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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 目录 III 前言 1 1 网络通信技术 2 1.1 计算机网络的概念 2 1.2网络的分类 4 1.3 网络通信协议 4 1.3.1 NETBEUI协议 5 1.3.2 IPX/SPX协议 6 1.3.3 TCP/IP协议 6 1.4 网络通信的同步与异步 7 2基于UDP的socket编程技术 8 2.1 什么是Socket 8 2.1.1 重要的Socket API 8 2.1.2 Socket接收和转换数字和字符串数据 9 2.2如何开发一个Server-Client模型的程序 11 2.3服务器端编程的步骤 11 2.4客户端编程的步骤 12 2.5 迈向面向对象程序设计的第一步:封装 14 3 UDP传输分析与设计 15 3.1 UDP传输分析 15 3.2 udp的通讯过程 15 3.3 设计示例 16 4 UDP Server 实现 19 4.1设计思路 19 4.2使用socket API实现UDP通讯 19 4.3代码说明 20 4.3.1 UDPServer.h 20 4.3.2 UDPServer.cpp 21 4.4仿真结果的验证 31 4.4.1循环主体 31 4.4.2 仿真输出结果 33 4.5设计思想 33 总结 34 致谢 35 参考文献 36 摘要 随着计算机技术、网络技术、通信技术的迅速发展和人们生活水平及需要的不断提高,越来越多的网络信息走入了大众的生活,对网络信息的传输设计和实现技术要求也越来越高。 论文研究基于VC的UDP网络编程的设计与实现,并采用异步传输技术实现了一个简单的UDP Server 。论文首先简要介绍了网络通信及其实现技术,基于UDP的Socket网上编程主要流程;然后详细介绍了UDP异步传输的需求分析和设计,并给出实现方案及技术细节。 UDP异步传输在网络通信实现方面具有诸多优势,值得进一步学习和研究。 关键词:网络编程 Socket 网络协议 UDP 异步传输 Abstract Along with the technical and quick development of calculator technique, network technique, correspondence and the people live the level and need of raise continuously, the life that more and more network informations walked to go into the public, deliver to the network information the design and carry out the technique request also more and more high. The thesis research weaves the design and realizations of the distance according to the VC network of UDP, and adopted the difference step to deliver the technique to carry out a simple UDP Server.Thesis the synopsis introduced the network correspondence first and in fact now technique, ascend the main process of the plait distance according to the UDP Socket net;Then detailed introduced the UDP difference to tread the need for deliver analysis and design, and carry out project and the technique details for . UDP the difference treads to deliver to correspond by letter to carry out the aspect to have many advantages in the network, worthy of further study and research. Keywords: The network plait distance,Socket, The network agreement ,UDP, The difference treads to deliver
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