tag 标签: Returns经管大学堂:名校名师名课


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Common risk factors in the returns onstocks and bonds attachment 金融学(理论版) yaowei6588 2009-6-5 8 5187 caizushun 2021-10-8 15:56:06
【独家发布】免费-Goldman Sachs-Market returns and views-130319 attachment 行业分析报告 yanghaiting 2013-3-20 42 4044 exuan1991 2016-1-3 08:51:45
求助PM Romer 1983 年的论文 文献求助专区 fanghang716 2013-4-16 1 1209 ekoa 2014-2-2 15:11:43
悬赏 求克鲁格曼论文一篇! - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 limaoday 2013-4-11 3 1890 tyxcme123 2013-9-27 23:58:17
悬赏 悬赏论文寻找成长股的4篇论文 - [悬赏 5 个论坛币] 金融学(理论版) 季枫 2013-7-26 2 1265 季枫 2013-7-29 15:23:00
悬赏 求文献一篇谢谢! - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 elephann 2013-6-21 1 1027 bxmzone 2013-6-21 00:02:49
悬赏 Option pricing when underlying stock returns are discontinuous - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] attachment 求助成功区 johnzi0128 2013-6-15 2 1363 johnzi0128 2013-6-16 00:20:44
求助计量模型里的一个问题 爱问频道 侧柏侧柏 2013-5-13 4 1351 tuguy83 2013-5-16 02:23:21
求大神帮忙下点文献,感谢之至!~~~ 论文版 diegols 2013-5-3 0 1158 diegols 2013-5-3 17:10:09
悬赏 Aggregate accounting earnings can explain most of security returns - [!reward_solved!] 求助成功区 cuijingcj 2013-4-12 1 1140 jianhongnet 2013-4-12 17:36:41
matlab 生成多元随机t分布 MATLAB等数学软件专版 xuning5176 2013-4-3 1 7143 syasd 2013-4-6 19:45:04
悬赏 Mean–variance analysis of a single supplier and retailer supply chain under a - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 zccltt 2013-3-8 1 1525 jigesi 2013-3-8 22:49:07
Comovements in national stock market returns:Evidence of predictability, but not attachment 论文版 tracycao 2013-3-6 0 1314 tracycao 2013-3-6 00:22:23
使用Array后,程序运行不能停止,也不报错 SAS专版 jy1st 2013-2-23 2 1307 jy1st 2013-2-24 04:20:09
悬赏 North-South trade liberalization and returns to skill in the south - [!reward_solved!] attachment 求助成功区 huolei521 2013-2-13 1 949 jigesi 2013-2-13 22:56:41
The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns attachment 金融学(理论版) anapple 2005-10-7 0 2505 anapple 2011-10-10 11:15:12
The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns(1992) attachment 金融学(理论版) yaowei6588 2009-6-5 0 1724 yaowei6588 2009-6-5 15:29:00
[求助]100块求paper FORECASTING U S BOND RETURNS 文献求助专区 sosoboy 2009-5-13 3 1625 cxlong 2009-5-29 10:51:00
[下载]QJE文章RETURNS TO CAPITAL IN MICROENTERPRISES attachment 微观经济学 sghccscwb 2009-4-16 1 1593 lujingliang11 2009-4-16 02:15:00
下载krugman,Increasing Returns and Economic Geography attachment 区域经济学 优悠0768 2009-1-16 5 3747 胡曙虹 2009-3-3 21:37:00


