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发布时间:2015-01-12 来源:人大经济论坛
市场营销论文范文  目录 第一章 绪论1 第一节 选题的背景1 第二节 选题的目的和意义1 第三节 研究的思路和方法2 第四节 研究的框架和重点3 第二章 便利店选址的相关理论与方法4 第一节 商圈概念4 第二节 商圈分类5 第三节 选择商圈的相关理论6 一、零售引力模型6 二、零售饱和指数理论6 三、考察商圈的GIS技术7 第三章 杭州便利店的选址现状9 第一节 杭州便利店的发展空间9 第二节 杭州便利店选址存在的主要问题9 第三节 杭州便利店选址的指导原则10 第四章 杭州连锁便利店的选址决策11 第五章 结论17 【参考文献】18 致 谢20 摘 要 近年来,随着我国经济的不断发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,我国的零售业正以前所未有的速度发展起来,整个零售市场呈现出了欣欣向荣的景象。自从1979我国实行改革开放政策以来,尤其是入世以来,在我国经济与世界经济接轨,进而发生变化的过程中,我国零售业也发生了巨大的变化。其中,便利店迅速发展起来,尤其是2004年底我国对零售业的全面解禁以后,便利店的发展更是达到了前所未有的步伐。其根本原因在于随着生活水平的提高和生活节奏的加快,消费者的生活方式和购物方式发生了很大的变化,主要体现在对“购物便利”的强烈需求,而便利店正是能够满足这种需求的零售业态。便利店是一种具有竞争力和发展前景的零售业态。随着我国经济的全球化,国内外的连锁企业将在我国展开激烈的竞争。因此,对于连锁便利店的研究随着连锁便利店的迅速发展和竞争而日益活跃。其中,便利店的选址是关系其经营成败的关键因素,对便利店选址决策问题进行研究非常必要。 关键词:便利店,选址,决策 ABSTRACT In recent years, as China's economic growth, rising living standards, China's retail industry is being developed at an unprecedented rate, the retail market presents a thriving scene. Since 1979, China's reform and opening up policy, especially since the accession to the WTO, the Chinese economy with the world economy, and thus the process of change,China's retail industry has undergone tremendous changes. Among them, the convenience store has developed rapidly, especially in the retail sector in China by the end of 2004 after a comprehensive ban, the development of convenience stores is an unprecedented pace. The fundamental reason is that with the improvement of living standards and the accelerated pace of life, lifestyle and shopping patterns of consumers, great changes have occurred, mainly reflected in the "shopping convenience" of strong demand, while the convenience store is able to retail formats to meet this demand. Convenience store is a kind of competitiveness and development prospects of the retail formats. With the globalization of our economy, domestic and international chain enterprises in China will be an intense competition. Therefore,a convenience store chain of convenience stores with the chain's rapid growth and increasingly active competition. Where the location of a convenience store chain is the key to the success of their business relationship factors, convenience store chains to study site selection decision-making is necessary. KEYWORDS:CVS,site selection,decisions
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