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发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
Table of Contents
Slide 3 Global Outlook: What Fiscal Tightening?
Slide 5 Mounting Public Sector Debt and Deficits
Slide 6 General Government Balance
Slide 7 General Government Debt
Slide 8 An Introduction to Deficit and Debt Accounting
Slide 9 Morgan Stanley GDP, Inflation Policy, Rates Profile
Slide 10 Morgan Stanley GDP Forecasts and Bull-Bear Scenarios
Slide 11 Morgan Stanley CPI Forecasts and Bull-Bear Scenarios
Slide 12 Key Quarterly Forecasts (G4 & G4 EM)
Slide 14 Quarterly GDP Profile (% YoY)
Slide 15 Quarterly CPI Profile (% YoY)
Slide 16 Monetary Policy Rate Forecasts
Slide 17 USA
Slide 18 Canada
Slide 19 Euro Area (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, Finland)
Slide 27 Denmark
Slide 28 UK
Slide 29 Sweden
Slide 30 CEEMEA (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Israel, South Africa)
Slide 39 Australia
Slide 40 Japan
Slide 41 Asia ex-Japan (China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia)
Slide 48 Latam (Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela)
Slide 54 FX Forecasts
Slide 55 Commodity Forecasts
Slide 57 Additional Resources
Slide 58 Global Economics Team
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