3="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_B4(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B4="1 、好 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B4="2 、比较好 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B4="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B4="4 、不太好 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B4="5 、不好 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B4="6 、不评价 " else Fun_B4="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_B5(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B5="1 、好 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B5="2 、比较好 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B5="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B5="4 、不太好 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B5="5 、不好 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B5="6 、不清楚 " elseif cint(x)=7 then Fun_B5="7 、不评价 " else Fun_B5="7 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_C1(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C1="1 、好 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C1="2 、比较好 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C1="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C1="4 、不太好 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C1="5 、不好 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C1="6 、不评价 " else Fun_C1="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_C2(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C2="1 、好 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C2="2 、比较好 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C2="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C2="4 、不太好 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C2="5 、不好 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C2="6 、不评价 " else Fun_C2="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_C3(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C3="1 、重视 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C3="2 、较重视 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C3="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C3="4 、不太重视 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C3="5 、不重视 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C3="6 、不评价 " else Fun_C3="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_C4(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C4="1 、好 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C4="2 、比较好 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C4="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C4="4 、不太好 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C4="5 、不好 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C4="6 、不评价 " else Fun_C4="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_C5(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C5="1 、重视 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C5="2 、较重视 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C5="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C5="4 、不太重视 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C5="5 、不重视 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C5="6 、不评价 " else Fun_C5="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_C6(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C6="1 、好 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C6="2 、比较好 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C6="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C6="4 、不太好 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C6="5 、不好 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C6="6 、不评价 " else Fun_C6="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_C7(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C7="1 、好 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C7="2 、比较好 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C7="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C7="4 、不太好 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C7="5 、不好 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C7="6 、不评价 " else Fun_C7="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_C8(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C8="1 、满意 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C8="2 、较满意 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C8="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C8="4 、不太满意 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C8="5 、不满意 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C8="6 、不评价 " else Fun_C8="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_A1(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A1="1 、满意 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A1="2 、较满意 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A1="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A1="4 、不太满意 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A1="5 、不满意 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_A1="6 、不评价 " else Fun_A1="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_A2(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A2="1 、强 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A2="2 、较强 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A2="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A2="4 、不太强 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A2="5 、不强 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_A2="6 、不评价 " else Fun_A2="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_A3(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A3="1 、好 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A3="2 、比较好 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A3="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A3="4 、不太好 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A3="5 、不好 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_A3="6 、不评价 " else Fun_A3="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_A4(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A4="1 、经常交流 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A4="2 、有时交流 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A4="3 、很少交流 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A4="4 、没有交流 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A4="5 、不评价 " else Fun_A4="5 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_A5(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A5="1 、经常 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A5="2 、偶尔 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A5="3 、很少 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A5="4 、没有 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A5="5 、不评价 " else Fun_A5="5 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_A6(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A6="1 、满意 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A6="2 、较满意 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A6="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A6="4 、不太满意 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A6="5 、不满意 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_A6="6 、不评价 " else Fun_A6="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_A7(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A7="1 、满意 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A7="2 、较满意 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A7="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A7="4 、不太满意 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A7="5 、不满意 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_A7="6 、不清楚 " elseif cint(x)=7 then Fun_A7="7 、不评价 " else Fun_A7="7 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_B1(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B1="1 、强 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B1="2 、较强 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B1="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B1="4 、不太强 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B1="5 、不强 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B1="6 、不评价 " else Fun_B1="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_B2(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B2="1 、满意 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B2="2 、较满意 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B2="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B2="4 