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20190306【充实计划】第1000期   [推广有奖]

yuanjelen 发表于 2019-3-6 10:30:12 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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wimming_lee 发表于 2019-3-6 10:38:38 来自手机 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
充实每一天 发表于 2019-3-6 05:52

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ktl8818 发表于 2019-3-6 10:43:46 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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板栗爱薯片 发表于 2019-3-6 10:47:31 来自手机 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
昨日阅读0.5小时,累计阅读3h.读清华管理评论,《别让创新为零》,脸谱总部墙上一直贴着一句话“比完美更重要的是完成”(Done is better than perfect. )的确,没有完成,何谈创新。如果你的公司里没有一位像乔布斯一样的强势CEO来扮演创新实施协调员的角色,那么,想想马修凯利(Matthew Kelly)在其所著的《梦想管理》一书中讲述的故事吧。拥有400多名员工的物业管理公司Admiral Janitorial采用了一种独特的管理方式——“梦想管理”,设立专门的梦想管理员职位,专职为员工量身打造实施各自梦想的计划,5年后,员工流动率由400%降到了12%(其中的70%源于公司内部的岗位轮换),公司的利润翻了三番。管理者们不妨借鉴“梦想管理”的思想和实践,设立创新实施协调员,专职为员工制定实施创新的计划和路径。只有这样,那些高创新性员工创造出来的创新想法,才不会等于零。
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amtw14 发表于 2019-3-6 11:03:18 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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zheliang01 发表于 2019-3-6 11:05:29 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

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Tempestlove 发表于 2019-3-6 11:35:19 来自手机 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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wengsuode 发表于 2019-3-6 11:39:24 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
昨日阅读一小时,累计阅读97小时。 有潘石屹的  我的价值观  还有 平克的当下启蒙。 启蒙运动思想家并不试图去塑造人性,他们所希望的进步主要集中在人类的各项制度方面。像ZF、法律、学校、市场和国际组织这样的人造系统才是理性的用武之地,并由此改善人类的状况。 就此而言,ZF并不是一个具有神圣使命的统治机构,也不是“社会”的同义词,或者民族精神、宗教教义、种族之魂的某种化身。ZF是人们依据彼此默认的社会契约而发明的一种机构,其目的是协调人们的各种行为、制止损人利己的自私举动,以此来增进公民的福祉。就像启蒙运动最著名的精神成果——美国《独立宣言》中所表述的那样:“为了保障生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利,人类才在他们之间建立ZF,而ZF的正当权力,是经被统治者的授予而产生的。” 在人们授予ZF的各项权力中,惩罚是其中之一,而孟德斯鸠、切萨雷·贝卡里亚以及美国的缔造者们对ZF惩罚公民的权力做了重新思考。[17]他们认为,刑罚的实施并非是为了替天行道,而是社会激励机制的一个组成部分,也就是在保证不造成更大伤害的前提下阻止反社会行为的发生。例如我们主张罪罚相当,这并不是为了维护神秘的正义天平不至倾斜,而是为了确保罪犯能够止步于较小罪行,从而不会升级成更大的罪恶。反观酷刑,无论是否属于所谓的“罪有应得”,它都不如适度而必要的惩罚更为有效,而且酷刑还会使观刑者变得麻木不仁,使这个实施酷刑的社会变得残暴无情。 启蒙运动还首次对财富展开了理性的分析。它的出发点不是如何分配财富,而是如何创造财富。[18]在法国、荷兰以及苏格兰等国经济学家的基础上,亚当·斯密建立了自己的理论,他指出,大批量的产品无法依靠独立的农民或者工匠来制造,它有赖于一大批高效的专业劳动者,以及那些将他们的才智、技能和劳动成果汇集起来进行交易的人。亚当·斯密举过一个有名的例子,他计算出一个独立工作的制针人一天最多只能制作一枚扣针,然而在工厂中,“一个人抽铁线,一个人拉直,一个人切截,一个人削尖线的一端,一个人磨另一端,以便装上圆头……”,如此一来,平均每个工人一天之内就可以制造将近5 000枚扣针。 专业分工在市场中才有效,市场让专业劳动者能够交换他们的商品和服务,同时亚当·斯密解释道,经济活动是一种互惠合作,也就是今天所说的“正和博弈”(positive-sum game),每个人收获的利益都大过所放弃的利益。借助自愿交换,人们通过追求自己的利益来使他人受益,就像亚当·斯密所说:“我们的晚餐,可不是来自屠夫、酿酒商和面包师的仁慈,而是来自他们对自己利益的关注。我们并非求助于他们的博爱,而是求助于他们的自利心。”亚当·斯密并不是说人类无比自私,也不是说人类应该如此。事实上,亚当·斯密对人类同情心关注之切、阐释之深,史所少见。他只是强调,在市场中,即便一个人只关心自己与家人的利益,他的工作也会给所有人带来好处。
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ccmchy 在职认证  企业认证  发表于 2019-3-6 11:59:24 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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edmcheng 发表于 2019-3-6 12:09:43 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
昨日阅读1小时。 总阅读时间135时
The business of value investing – Six essential elements to buying companies like Warren Buffett- Charlie Tian 2009
https://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-695143-1-1.html (Page 172-182)
Swimming against the current