分享 Part 2
accumulation 2016-12-27 19:39
Simulate two security daily returns with stochastic volatility and jumps . Allow for potential correlation of the jumps and have a parameter that can set that correlation to high or low . Calculate the correlation of the two assets and the value at risk for this portfolio . How does correlation change when jump correlation increases? How does value at risk change?
个人分类: 金融工程|0 个评论
分享 【转载】可以在%sysfunc中使用的函数
dream9876 2015-4-10 10:13
ATTRC returns the value of a character attribute for a SAS data set. %SYSFUNC(ATTRC(data-set-id,attr-name)) ATTRN returns the value of a numeric attribute for specified SAS data set. %SYSFUNC(ATTRN(data-set_id,attr-name)) CEXIST verifies the existence of a SAS catalog or SAS catalog entry. %SYSFUNC(CEXIST(entry , 'U')) CLOSE closes a SAS data set. %SYSFUNC(CLOSE(data-set-id)) CUROBS returns the number of the current observation. %SYSFUNC(CUROBS(data-set-id)) DCLOSE closes a directory. %SYSFUNC(DCLOSE(directory-id)) DINFO returns a specified information item for a directory. %SYSFUNC(DINFO(directory-id,info-items)) DNUM returns the number of members in a directory. %SYSFUNC(DNUM(directory-id)) DOPEN opens a directory. %SYSFUNC(DOPEN(fileref)) DOPTNAME returns a specified directory attribute. %SYSFUNC(DOPTNAME(directory-id,nval)) DOPTNUM returns the number of information items available for a directory. %SYSFUNC(DOPTNUM(directory-id)) DREAD returns the name of a directory member. %SYSFUNC(DREAD(directory-id,nval)) DROPNOTE deletes a note marker from a SAS data set or an external file. %SYSFUNC(DROPNOTE(data-set-id|file-id,note-id)) DSNAME returns the data set name associated with a data set identifier. %SYSFUNC(DSNAME(dsid)) EXIST verifies the existence of a SAS data library member. %SYSFUNC(EXIST(member-name,member-type)) FAPPEND appends a record to the end of an external file. %SYSFUNC(FAPPEND(file-id,cc)) FCLOSE closes an external file, directory, or directory member. %SYSFUNC(FCLOSE(file-id)) FCOL returns the current column position in the File Data Buffer (FDB) %SYSFUNC(FCOL(file-id)) FDELETE deletes an external file. %SYSFUNC(FDELETE(fileref)) FETCH reads the next nondeleted observation from a SAS data set into Data Set Data Vector (DDV). %SYSFUNC(FETCH(data-set-id,'NOSET')) FETCHOBS reads a specified observation from a SAS data set into the DDV. %SYSFUNC(FETCHOBS(data-set-id,obs-number,options)) FEXIST verifies the existence of an external file associated with a fileref. %SYSFUNC(FEXIST(fileref)) FGET copies data from the FDB. %SYSFUNC(FGET(file-id,cval,length)) FILEEXIST verifies the existence of an external file by its physical name. %SYSFUNC(FILEEXIST(file-name)) FILENAME assigns or deassigns a fileref for an external file, directory, or output device. %SYSFUNC(FILENAME(fileref,filename,device,hostoptions,dir-ref)) FILEREF verifies that a fileref has been assigned for the current SAS session. %SYSFUNC(FILEREF(fileref)) FINFO returns a specified information item for a file. %SYSFUNC(FINFO(file-id,info-item)) FNOTE identifies the last record that was read. %SYSFUNC(FNOTE(file-id)) FOPEN opens an external file. %SYSFUNC(FOPEN(fileref,open-mode,record-length,record-format)) FOPTNAME returns the name of an information item for an external file. %SYSFUNC(FOPTNAME(file-id,nval)) FOPTNUM returns the number of information items available for an external file. %SYSFUNC(FOPTNUM(file-id)) FPOINT positions the read pointer on the next record to be read. %SYSFUNC(FPOINT(file-id,note-id)) FPOS sets the position of the column pointer in the FDB. %SYSFUNC(FPOS(file-id,nval)) FPUT moves data to the FDB of an external file starting at the current column position. %SYSFUNC(FPUT(file-id,cval)) FREAD reads a record from an external file into the FDB. %SYSFUNC(FREAD(file-id)) FREWIND positions the file pointer at the first record. %SYSFUNC(FREWIND(file-id)) FRLEN returns the size of the last record read, or the current record size for a file opened for output. %SYSFUNC(FRLEN(file-id)) FSEP sets the token delimiters for the FGET function. %SYSFUNC(FSEP(file-id,cval)) FWRITE writes a record to an external file. %SYSFUNC(FWRITE(file-id,cc)) GETOPTION returns the value of a SAS system or graphics option. %SYSFUNC(GETOPTION(option-name,reporting-options,...)) GETVARC assigns the value of a SAS data set variable to a character DATA step or macro variable. %SYSFUNC(GETVARC(data-set-id,var-num)) GETVARN assigns the value of a SAS data set variable to a numeric DATA step or macro variable. %SYSFUNC(GETVARN(data-set-id,var-num)) LIBNAME assigns or deassigns a libref for a SAS data library. %SYSFUNC(LIBNAME(libref,SAS-data-library,engine,options)) LIBREF verifies that a libref has been assigned. %SYSFUNC(LIBREF(libref)) MOPEN opens a directory member file. %SYSFUNC(MOPEN(directory-id,member-nameopen-mode,record-length,record-format)) NOTE returns an observation ID for current observation of a SAS data set. %SYSFUNC(NOTE(data-set-id)) OPEN opens a SAS data file. %SYSFUNC(OPEN(data-file-name,mode)) PATHNAME returns the physical name of a SAS data library or an external file. %SYSFUNC(PATHNAME(fileref)) POINT locates an observation identified by the NOTE function. %SYSFUNC(POINT(data-set-id,note-id)) REWIND positions the data set pointer to beginning of a SAS data set. %SYSFUNC(REWIND(data-set-id)) SPEDIS returns a number for the operation required to change an incorrect keyword in a WHERE clause to a correct keyword. %SYSFUNC(SPEDIS(query,keyword)) SYSGET returns the value of the specified host environment variable. %SYSFUNC(sysget(host-variable)) SYSMSG returns the error or warning message produced by the last function that attempted to access a data set or external file. %SYSFUNC(SYSMSG()) SYSRC returns the system error number or exit status of the entry most recently called. %SYSFUNC(SYSRC()) VARFMT returns the format assigned to a data set variable. %SYSFUNC(VARFMT(data-set-id,var-num)) VARINFMT returns the informat assigned to a data set variable. %SYSFUNC(VARINFMT(data-set-id,var-num)) VARLABEL returns the label assigned to a data set variable. %SYSFUNC(VARLABEL(data-set-id,var-num)) VARLEN returns the length of a data set variable. %SYSFUNC(VARLEN(datasetid,var-num)) VARNAME returns the name of a data set variable. %SYSFUNC(VARNAME(data-set-id,var-num)) VARNUM returns the number of a data set variable. %SYSFUNC(VARNUM(data-set-id,var-name)) VARTYPE returns the data type of a data set variable. %SYSFUNC(VARTYPE(data-set-id,var-num)) http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6e0a03730100nc1x.html
12 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The paradox of developmental states: diminishing returns of fical reforms
susilila 2014-7-15 01:24
The theory of developmental states contend that developmental states lead economic development and carry on corporate features. However, it may not be a panacea for developing countries. In this study, I intend to reveal one paradox associated with the model of developmental states. The central premise is that developmental states, while promote economic development, has clear limitations. we find that fiscal reforms are usefulinstruments, but subject to diminishing returns. The further extension of these instruments carry particularly high risks. Economic slowdown would seem unavoidable in Chinese context. This finding has a great deal of theoretical and political implications. The Chinese central government has called for national promulgation of these reforms. The call has to be well scrutinized given the diminishing returns of these policy instruments. The working paper is available upon request.
个人分类: research projects|17 次阅读|0 个评论

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