、不太满意 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B2="5 、不满意 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B2="6 、不评价 " else Fun_B2="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_B3(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B3="1 、是 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B3="2 、否 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B3="3 、不清楚 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B3="4 、不评价 " else Fun_B3="4 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_B4(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B4="1 、满意 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B4="2 、较满意 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B4="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B4="4 、不太满意 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B4="5 、不满意 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B4="6 、不清楚 " elseif cint(x)=7 then Fun_B4="7 、不评价 " else Fun_B4="7 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_B5(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B5="1 、好 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B5="2 、比较好 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B5="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B5="4 、不太好 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B5="5 、不好 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B5="6 、不评价 " else Fun_B5="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_C1(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C1="1 、有明显进步 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C1="2 、进步较明显 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C1="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C1="4 、不太明显 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C1="5 、不明显 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C1="6 、不评价 " else Fun_C1="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_C2(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C2="1 、满意 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C2="2 、较满意 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C2="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C2="4 、不太满意 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C2="5 、不满意 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C2="6 、不清楚 " elseif cint(x)=7 then Fun_C2="7 、不评价 " else Fun_C2="7 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_C3(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C3="1 、好 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C3="2 、比较好 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C3="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C3="4 、不太好 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C3="5 、不好 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C3="6 、不评价 " else Fun_C3="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_C4(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C4="1 、好 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C4="2 、比较好 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C4="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C4="4 、不太好 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C4="5 、不好 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C4="6 、不评价 " else Fun_C4="6 、不评价 " end if end function function Fun_C5(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C5="1 、满意 " elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C5="2 、较满意 " elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C5="3 、一般 " elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C5="4 、不太满意 " elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C5="5 、不满意 " elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C5="6 、不清楚 " elseif cint(x)=7 then Fun_C5="7 、不评价 " else Fun_C5="7 、不评价 " end if end function
0 个评论
分享 问卷
cd_jackcy 2014-1-26 10:26
function Fun_A1(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A1="1、经常帮助" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A1="2、有时帮助" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A1="3、很少帮助" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A1="4、从不帮助" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A1="5、不评价" else Fun_A1="5、不评价" end if end function function Fun_A2(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A2="1、经常" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A2="2、有时" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A2="3、很少" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A2="4、从不" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A2="5、不评价" else Fun_A2="5、不评价" end if end function function Fun_A3(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A3="1、关心" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A3="2、比较关心" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A3="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A3="4、不太关心" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A3="5、不关心" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_A3="6、不评价" else Fun_A3="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_A4(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A4="1、经常联系" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A4="2、有时联系" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A4="3、很少联系" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A4="4、没有联系" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A4="5、不评价" else Fun_A4="5、不评价" end if end function function Fun_A5(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A5="1、满意" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A5="2、较满意" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A5="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A5="4、不太满意" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A5="5、不满意" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_A5="6、不清楚" elseif cint(x)=7 then Fun_A5="7、不评价" else Fun_A5="7、不评价" end if end function function Fun_B1(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B1="1、教学态度认真" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B1="2、教学能力较强" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B1="3、教学语言幽默" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B1="4、师生关系亲密" else Fun_B1="4、师生关系亲密" end if end function function Fun_B2(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B2="1、好" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B2="2、比较好" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B2="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B2="4、不太好" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B2="5、不好" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B2="6、不评价" else Fun_B2="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_B3(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B3="1、满意" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B3="2、较满意" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B3="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B3="4、不太满意" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B3="5、不满意" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B3="6、不评价" else Fun_B3="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_B4(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B4="1、好" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B4="2、比较好" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B4="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B4="4、不太好" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B4="5、不好" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B4="6、不评价" else Fun_B4="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_B5(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B5="1、好" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B5="2、比较好" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B5="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B5="4、不太好" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B5="5、不好" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B5="6、不清楚" elseif cint(x)=7 then Fun_B5="7、不评价" else Fun_B5="7、不评价" end if end function function Fun_C1(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C1="1、好" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C1="2、比较好" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C1="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C1="4、不太好" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C1="5、不好" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C1="6、不评价" else