A common question college students ask is what i should study to prepare me to be an actuary. Well, it is a very good question to ask because it shows that you care about your future and are constantly working towards a goal that would possibly bring you a bright future.
Today, lets talk about How to prepare yourself for a career as an actuary.
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1. NEVER EVER major in actuarial science unless...
NEVER EVER major in actuarial science unless you are 100% sure this is what you want to do in the future and you are located in a perfect area to find an actuarial job. One such area would be Hartford, CT. The reason is simple. Follow your heart, do what you are interested in. Dont do something simply because everyone else is doing it or someone else says it is good thing to do. Be yourself! And that is what makes you special.
2. Always go for LIBERAL ARTS
Always go for a LIBERAL ARTS college or a college with strong LIBERAL ARTS programs unless you are poor/very short of cash or you have an extremely strong interest in one specfic area. A Liberal arts education cuts off the courses that are too applied for undergrad students, allowing students to take only the core courses of the fields they are interested in. By cutting off the trash courses, liberal arts education provides you tons of choices for you to choose. So use your time smartly. Have some fun! Take a second/third major! Enjoy extracurricular actitvities! It is all up to you. It is your college life and it is your deciscion to make what you want to get out of it. A liberal arts education will help you make sure that whatever your choice is, you will get the most out of it. Again, as a college student, alway focus on LIBERAL ARTS subjects, which helps you become a better person. _
3. Do a DOUBLE or maybe TRIPLE MAJOR.
Yes, do a double/ triple major. The reason is simple: your second or/and third major is what makes you special in your main field. It reinforces your knowledge set in your main field and greatly broadens your view. If you have followed what I said in the first two subpoints, you will find out that a double/major is in fact not that hard to do. Just work a little bit harder and you will harvest tons. Also dont forget to have some fun! It is your college and your life. Plan it well.
4. Start taking actuarial exams when you are a college senior.
If you have followed what I said in the previous three sub-points, congratulations. Now you are about to graduate from college with expertise in at least two or three fields. You are very well prepared for any type of career and you must have tons of options to pursue as your career. Now, if you determine that you want to be an actuary, go for it. Start taking your first actuarial exams, talk to professionals in the field and get yourself into a great company. You will find out that the liberal arts education you went through will be INVAlUABLE ASSETS for your entire career and your whole life. Now keep working hard and you will see your success right in there.
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