《Online shopping key features analysis in Mures county》
Elena-Iulia Ap\\u{a}v\\u{a}loaie, Liviu Onoriu Marian, Elena Lucia Harpa
The aim of this paper is to get an overview of the online buyer profile, and also some key aspects in the way the online shopping is conducted. In this project we conducted a quantitative research, consisting of a questionnaire based survey. For data processing and interpretation we used SPSS statistical software and Excel. For data analysis, we used the descriptive statistics indicators, and a series of bi-varied analysis for testing some statistical assumptions. Viewed at first with skepticism by the Internet users in Romania, because of the many news about how dangerous the credit card payments are, the online stores have gained much ground and trust in the recent years. Since the study was conducted mainly in the online environment, we can not talk about the representativeness of the sample, only about a trend observed in the studied population. The study helps us understand the population reactions and attitudes regarding the online shopping. The study revealed some important issues regarding the online shopping in Mures county, issues that are described in detail in the content of this paper.
一级分类:Quantitative Finance 数量金融学
二级分类:General Finance 一般财务
分类描述:Development of general quantitative methodologies with applications in finance
一级分类:Computer Science 计算机科学
二级分类:Social and Information Networks 社会和信息网络
分类描述:Covers the design, analysis, and modeling of social and information networks, including their applications for on-line information access, communication, and interaction, and their roles as datasets in the exploration of questions in these and other domains, including connections to the social and biological sciences. Analysis and modeling of such networks includes topics in ACM Subject classes F.2, G.2, G.3, H.2, and I.2; applications in computing include topics in H.3, H.4, and H.5; and applications at the interface of computing and other disciplines include topics in J.1--J.7. Papers on computer communication systems and network protocols (e.g. TCP/IP) are generally a closer fit to the Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) category.