Fun_C1="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_C2(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C2="1、好" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C2="2、比较好" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C2="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C2="4、不太好" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C2="5、不好" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C2="6、不评价" else Fun_C2="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_C3(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C3="1、重视" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C3="2、较重视" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C3="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C3="4、不太重视" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C3="5、不重视" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C3="6、不评价" else Fun_C3="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_C4(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C4="1、好" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C4="2、比较好" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C4="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C4="4、不太好" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C4="5、不好" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C4="6、不评价" else Fun_C4="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_C5(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C5="1、重视" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C5="2、较重视" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C5="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C5="4、不太重视" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C5="5、不重视" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C5="6、不评价" else Fun_C5="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_C6(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C6="1、好" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C6="2、比较好" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C6="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C6="4、不太好" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C6="5、不好" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C6="6、不评价" else Fun_C6="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_C7(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C7="1、好" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C7="2、比较好" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C7="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C7="4、不太好" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C7="5、不好" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C7="6、不评价" else Fun_C7="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_C8(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C8="1、满意" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C8="2、较满意" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C8="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C8="4、不太满意" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C8="5、不满意" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C8="6、不评价" else Fun_C8="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_A1(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A1="1、满意" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A1="2、较满意" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A1="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A1="4、不太满意" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A1="5、不满意" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_A1="6、不评价" else Fun_A1="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_A2(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A2="1、强" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A2="2、较强" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A2="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A2="4、不太强" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A2="5、不强" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_A2="6、不评价" else Fun_A2="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_A3(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A3="1、好" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A3="2、比较好" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A3="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A3="4、不太好" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A3="5、不好" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_A3="6、不评价" else Fun_A3="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_A4(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A4="1、经常交流" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A4="2、有时交流" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A4="3、很少交流" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A4="4、没有交流" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A4="5、不评价" else Fun_A4="5、不评价" end if end function function Fun_A5(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A5="1、经常" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A5="2、偶尔" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A5="3、很少" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A5="4、没有" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A5="5、不评价" else Fun_A5="5、不评价" end if end function function Fun_A6(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A6="1、满意" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A6="2、较满意" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A6="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A6="4、不太满意" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A6="5、不满意" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_A6="6、不评价" else Fun_A6="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_A7(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_A7="1、满意" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_A7="2、较满意" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_A7="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_A7="4、不太满意" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_A7="5、不满意" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_A7="6、不清楚" elseif cint(x)=7 then Fun_A7="7、不评价" else Fun_A7="7、不评价" end if end function function Fun_B1(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B1="1、强" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B1="2、较强" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B1="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B1="4、不太强" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B1="5、不强" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B1="6、不评价" else Fun_B1="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_B2(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B2="1、满意" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B2="2、较满意" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B2="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B2="4、不太满意" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B2="5、不满意" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B2="6、不评价" else Fun_B2="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_B3(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B3="1、是" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B3="2、否" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B3="3、不清楚" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B3="4、不评价" else Fun_B3="4、不评价" end if end function function Fun_B4(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B4="1、满意" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B4="2、较满意" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B4="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B4="4、不太满意" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B4="5、不满意" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B4="6、不清楚" elseif cint(x)=7 then Fun_B4="7、不评价" else Fun_B4="7、不评价" end if end function function Fun_B5(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_B5="1、好" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_B5="2、比较好" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_B5="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_B5="4、不太好" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_B5="5、不好" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_B5="6、不评价" else