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Eddie Dekel-Tabak William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Economics PhD, Harvard University, 1986

Game theory - Decision theory - Mathematical economics

"Possibility Correspondences Preclude Unawareness" [with B. Lipman and A. Rustichini], Econometrica 66 (1988): 159-74.

"Knowledge and Rationality in Game Theory" [with F. Gul], in D.M. Kreps (ed.) Economic Theory: Proceedings of the Econometric Society's Seventh World Congress,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1997).

Dekel's areas of research are single-person decision theory and game theory. His research has focused on axiomatic models of decision making and on foundations of solution concepts in games. In the latter area he has worked on models of knowledge, common knowledge, and unawareness, and on evolutionary models of strategic interaction. He has also worked on auctions and on voting.

Charles Manski Board of Trustees Professor of Economics PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1973

Econometrics - Judgement and decision - Education and social policy

Partial Identification of Probability Distributions, New York: Springer-Verlag (2003). Identification Problems in the Social Sciences, Cambridge Harvard University Press (1995).

Identification Problems in the Social Sciences, Cambridge: Harvard University Press (1995).

Manski is broadly concerned with problems of empirical inference faced by economic researchers and agents alike. Part of his ongoing work in econometric methods studies partial identification of probability distributions, with applications to the analysis of missing data and of treatment response. Another part studies identification of social interactions. His ongoing empirical work examines the expectations that individuals form for their futures and investigates the relationship between expectations and decision making.

Wojciech Olszewski Assistant Professor of Economics PhD Mathematics, University of Warsaw 1993; PhD Economics, Princeton University, 2001

Economic theory

"Preferences over Sets of Lotteries," Mimeo (2003).

"Belief-Free Equilibria" [with J.Ely and J.Hörner], Mimeo (2003).

Olszewski's work includes communication, decision theory, repeated games, mechanism design, and political economy. His current projects study: (1) a decision problem, where an agent chooses a set of lotteries in period 1, and in period 2, nature chooses a single lottery from the set; (2) the equilibria of repeated games with imperfect private monitoring.

Marciano Siniscalchi Assistant Professor of Economics PhD, Stanford University, 1998

Game theory - Decision theory - Information Economics

"Strong Belief and Forward-Induction Reasoning" [with P. Battigalli], mimeo (2001).

"Strong Belief and Forward-Induction Reasoning," [with P. Battigalli], Journal of Economic Theory 106:2 (2002): 356-391.

"Hierarchies of Conditional Beliefs and Interactive Epistemology in Dynamic Games" [with P. Battigalli], Journal of Economic Theory, 88 (1999):188-230.

Siniscalchi's research lies in the areas of game theory, decision theory and information economics, with special emphasis on dynamic models. His work in game theory focuses on the foundations of solution concepts for dynamic games, and on the robust analysis of games with incomplete information, such as auctions. In the area of decision theory, his recent work focuses on static and dynamic models of choice under ambiguity.

Eric Schulz Lecturer in Economics PhD, Northwestern University, 1994

Monetary economics - Applied microeconomics - Game theory

Schulz is interested in micro-based models of money and credit. He has also worked on issues in political economy and in the determination of the rate of time preference.


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