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发布时间:2015-01-11 来源:人大经济论坛
行政管理论文范文 目录 摘要1 Abstract1 一、失地农民养老保障权益缺失的原因分析3 1. 农村土地产权不清是造成失地农民相关利益被侵害的根源3 2. 土地市场的不完善是失地农民养老权益缺少保障的重要原因4 3. 征地补偿制度欠公平使失地农民养老保障丧失了经济基础4 4. 政府自律行为缺乏使失地农民岌岌可危的土地养老功能“雪上加霜”5 5.城乡社会保障发展不平衡导致了失地农民“国民”权益的缺失5 二、“土地换保障”思路的合理性分析6 1.“土地换保障”有利于加强保障力度,解除失地农民养老的后顾之忧6 2.“土地换保障”有利于促进城乡统筹,加强农村社会保障体系的建设7 3.“土地换保障”有利于体现社会“和谐与公平”,有效应对失地农民的老龄化危机8 三、完善“土地换保障”机制的相关政策建议8 1. 创新征地制度改革,搭建“土地换保障”的制度平台8 2. 完善多元化基金筹集监管机制,确保“土地换保障”的经济来源11 3. 必须建立健全失地农民法律援助体系,确保“土地换保障”顺畅实施13 致 谢14 参 考 文 献14 我国失地农民养老保障模式的思考 ——基于“土地换保障”模式的分析 摘要:失地农民的养老保障问题是我国目前众多急需解决的社会问题之一。目前,我国失地农民养老保障权益缺失的原因主要有:农村土地产权不清;土地市场不完善;征地补偿制度欠公平;政府自律行为缺失;城乡社会保障发展不平衡等。在众多解决思路中,“土地换保障”是一种行之有效的模式,因为土地换保障有利于加强保障力度,解决失地农民养老的后顾之忧;有利于促进城乡统筹,加强农村社会保障体系建设;有利于体现“和谐与公平”,有效应对失地农民的老龄化危机。为了确保这一模式发挥最大效用,必须创新土地改革制度,搭建“土地换保障”的制度平台;完善多元基金筹集监管机制,确保“土地换保障”的经济来源;建立健全失地农民法律援助体系,确保“土地换保障”的顺畅实施。 关键词:失地农民,养老保障,土地换保障 Abstract: The pension security of pensions who have lost countryside land is currently one of numerous social problems which are urgently resolved. At the present, the reasons of rights imperfection of the pension securing of peasants who have lost countryside land in country are, the countryside land property right is unclear, the land market is imperfect, Purchase land on a requisition basis compensating system being not impartialness enough, government self-discipline behavior is imperfection, the city and countryside social security development is not balanced. The model of “land exchanging for security” is one kind of effective pattern in resolving a train of thought, because of land exchanging for security will strengthen guarantee strength solving the extra worries which the farmer cares for the aged, it will promote the orchestrate of the city and the country, strengthen the guarantee system of the village society construction. And also manifest "harmonious and fair", reply to this age crisis of peasants who has lost countryside land effectively. For insuring this mode bringing up, we have to innovate the land reform system plat farm of " land exchanging for security ".perfect the mechanism fund inspection mechanism, insuring the economic source of" land exchanging for security ",put up and perfect the legal assistance system of peasants who has lost land. Key words: Peasants of Land-expropriated, Social Security Pension, Land Exchanging for Security
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