Fun_B5="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_C1(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C1="1、有明显进步" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C1="2、进步较明显" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C1="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C1="4、不太明显" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C1="5、不明显" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C1="6、不评价" else Fun_C1="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_C2(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C2="1、满意" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C2="2、较满意" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C2="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C2="4、不太满意" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C2="5、不满意" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C2="6、不清楚" elseif cint(x)=7 then Fun_C2="7、不评价" else Fun_C2="7、不评价" end if end function function Fun_C3(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C3="1、好" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C3="2、比较好" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C3="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C3="4、不太好" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C3="5、不好" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C3="6、不评价" else Fun_C3="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_C4(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C4="1、好" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C4="2、比较好" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C4="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C4="4、不太好" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C4="5、不好" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C4="6、不评价" else Fun_C4="6、不评价" end if end function function Fun_C5(x) if cint(x)=1 then Fun_C5="1、满意" elseif cint(x)=2 then Fun_C5="2、较满意" elseif cint(x)=3 then Fun_C5="3、一般" elseif cint(x)=4 then Fun_C5="4、不太满意" elseif cint(x)=5 then Fun_C5="5、不满意" elseif cint(x)=6 then Fun_C5="6、不清楚" elseif cint(x)=7 then Fun_C5="7、不评价" else Fun_C5="7、不评价" end if end function
0 个评论
分享 经济全球化
null06 2013-12-26 17:53
“一个英国前王妃和一个阿拉伯王子,坐着苏格兰 司机开的德国制造的装有荷兰发动机的汽车,在英吉利隧道出了车祸,抢救她的是美国医生, 用的是巴西药。 (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON);
个人分类: 有趣的经济原理|22 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 银行破产案例汇总更新
null06 2013-12-24 15:30
海南发展银行 巴林银行 (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON);
个人分类: 今天成为历史|17 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 防守人离开自己对位球员而不去包夹持球者并不违例
核污染 2013-11-30 15:34
看来你对联防还没搞清楚。防守人离开自己对位球员而不去包夹持球者并不违例。举个例子,爵士的一次反击,突然爵士队员发现防守方的公牛队员只有四个人,回头一看,乔丹还在后半场呢,鞋掉了。。。难道裁判会吹公牛非法防守??显然不会。 联防可以有包夹,可以离开对位防守者,但是你离开对位防守者以后,在你恢复对你原本防守者防守态势之前,别人是不能防守他的。 举个例子:球员 A 、 B 、 C 是进攻队员,球员 a 、 b 、 c 是对位防守者。 b 去包夹 A ,那么 A 传给 B 以后, c 是不能去防守 B 的。对于内线球员来说意义不大,真正削弱中锋防守作用的是防守三秒,因为防守三秒的存在,就意味着中锋不能缩在三秒区里守株待兔,而必须徘徊在油漆区和非油漆区之间,这就给了进攻队员很大的突破空间,中锋移动速度向来是弱点。相关文章: http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-1.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-2.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-3.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-4.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-5.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-6.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-7.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-8.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-9.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-10.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-11.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-12.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-13.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-14.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-15.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-16.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-17.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-1.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-2.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-3.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-4.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-5.html http://edu.shangdu.com/news/kuaibao/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/guancha/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/pnews/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/minsheng/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/yaowen/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/ http://bogoucai.com/ (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON);
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分享 因为在盯人防守体系下也是可以对持球队员进行包夹的
核污染 2013-11-30 15:32
因为在盯人防守体系下也是可以对持球队员进行包夹的。不过这种打法就是找死的节奏,我们就以 2006 年的火箭和爵士的阵容进行一次模拟(按 90 年代的规则、不容许守联防):爵士这边德隆运球突破,阿尔斯通防守,被一步过掉以后,直接杀入篮下,姚明在篮下等着给德隆火锅,德隆一看这情形,直接把球回传给三分线外的奥库,这下就有看头了,奥库在三分线接到球还调整了两秒钟,扔进个三分球。火箭在外线的球员比如麦蒂,离奥库只有一米远,但是他也不能去防守奥库,因为这就构成了联防。奥库的这个三分球只有姚明去防守才是合法的,但是你想姚明从三秒区跑到弧顶的三分线,最起码的 5 秒钟。相关文章: http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-1.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-2.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-3.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-4.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-5.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-6.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-7.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-8.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-9.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-10.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-11.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-12.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-13.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-14.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-15.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-16.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-17.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-1.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-2.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-3.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-4.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-5.html http://edu.shangdu.com/news/kuaibao/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/guancha/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/pnews/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/minsheng/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/yaowen/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/ http://bogoucai.com/ (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON);
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分享 其他四个人站中线附近“吸引”防守
核污染 2013-11-30 15:29
那是不是可以这么办:其他四个人站中线附近“吸引”防守,乔丹就可以在三分线内 1v1 了,成功率应该会超高啊,不会吗?为什么不这么玩呢?多么简单的战术啊 。 你可以这么玩呀,但是四个人站罚球线,基本上就是一排在那里挡着了,这还不包括人家可以去包夹乔丹,让你四个站在一起容易协防的队友去投,这讨论的是没有联防是不是可以起到防守三秒的作用,不是因为乔丹很厉害而去抬杠。 要看什么样的篮球比赛了, NBA 本身就是商业联盟无可厚非,提高观赏性来盈利,如果是 FIBA ,特别是奥运会世界赛这种残酷的竞技体育平台(管你什么观赏性)如果有防守三秒我就呵呵了。作为游戏,游戏者本身的娱乐感也要考虑。如果只是看上去好看,游戏者本身的能力被限制过大,无疑给参与游戏者造成麻烦。野球比赛对三秒和犯规的重视程度较差就是因为这些规则让游戏者们不高兴。 相关文章: http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-1.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-2.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-3.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-4.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-5.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-6.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-7.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-8.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-9.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-10.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-11.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-12.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-13.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-14.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-15.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-16.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/file-17.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-1.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-2.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-3.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-4.html http://bogoucai.com/shangdu/list-5.html http://edu.shangdu.com/news/kuaibao/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/guancha/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/pnews/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/minsheng/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/yaowen/ http://edu.shangdu.com/news/ http://bogoucai.com/ (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON);
