目 录
摘 要3
第1章 绪论5
1.1 课题的背景与意义5
1.2 本文所做的工作5
第2章 超声波液位计工作原理6
2.1 超声波基本特性6
2.2 超声波液位计的测量原理7
第3章 超声波液位计的硬件设计8
3.1 核心模块9
3.2.2 超声波接收模块11
3.31 显示模块12
3.4 EEPROM模块14
3.5 键盘模块15
第四章 超声波液位计软件设计16
4.1 主程序16
4.2 测量显示子程序17
4.2.1 Timecount子程序17
4.2.2 T0中断子程序18
4.2.3 发超声波测距子程序19
4.2.4 LED显示子程序20
4.3 键盘扫描子程序22
4.4 EEPROM存取子程序23
4.4.1 读EEPROM子程序23
4.4.2 写EEPROM子程序24
第5章 误差与干扰分析25
5.1 温度的影响25
5.2 直达波的影响25
结 论26
致 谢27
摘 要
本文设计用超声波技术测液位,测量仪器可以不必浸入液体中,减少了仪器与液体之间的相互影响,避免了接触污染,提高了安全性和可靠性。还具有较高的灵活性和较强的适应性,可随时改变用途(测距、测液位、测速等) 和测量对象。超声波测距,可以应用于汽车倒车、建筑施工工地以及一些工业现场的位置监控,也可用于如液位、井深、管道长度的测量等场合。要求测量范围在0.40-8.00m,测量精度1cm,测量时与被测物体无直接接触,能够清晰稳定地显示测量结果。由于超声波指向性强,能量消耗缓慢,在介质中传播的距离较远,因而超声波经常用于距离的测量,如测距仪和物位测量仪等都可以通过超声波来实现。利用超声波检测往往比较迅速、方便、计算简单、易于做到实时控制,并且在测量精度方面能达到工业实用的要求.
关键词 AT89S51 报警 超声波 液位
This design using ultrasonic technology measure level, measuring instruments may not be immersed in the liquid, reduce the instrument and the interaction between liquid, avoid contact with pollution, raise the safety and reliability. Also has high flexibility and adaptability of strong, can always change USES (and measurement, etc) and measurement speed. Ultrasonic ranging, can be applied in automobile reverse construction site, and the position control, also can be used for such as level, deep, pipe length measurement etc. In the measurement range 0.4-8.00 m, measurement accuracy, being measured 1cm measurement with no direct contact with the object can clearly showed stable measurement result. Due to the strong, the energy consumption of ultrasonic directivity slowly in the medium of communication, distance, and is often used to measure the distance of ultrasonic, such as rangefinder and material level measurement instrument etc can all through the ultrasonic. Using ultrasonic detection tend to be quick, convenient, simple, easy to control, and in real-time measuring precision can reach the requirement of practical industrial.
Keywords AT89S51 alarm ultrasonic level