《Learning Game Representations from Data Using Rationality Constraints》
Xi Alice Gao, Avi Pfeffer
一级分类:Computer Science 计算机科学
二级分类:Computer Science and Game Theory 计算机科学与博弈论
分类描述:Covers all theoretical and applied aspects at the intersection of computer science and game theory, including work in mechanism design, learning in games (which may overlap with Learning), foundations of agent modeling in games (which may overlap with Multiagent systems), coordination, specification and formal methods for non-cooperative computational environments. The area also deals with applications of game theory to areas such as electronic commerce.
一级分类:Computer Science 计算机科学
二级分类:Artificial Intelligence 人工智能
分类描述:Covers all areas of AI except Vision, Robotics, Machine Learning, Multiagent Systems, and Computation and Language (Natural Language Processing), which have separate subject areas. In particular, includes Expert Systems, Theorem Proving (although this may overlap with Logic in Computer Science), Knowledge Representation, Planning, and Uncertainty in AI. Roughly includes material in ACM Subject Classes I.2.0, I.2.1, I.2.3, I.2.4, I.2.8, and I.2.11.
While game theory is widely used to model strategic interactions, a natural question is where do the game representations come from? One answer is to learn the representations from data. If one wants to learn both the payoffs and the players' strategies, a naive approach is to learn them both directly from the data. This approach ignores the fact the players might be playing reasonably good strategies, so there is a connection between the strategies and the data. The main contribution of this paper is to make this connection while learning. We formulate the learning problem as a weighted constraint satisfaction problem, including constraints both for the fit of the payoffs and strategies to the data and the fit of the strategies to the payoffs. We use quantal response equilibrium as our notion of rationality for quantifying the latter fit. Our results show that incorporating rationality constraints can improve learning when the amount of data is limited.