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分享 人生.感悟
250rz 2013-11-14 17:57
当一个孩子呱呱落地的时候,标示着一个生命体将开始进行他的人生旅程,从天真无邪的游戏到孜孜不倦的学习直至这个生命体的终结。 每个人的旅行过程都是不一样的,各有各的精彩各有各的悲欢,很少有人是一帆风顺到达终点的,人,一生在旅途中是丰富多彩的也是危机四伏,能在精彩和刺激危险的人生旅途平平安安走到终点无论结果如何你都是胜利者。 生命是脆弱的,肢体更加的脆弱稍不留意危机就悄悄将你包围其中,不是肢体的残缺就是生命的终结,珍爱生命,远离危险、 我的一个朋友因一次事故造成下肢肌肉坏死,也许他将和他的下肢说拜拜,即将结婚的他面对这突如其来的悲剧,他表现出一种异样的镇定和平静,他内心的想法我不得而知但是他现在的表现让我思绪万千,做一个换位思考如果悲剧发生在我的身上,我将不知如何面对家庭和家庭的每一个成员,有如何去重新适应社会? www.250rz.com 很累,也很烦感觉压力在加压,我不敢去想,也不想去想像那是一个怎样的被动局面。 向身残意坚的人致敬 远离危险 珍爱生命 (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON);
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分享 如果你走了,我无法当你没有来过
250rz 2013-11-12 17:00
星期六是林宇和夏青结婚的日子,毕业7年后,林宇和夏青是一家人了。 此刻,我真特么开心,朋友得到幸福,总是让我也忍不住幸福安心。 晚上,所有的同学都发狠的瞎闹,似乎只有这样才能宣泄大家心中的祝福。KTV包间里,大家都醉的不省人事,醉梦里,谁都记得林宇对夏青说,如果你走了,我无法当你没有来过。 2002年,我被高考强奸了,和所有的这个年纪的青少年一样,在这次大审判中听凭处置。我很庆幸老妈有烧香拜佛,以至于我在这次战役中发挥良好。唯一让我蛋疼的是在填志愿这件事情上,我与老爸老妈无法达成一致。最后,我偷偷报了青岛的一所二流大学的文学专业。 我是提前一周赶赴青岛的,少年总是有一颗勇于探索的心,我迫切的要看一看未来四年的生存环境,为我叱咤青岛做好准备。 火车到的很准时,晚上8点,这个点不是很方便去学校,WWW.250RZ.COM还好我约了同一级的新生,他叫林宇。林宇的火车是8点半到的,他家是北方的一个城市。我有时在想,从南方的我所在的城市通往北方的林宇所在的城市,如果用一节一节的铁轨连接起来,需要多长。缘分没有距离。 林宇很对我的胃口,他是一个很豪爽的人,当然,最重要的原因是他请我大吃了一顿。酒足饭饱后,我们也无处可去。在林宇的诱惑和怂恿下,我们去了酒吧,我是第一次去,林宇却是轻车熟路。于是,我的第一次醉酒就被林宇轻易的夺去了。第二天醒来发现自己靠在火车站旁的公园里的大树下,而林宇却在睡在长椅上打着呼噜。草泥马的,凭什么我睡地上,你睡椅子上。 (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON);
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分享 橘黄色的光棍节
250rz 2013-11-12 16:59
光棍节快到了,菊咬咬牙从小猪存钱罐里拿出存了一年的私房钱,期待着可以和女神范一起度过光棍节。 菊哼着小曲,追追追。。。。愉快着蹦蹦跳跳的走下楼去,快乐的气息充斥着菊的身边,仿佛这不是令人悲伤的秋天,而是春机嗷嗷的春天。 女神范在镜子前,抚摸着自己娇柔的脸庞,低声呢喃,没了爱情的滋润,最近真是憔悴了!女神范自从上个星期和富帅屎粑粑分手后,再也没有交男朋友了。光棍节快到了,想起和好姐妹女神章的约定,她可不想掉面子。给自己鼓鼓气,希望能尽快找到新的男朋友。 小小白是菊的高中同班同学,她没什么特点,丢在人群里马上就消失的那种。小小白长得一般,身材一般,成绩一般,要不是和菊是同桌,菊估计高中三年都不会认识她。小小白高中没有什么朋友,www.250rz.com直到和菊成了同桌,菊在她心中是一个很棒的男生,很幽默很热情。小小白在填志愿时千方百计的打听出了菊填的学校,然后她报了旁边的师范学校。离菊的学校有1500米。 菊捧着小猪存钱罐屁颠屁颠的跑到学校外面的建行,把里面的钢蹦,零碎都换成红色的毛爷爷。离开了银行,菊泪流满面的对着眼前整个身心都被掏空的小猪说,小猪,谢谢你陪伴了我这么久,在这段时间里一直鼓励我,和我一起面对所有困难,对我不离不弃,可。。。。。。菊抹抹眼泪,甩了甩刘海,贱贱的笑到,可是劳资不需要你了。菊就这样抛弃了相依为命的小猪。 女神范换了一身性感妖娆的衣服, (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON);
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分享 我参加论坛的第一天
kebook 2013-7-17 16:46
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分享 Worst is yet to come
insight 2013-6-26 07:37
http://www.marketwatch.com/story/worst-is-yet-to-come-2013-06-25?dist=tbeforebell By Mark Hulbert , MarketWatch CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (MarketWatch) — Bad news: The bottom of the decline that began one month ago has not yet been seen. That, at least, is the conclusion that emerges from a contrarian analysis of stock market sentiment. Simply put: Bullishness remains too prevalent. To be sure, a few bulls have thrown in the towel in recent days. But most continue to believe that the bull market still lives. Many are not even conceding that we are in a full scale correction that takes 10% off the market averages — though Monday’s triple-digit decline will surely give them pause. Reluctance to throw in the towel is a hallmark of market tops, according to contrarian analysis. In the wake of pullbacks that prove to be relatively shallow and short-lived, for example, advisers typically react with fear and panic, falling over themselves rushing for the exits. When a more significant market top has formed, in contrast, the typical adviser initially reacts with disbelief, stubbornly holding onto his bullishness. I concluded that the market’s decline has further to go after placing recent sentiment developments in an historical perspective. I analyzed four different sentiment measures: The Investors Intelligence weekly survey of newsletter sentiment, data which extends back to 1963. Specifically, I focused on the ratio of bullish advisers in this survey to the total of those who are either bullish or bearish. The American Association of Individual Investors sentiment survey. As in the case of Investors Intelligence, I focused on the ratio of bullish responses in the AAII survey to the total of those who reported that they are either bullish or bearish. The sentiment index maintained by Hulbert Financial Digest (HFD). It represents the average recommended equity exposure among a subset of short-term stock market timers who are monitored by the HFD (as measured by the Hulbert Stock Newsletter Sentiment Index, or HSNSI). Finally, I focused on the CBOE’s Volatility Index /quotes/zigman/2766221 VIX -8.16% , or VIX. I analyzed how each of these four sentiment indicators behaved on the occasion of past bull market tops, using the precise definition of bull and bear markets employed by Ned Davis Research, the institutional research firm. That’s a comparison designed to make it look as though the bulls’ recent retreat was bigger than average, since the initial decline in bullishness following major tops typically is quite modest And, yet, I found that far fewer bulls over the last month threw in the towel than is the comparable average following past market tops. (Specifically, for each indicator and each market top, I measured the extent to which the bulls retreated over the first 34 calendar days of the decline. I chose 34 days since that’s how long it’s been since the bull market hit its high—at least according to the SP 500.) This is not a comparison that is encouraging for the bullish case. Note carefully that contrarian analysis doesn’t predict how long a decline must last, or how much the market averages must decline. It instead focuses on whether there is enough fear and despair to rebuild the veritable Wall of Worry that bull markets like to climb. And it’s always possible that it a few more down days like Monday will do the trick. But we’re not there yet. And there’s no need to speculate, since we can let the markets — and the erstwhile bulls — tell the story. Also note carefully that some longer term indicators remain relatively bullish. The top-performing stock market timers tracked by the Hulbert Financial Digest, for example, remain — on balance — markedly more bullish than the worst market timers . My past research has found that this best-versus-worst contrast has a decent forecasting record over the intermediate term horizon of one year and longer. Also relatively bullish right now are corporate insiders, as I wrote in a column late last week . Their greatest forecasting power also is over the 12-month horizon. Nevertheless, if contrarian analysis is right, the market will decline over the short term before mounting a sustainable rally. Click here to inquire about subscriptions to the Hulbert Stock Newsletter Sentiment Index. Click here to learn more about the Hulbert Financial Digest. /quotes/zigman/2766221 Add to portfolio VIX CBOE Volatility Index US : MDX CBOE IND 18.47 -1.64 -8.16% Volume: 0.00 June 25, 2013 3:14p var embeddedchart1085120985Chart = new EmbeddedChart('#embeddedchart1085120985', NormalChartStyleNoDecimals, 240, 80, '1dy', '5mi', null, null, null, 'US:VIX'); jQuery.data($('#embeddedchart1085120985').get(0), 'embeddedchart', embeddedchart1085120985Chart); //$(document).ready(function() { var storywidth = $('#mainstory').width(); var maxwidth = storywidth; $('#maincontent pre').each(function (index, value) { var thiswidth = $(value).width(); if (thiswidth maxwidth) maxwidth = thiswidth; }); var offset = maxwidth - storywidth; if (offset 0) { var margin = 13; var contentwidth = $('#maincontent').width(); $('#maincontent').width(contentwidth + offset + margin); $('#mainstory').width(storywidth + offset + margin); } //}); Mark Hulbert is the founder of Hulbert Financial Digest in Chapel Hill, N.C. He has been tracking the advice of more than 160 financial newsletters since 1980. Follow him on Twitter @MktwHulbert.
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分享 穷人的孩子注定输在起跑线上?
