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Multiple Imputation in Practice : With Examples Using IVEware attachment winbugs及其他软件专版 Nicolle 2018-9-5 9 1459 zhang4393 2022-11-30 19:35:19
缺失数据的多重插补——应用案例与软件操作(高清) attach_img 金融实务版 weiming197813 2018-5-10 6 5447 13008307874 2022-5-1 09:22:39
悬赏 Small-Sample Degrees of Freedom with Multiple Imputation - [!reward_solved!] 求助成功区 nalan22 2021-9-25 1 435 bkm006 2021-9-25 20:21:09
[求助]SAS中如何填充缺失的观测(不是data imputation) SAS专版 亲爱的达瓦里希 2021-6-10 2 950 whymath 2021-6-11 22:14:26
西方劳动价值理论争论 马克思主义经济学 风竹斑影 2021-4-25 64 3856 clm0600 2021-4-27 10:32:25
R语言DMwR包中knnImputation函数填补缺失值的问题 attach_img R语言论坛 好梦由来最易醒 2021-1-26 0 2015 好梦由来最易醒 2021-1-26 12:24:30
SPSS多重插补出现问题!求大神帮忙! SPSS论坛 aiwenzhishiren 2021-1-10 1 2629 邱宗满 2021-1-14 00:22:11
缺失值处理 新手入门区 呵呵哒145 2020-12-12 1 1031 小白就是我ei 2020-12-12 16:34:18
我只想要论坛币 坛友说 用户名由3到15个字符组合 2020-10-31 0 84 用户名由3到15个字符组合 2020-10-31 06:42:11
为机器学习模型准备数据 attach_img 机器学习 CDA网校 2020-9-17 0 1239 CDA网校 2020-9-17 15:16:39
Flexible Imputation of Missing Data. Second Edition attachment R语言论坛 rasch_modle 2020-6-6 0 760 rasch_modle 2020-6-6 12:10:58
悬赏 Rubin DB, Schenker N. Multiple imputation in healthcare databases: an overview a - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 andy162639 2020-1-8 1 309 bkm006 2020-1-9 23:37:36
悬赏 Propensity score estimation with missing values using a multiple imputation miss - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 andy162639 2020-1-3 3 418 andy162639 2020-1-4 17:59:01
悬赏 Propensity score estimation with missing values using a multiple imputation miss - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 andy162639 2019-11-23 3 524 andy162639 2019-11-24 08:22:57
Multiple Imputation of Missing Data Using SAS attachment SAS专版 henster68 2019-4-28 6 1344 henster68 2019-10-9 14:45:53
悬赏 Vine Copulas for Imputation of Monotone Non‐response - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 internet.hzx 2019-1-30 1 515 dreamtree 2019-1-30 00:11:47
用Amelia做多重插补时出现这个错误是怎么回事 R语言论坛 霸王龙与犬次郎 2018-10-24 2 1738 ryoeng 2018-10-24 23:30:05
悬赏 Vine Copulas for Imputation of Monotone Non‐response - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 internet.hzx 2018-9-8 1 570 kingcatcher 2018-9-9 07:48:30
Multiple Imputation in Stata attachment Stata专版 米米鼠鼠 2018-5-3 1 1359 20115326 2018-5-9 10:02:19

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