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发布时间:2014-09-27 来源:人大经济论坛
目 录 1 引言..................................2 2奇瑞自主品牌海外拓展现状..............3 2.1 自主品牌种类........................3 2.2 海外拓展现状.......................4 3奇瑞汽车海外拓展SWOT分析..............5 3.1 优势分析............................5 3.2 劣势分析............................6 3.3 机遇分析............................7 3.4 威胁分析............................8 4 启示与建议............................8 4.1 企业方面............................9 4.2 政府方面............................10 参考文献................................11 致 谢..................................12 摘 要 汽车出口是检验一个国家汽车工业发达程度的指标,只有大量出口才能跻身于全球汽车工业高水平的竞争。奇瑞公司一直秉承借鉴日、韩汽车企业的成功经验,走向国际化是企业的源动力;迅速做强做大具备自主品牌汽车企业,形成规模效应,从而增加竞争力;改善我国出口商品的结构,尤其是提高机电产品在出口商品中的比重;提升中国产品在海外的形象,打造国际知名品牌的战略。不断的建立核心技术、自主品牌、成本领先、国际人才的优势。奇瑞轿车已得到海外市场的一致认可,国际间合作合资已成为奇瑞公司重要的部分。 本文主要通过对奇瑞汽车公司现状的分析,了解其自主品牌的种类。同时,通过对奇瑞汽车公司的SWOT分析,从而获知其海外拓展的实力与不足。针对奇瑞汽车公司的发展现状,从企业与政府两个层面给予相应的建议。 【关键词】奇瑞公司 自主品牌 海外拓展 Abstract The car export is a standard to show how deeply a national motor industry develops. Only mass export can make our car industry go to the top of car industry in the world. Chery company always takes the successful experience from Japan and Korea, and it is be an inner power to make a sustainable development. It is necessary to support the enterprises that own the native brand to form scale effect in order to strengthen the ability of competition. The goods structure should be improved, especially the proportion it takes in the electromechanical products. The image of the products in the abroad has to be promoted and be a member of famous worldwide brands. Its development has to form the strengths that have inner technique, native brand and so on. The Chery’s cars are approved by international market. The joint venture with international company is the most important part of the company. The text mainly analyzes the present situation of the Chery and the kinds of its brands. Meanwhile, by using the way of SWOT analysis, we can get the strength and weakness. To the point of the present development of Chery, the text gives suggestion from two parts: one is enterprise, another is government. 【Key Words】 Chery company native brand international development
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