insight 2013-5-9 11:29
穷人的孩子注定输在起跑线上? //var is_banned = 1; //禁止评论,0为正常文章,1为禁止评论文章 function artBan(hideId){ var art_hideId =document.getElementById(hideId); if (is_banned) { if (is_banned=1){ art_hideId.style.display='none'; }else if (is_banned=0){ art_hideId.style.display='block'; } }; } 正文 财经网微评论( 1 人评论) artBan('art_cNum'); 本文来源于 果壳网  2013年05月08日 18:14 我要评论( 1 ) artBan('cont_num'); ZAKER新... , 刘远举 等11人分享过 打印 | 字号: 贫富差距的扩大,通过幼儿的早期教育投资被转嫁到了教育领域,由此加剧社会不公与板结该怎么办? 有教,但并非“无类”。图 Javier Jaen   【Sean F. Reardon/文】 有这样一件事情你可能并不会意外:平均而言,有钱家人的孩子在学校里比中产阶级或贫困家庭的孩子表现更好。平均而言,在富裕家庭长大的学生比较为贫困的学生学习成绩更好、标准化考试分数更高,参与课外活动以及担任学生领导岗位的几率也更高,高中毕业率和大学的入学率、毕业率都更高。   无论你是觉得它极度不公、可悲却不可避免,还是认为它显而易见且没有问题,这种现象都不是什么新鲜事了。这在大多数社会里面都是事实,美国也是如此。而新近才发生的,是过去的几十年间,在美国高收入和低收入家庭的学生之间教育成就的差距有了显著的增加。其表现之一是穷学生和富学生在过去50年的标准化数学和阅读考试的分数。我比较了十几个在1960年-2010年之间进行的大规模全国性研究的数据,发现如今考试分数的贫富差距大约比30年前加大了40%左右。   为了使这一趋势具体化,可以看看两个孩子,一个家庭收入16.5万美元,另一个1.5万美元。这两个收入水平在美国国民收入分布中分别排在前90%和前10%,也就是说,如今美国有10%的孩子成长于收入低于1.5万美元的家庭,另外10%的孩子则在收入超过16.5万美元的家庭中长大。   在20世纪80年代,在一场满分800分的SAT规模的考试中,上述两个孩子的考试分数平均相差90分;而如今则是125分。要知道现在在黑人孩子和白人孩子之间,考分平均差距是70分,贫富造成的分数差几乎是种族分数差的两倍。家庭收入是比种族更能预测孩子将来能否在学校里成功的指标。   同样的模式在其他更加具体的教育成就评估方式中也非常明显,比如完成大学学业。密歇根大学的经济学家玛莎·贝利(Martha J. Bailey)和苏珊·第纳尔斯基(Susan M. Dynarski)进行了一项研究,她们发现来自高收入家庭的学生获得大学本科学位的比例在20年间增加了18个百分点,而贫困学生则仅仅增长了4个。在更近的一项研究中,我和我的研究生发现,2004届的高中毕业生中,有15%来自高收入家庭的学生进入优秀大学或学院就读,而只有不到5%的中等收入和2%的低收入家庭学生也做到了这一点。   这些扩大的差距并不仅限于学术成就方面:哈佛大学的政治学家罗伯特·普特南(Robert D. Putnam)和他的同事进行的新研究表明,在学生参与体育运动、课外活动、志愿者工作和教堂活动方面的贫富差距也有大幅增长。 教育贫富分化,你的孩子将站在哪一边? 图/Javier Jaen   学校能使孩子摆脱贫困吗?   今年4月,1.4万多名教育工作者和教育学者齐聚美国旧金山,参加美国教育研究协会(AERA)的年度会议。今年的主题是:学校能使孩子摆脱贫困吗?   尽管这几十年来美国教育危机的情势越来越严重,教育改革的浪潮经历了一波又一波,我们还是在谈论这个议题。不管学校里一直在做什么,并没有减少高收入和低收入家庭孩子之间的不平等。   了解这些教育差距不断扩大的方式和原因,也就知道了解决方案的一部分。为了找出这答案,在过去的几年中,我和其他学者一起研究历史数据。我们的这项研究的结果与大多数人想的都不大一样。   过去30年中最明显的变化,是高收入家庭的孩子考试分数提高得非常之快。在1980年以前,出身富裕家庭的孩子在学习成绩上对中产阶层学生无甚优势可言,学业上的社会经济分化大部分是出在中产阶级和贫困家庭之间。但现在,富孩子拉开中产阶级孩子的程度,差不多有中产阶级的孩子领先于穷孩子那么多。在过去的几十年间,富裕阶层的资产累积速度远远超过中产阶级,同样,教育成就的大部分增益也都累积到了富裕家庭的孩子身上。   在弄清楚究竟发生了什么之前,先要消除一些误解:   ·学业差距不断扩大,是因为富人的孩子准备得更好   学业成就的收入差距在不断增大,其原因并不是因为贫困学生的考试分数在下降,也不是因为学校的办学水平在下滑。实际上,美国全国教育进展评估(National Assessment of Educational Progress),也即所谓的全国成绩报告单(Nation’s Report Card)的平均考试分数从1970年起就一直在提高——数学是大幅提高,阅读则是极缓慢的提高。平均来说,今天一个9岁孩子的数学能力与其父母11岁时相当,仅仅在一代的时间里就有两年的提高。阅读能力的进步没有这么快,年纪较大的孩子进步也没有这么大,但完全没有任何证据显示过去30年间任何年龄或经济群体的平均考试分数有所下降。   在学业成就方面不断加大的收入差距并不是种族差异扩大的结果。在过去20年中,黑人和白人之间、西班牙裔美国人和非西班牙裔白人之间的成就差距已经慢慢缩小,这些趋势使得较高收入和较低收入学生之间的差距没有被进一步拉大。如果只看白人学生的考试分数,在这个人群当中也会发现高收入和低收入家庭的孩子之间同样也存在着越来越大的差距。   看起来可能跟想得不一样,但学校似乎并没有在高低收入学生的分数差上面产生多大影响。这样说是因为,穷孩子和富孩子在幼儿园的入学考试时分数差距还很大,但在高中考试时这个差距就只有不到10%了。有一些证据表明,高低收入的学生成就差距其实在第一学年开学头9个月里会缩小,但在夏季又会再次扩大。这种区别对待当然存在——但学校在加大贫富差距的作用方面似乎比传统以为的要小。   如果不是这几种原因,那么到底发生了什么呢?归根结底:学业差距之所以在不断加大,是因为富孩子越来越多地在进入幼儿园之前就比中产阶级的孩子做好了更多的准备。这种准备上的差距一直从小学持续到高中。   我的研究表明,对此现象的部分解释是日益扩大的收入不平等。也许你已经知道了,在过去30年间,富人的收入增长率比中产阶级和穷人的都要快。物质上的充裕帮助家庭成员给这些年幼的孩子们提供了认知上的刺激体验,因为钱带来了更加稳定的家庭环境、让家长有更多时间给孩子读书、获得高质量的保育和学前服务比如有辅导入学考试的家教,或者自己充当家教的时间——在纽约,一个4岁的孩子会接受测验决定是否进入高才班就读。   ·富人正在把钱花在不同的地方   但不断增大的收入差距,顶多也只能解释问题的一半。学业贫富差距关键不是富人有了更多的钱,而在于他们花钱的方式变了,而这才是真正值得注意的地方。   高收入家庭不断把他们的资源,比如钱、时间和怎么才能在学校里表现更好的知识,投入到孩子的认知发展和教育成就当中。他们这么做是因为教育成就在如今变得比过去重要得多,即使对富人来说也是如此。   大学本科学位已经不再能够确保一份高收入的工作了,甚至连咖啡师都不行。父母们现在一早就在孩子的认知发展上投入了更多的时间和金钱,带孩子参加活动,让他们的生活变得丰富多彩。拥有更多的父母能够投入的也就更多,这似乎是不证自明的,而有钱的父母在孩子的成长过程中投入了更多的金钱和普特曼所说的“晚安睡前时间”。再来看中产阶级和贫困家庭的父母,就算他们也在孩子身上投入了更多的时间和金钱,他们投入的速度和深度都比不上富人。   经济学家理查德·默南(Richard J. Murnane)和格雷格·邓肯(Greg J. Duncan)的报告指出,从1972年至2006年,高收入家庭增加了150%的开支;而同一时期,低收入家庭在这方面的投入则仅仅增长了57%。