《Approximate Gram-Matrix Interpolation for Wideband Massive MU-MIMO
Charles Jeon, Zequn Li, and Christoph Studer
一级分类:Computer Science 计算机科学
二级分类:Information Theory 信息论
分类描述:Covers theoretical and experimental aspects of information theory and coding. Includes material in ACM Subject Class E.4 and intersects with H.1.1.
一级分类:Electrical Engineering and Systems Science 电气工程与系统科学
二级分类:Signal Processing 信号处理
分类描述:Theory, algorithms, performance analysis and applications of signal and data analysis, including physical modeling, processing, detection and parameter estimation, learning, mining, retrieval, and information extraction. The term "signal" includes speech, audio, sonar, radar, geophysical, physiological, (bio-) medical, image, video, and multimodal natural and man-made signals, including communication signals and data. Topics of interest include: statistical signal processing, spectral estimation and system identification; filter design, adaptive filtering / stochastic learning; (compressive) sampling, sensing, and transform-domain methods including fast algorithms; signal processing for machine learning and machine learning for signal processing applications; in-network and graph signal processing; convex and nonconvex optimization methods for signal processing applications; radar, sonar, and sensor array beamforming and direction finding; communications signal processing; low power, multi-core and system-on-chip signal processing; sensing, communication, analysis and optimization for cyber-physical systems such as power grids and the Internet of Things.
一级分类:Mathematics 数学
二级分类:Information Theory 信息论
分类描述:math.IT is an alias for cs.IT. Covers theoretical and experimental aspects of information theory and coding.
Numerous linear and non-linear data-detection and precoding algorithms for wideband massive multi-user (MU) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless systems that rely on orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) or single-carrier frequency-division multiple access (SC-FDMA) require the computation of the Gram matrix for each active subcarrier. Computing the Gram matrix for each active subcarrier, however, results in excessively high computational complexity. In this paper, we propose novel, approximate algorithms that significantly reduce the complexity of Gram-matrix computation by simultaneously exploiting correlation across subcarriers and channel hardening. We show analytically that a small fraction of Gram-matrix computations in combination with approximate interpolation schemes are sufficient to achieve near-optimal error-rate performance at low computational complexity in massive MU-MIMO systems. We also demonstrate that the proposed methods exhibit improved robustness against channel-estimation errors compared to exact Gram-matrix interpolation algorithms that typically require high computational complexity.