同样,父母与子女相处的时间增长速度的两倍,自1975年以来,受过大学教育的父母与子女相处的时间,其增长速度是学历较低的父母所花的两倍。加州大学圣地亚哥分校的经济学家盖瑞·雷米(Garey Ramey)和瓦莱瑞尔·雷米(Valerie A. Ramey),把这种幼教投资的不断升级称之为“幼儿竞争”(Rug Rat Race),这很好地描述了这样一种不断加深的认识,即早期的童年经历对赢得终身教育和经济竞争至关重要。   如何解决教育贫富分化?   目前还尚不清楚对此我们应该做什么。部分原因是因为有关公共教育的讨论多集中在错误的责怪对象上:我们指责失败的教育和穷人的行为该对这一趋势负责,而实际上真正的原因是出在不断深化的收入不平等和富人的行为上面。   我想,没有及时跟进是因为不熟悉问题的本质——在富裕阶层和中产阶层之间不断加大的教育差距。毕竟,在过去50年的大部分时间,涉及教育不平等的全国性对话一直都几乎无一例外都集中于减少贫困和中产家庭之间的教育成就不平等,而其依靠的措施也是像“开端计划”(Head Start Program)这样面向贫困人群的学前教育项目。   我们几乎没有想过考虑一下有钱人都在干什么。除了持续讨论不断升高的高等教育成本是否会将中产阶级挤出高校门外,我们就没怎么谈论经济学家所说的教育“上尾不平等”(upper-tail inequality),更不用说成功削弱它了。   与此同时,不仅仅是富裕家庭的孩子在学校表现得比中产家庭的孩子要好,经济形势的不断变幻意味着在学校里成功对于将来经济上的成功愈加必要。这将导致美国社会越来越缺乏流动性,而这一趋势又将反过来加重不平等的现象,这种相互强化着实令人担忧。   我们需要开始讨论这件事情。不过,说也奇怪,教育贫富差距的快速增长也带来了一线希望:如果家庭收入和教育成就之间的关系能够改变地如此之快,就表明其模式并不是固定的、无可避免的。能变一次就能变第二次。政策的选取也就变得更加重要。   那么,如何建设一个这样的社会,人们的教育成就和家庭背景之间没有那么大的关联?或许,可以学习富人的做法,社会整体下大力气增加孩子受教育的机会,从出生的那天起开始。儿童早期的教育投入在社会分层上的回报是巨大的。这意味着投资发展高质量的保育和学龄前教育服务提供给中产阶级和贫困人群。同时,招募和培训一批技艺精湛的学前教师和保育工作者。这些都不是什么新概念,但我们必须停止争论这些措施有成本有多贵、实施起来有多困难,然后硬着头皮干下去。   但这样还不够,在扩大和改善学前教育和保育服务方面我们还需要投入更多。近来有很多关于投资师资力量,“提高教师水平”的讨论,而提高父母养育子女的水平和改善儿童最初期的环境可能比这个还重要。让我们在父母身上投入更多,这样他们才能更好地培养他们的孩子。   这就需要找寻方法去帮助父母,使其本身变成更好的教师。这或许会涉及到支持职工家庭的战略,这样他们有才更多时间给孩子读书。还有扩大“护士家庭合作计划”(Nurse-Family Partnership)那样的项目,这类项目在帮助单亲家庭教育其子女方面已被证实有效;同时,还需要支持研究,使其为单亲父母开发新的资源。   或许,还需要更多的商业和政府支持,提供更长的产假和陪产假假期以及幼童照管服务,以使中产和贫困家庭获得一些富余家庭孩子享有的早期学业干预。最根本的一点,这意味着更新仍旧盘绕在我们脑中的观念——教育问题不该由学校独自解决。   在确保孩子在幼年早期获得认知刺激体验方面做得越多,就越不用担心学校教育失败。而这还将使学校可以集中精力传授技巧——如何解决复杂问题、如何批判性的思考以及如何合作,这些都是对一个增长中的经济体和充满生命力的民主政治结构而言必不可少的东西。   编译自:《纽约时报》,No Rich Child Left Behind   文章图片:Javier Jaen   本文获果壳网(Guokr.com)授权转载
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分享 考试经验
yukai08008 2013-3-5 23:29
准备过程: (1)首先看完了 《SAS programming by examples》,这本书胜在例子多,解释详细,对于没有SAS基础的人,可以培养起使用SAS的一些感觉; (2)然后很仔细看完了SAS官方的《SAS online training tutor》,这个必须要看,因为这个教程直接反映了考试中心是如何理解SAS的,而且对于初学者十分有帮助,如果仔细看了,会明白SAS怎么读数据、存数据、那些function怎么使用、如何产生report等。每一节后面都有一个summary和一个quiz,每个quiz 10道题,认真做了,对巩固知识有很大帮助; (3)然后是做题,50题+123题+70题,我一共刷了三遍题。我感觉50题是最接近SAS考试的表述语言的,看上去有种很熟悉的感觉,毕竟tutor里的说话语气就是那样,感觉很gentleman。123题可能是比较旧比较经典的题目了,题目没有设太多陷阱,知识点把握了就能做对。做阴险的是70题,出题十分灵活,第一遍刷的时候经常发现又被忽悠了。做题是培养题感的。第一遍刷的时候,朦朦胧胧,错了不少,很沮丧,觉得看了那么多基础知识还是做不对题;第二遍刷的时候就把对应的知识点都梳理了一遍,错题也明白错的原因了;到第三遍的时候就能一眼看出知识点和陷阱在哪里了。
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分享 Index
yukai08008 2013-2-18 20:47
General form, INDEX function: INDEX( source,excerpt ) where source specifies the character variable or expression to search excerpt specifies a character string that is enclosed in quotation marks (' '). 可以用来挑选包含字符串的数据集子集 data hrd.datapool; set hrd.temp; if index(job,'word processing') 0; run;
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分享 Mathworks certified MATLAB professional
gaosanyong 2013-1-3 09:26
Mathworks certified MATLAB professional
Data Processing and Visualization Topic Skills Importing Data • Import a mixture of data types from text files using the textscan function • Use low-level I/O functions to read data from a file • Describe techniques to import files with large data sets or irregular formats • List MATLAB functions that help you to manage the files that you read and write • Export a mixture of data types to text files using the fprintf function Organizing Data • Extract multiple data elements from a cell array • Create a structure array to store data organized by field names • Extract data from a structure into an array of values • Create an anonymous function and apply it to each cell in a cell array or each field within a structure • Locate, count, and extract array elements meeting a given criteria Visualizing Data • Select the type of MATLAB plot that is appropriate for the given data and application • Generate customized plots using MATLAB code • Obtain handles to graphical objects as output or using querying functions • Use the get and set commands to further customize a generated MATLAB plot • Navigate the Handle Graphics Property Browser to find documentation on the graphics object and property that affect a specific characteristic of a plot Programming Creating Robust Applications • Call query functions to validate function inputs • Implement a try-catch construct, along with MException objects , for handling error conditions • Ensure code provides desired results by using integrated MATLAB code analysis and debugging tools • Measure code performance using MATLAB Profiler and other tools • Describe the concept of numerical accuracy Structuring Code • Select an appropriate type of MATLAB function based on requirements for function visibility and workspace access • Create and call an anonymous function handle to change the interface to an existing function • Determine which function a program will call when multiple possibilities exist Structuring Data • Write code for preallocating various types of arrays • Use vectorization techniques to improve code performance • Explain memory usage when passing arrays to functions • Minimize memory requirements for an application by selecting the most appropriate data type Classes and Objects • Describe the benefits of writing a MATLAB class • Write a class for a custom data type with properties and methods • Create an instance of the class in the code and invoke its methods • Describe the difference between a value class and a handle class • Override common MATLAB functions for a given class using methods Graphical User Interfaces Handle Graphics • State the layers in the graphical object hierarchy in MATLAB • Create a Handle Graphics object • Obtain a handle to a graphics object • Determine Handle Graphics object properties and acceptable values Modify properties of a graphics object using property name/property value pairs Components of a GUI Application • Add a UI control , such as a push button, to a MATLAB figure window • Specify the behavior of a UI control by associating it with MATLAB code • State the order of execution of the GUI code throughout the lifetime of the application Programming Considerations for GUI Applications • Write a function for use as a GUI callback • Pass user-defined data into callback functions • Organize GUI creation code and callbacks into a single MATLAB file • Organize object handles to facilitate passing them into callbacks Layout of GUI Applications Using GUIDE • Use GUIDE to lay out GUI objects • Assign unique names to GUI objects using the Tag property • Modify the layout and properties of GUI objects created by GUIDE • Modify the behavior of GUI objects created by GUIDE Programming GUI Applications Using the GUIDE Template • Use the handles structure created by GUIDE to manipulate graphics objects within a callback • Write callbacks that can communicate with each other by adding local data to the GUI URL: http://www.mathworks.com/services/training/courses/MCMP_4.html
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分享 希望可以好好利用这个论坛
郝敏220 2012-6-1 12:41
从今天起,关注汇率,利率 (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON); 从今天起,关注财经新闻,关注CPI,PPI 记住自己的承诺 记住自己的责任 记住拿出你该有的样子
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