The modern financial world does everything it can to exacerbate the short-term orientation of many investors. The perilous consequence of these activities is promoting the mistaken belief that investing is easy, when in truth investing demands rigor, intensity, and painstaking work. To the crowd, patience is madness; to the value investor, patience is wisdom. Further waging the fight against a steady and patient investment approach is the industry’s view of cash. The investment industry trains us to think of cash as a deteriorating asset. If we are sitting on cash, then we obviously do not know what we are doing. To the patient long-term investor, the value of cash is indirectly proportional to the availability of bargain securities. As bargain securities flourish, holding cash is as imprudent as investing in overvalued securities. When bargain securities are scarce, sitting on cash is the most intelligent investment decision. As is often the case with cash, when we don’t have it is when we need it most. The patient investor is very comfortable waiting, ready to make an opportunistic investment when the time is right. Cash allows the investor (a) to avoid selling what is cheap in order to buy another cheap asset and (b) the opportunity to take advantage of any special situations. As we end 2008 with many security prices approaching 1973 valuations, the population of those hiding in cash is as great as ever. This is evidenced by investors’ willingness to accept a yield of .05 percent on 3 - month Treasury bills and 2.4 percent on 10-year Treasury notes. In comparison, some of the strongest and most profitable U.S. companies are serving dividend yields north of 4% and selling at very attractive valuations. With the pool of investment bargains greater than it’s been in decades, the vast majority of “market investors” prefer cash. Contrast this with the euphoria of the Internet boom, when cash was viewed as the dumb man’s asset against equities trading at 40 times earnings. As the saying goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Warren Buffett has often compared investing to baseball. Like a batter, investors are simply waiting for Mr. Market to serve up a fat pitch to knock it out of the park. But investors have one very distinct advantage over baseball batters: There are no called strikes. Investors have the luxury of waiting as long as they want before making a swing. Waiting can be of immense value to investors if they are disciplined and patient enough to use it to their advantage. It’s far more profitable to wait for the fat pitch and then invest big. Investors can wait and wait until Mr. Market throws them the perfect pitch before they decide to invest big. Unfortunately, many investors invest as if they truly were under the three strikes and we’re out rule. This leads investors to feel the need to be buying and selling something all the time. No matter how we examine it, more activity in the stock market generally leads to poorer results. If it’s not the investments that do we in, the increased frictional costs — namely brokerage fees and increased administrative costs — will add up. There are many advantages to making a few sound, sizable investments and just sitting back and waiting:
• We pay fewer brokers’ commissions.
• We’ll hear a lot less nonsense from everybody and anybody eager to give us sales pitches.
• And if your investments work, the government will let we keep more of your profits every year as they compound over and over again.
It’s easy to speak of the benefits of patience and long-term investing; but as is characteristic of many investing philosophies, it’s easier said than done when it comes to patience. Most investors have become trained to have their minds think dependently, not independently, when it comes to the stock market. They operate under the assumption that the market realizes their existence when in fact the market exists at the mercy of the investor. The stock market is nothing more than a voting machine on the price of securities. Each day security prices are determined by the available supply of buyers and sellers in the market. Value investors understand this important distinction and thus view the stock market only for what it is: a forum to acquire ownership interests in undervalued companies or dispose of those securities at fairly valued prices. Aside from these two purposes, value investors are content to sit still and wait until the market serves up prices conducive to their liking. When there are no bargains, patience is bliss to value investors.

The stock markets, especially the U.S. markets, have arguably been one of the most successful wealth -creating machines in the world, besting returns of all other asset classes over the long haul. Unfortunately, the unmatched wealth creation created by the stock market over the decades also leads to crippling wealth destruction. Investors fail to see the markets for what they truly are— creators of long - term wealth — and instead conclude that simply being invested in the stock market, regardless of the general level of valuation, automatically creates wealth. This thinking is a tragic mistake, and it’s the source of much investor anger toward stocks. When the mood is jubilant, folks are glad to put money in stocks, often at overvalued prices. When the market is filled with euphoria and stocks are expensive, the financial world tells we what a wonderful place the market is for your hard - earned money. Many investors are made to feel stupid from all angles by not participating. Some will get lucky and happen to get in and out having made great sums of money. Those outlier success stories are the ones we will read on the front page of the paper. For the majority, the end result is substantial loss of capital and a permanent detachment from stocks. When we participate in the market as a gambler and not an investor, we should not expect results to be different from what we would expect at a roulette wheel.
The independent - minded value investor, however, observes this euphoria and sits still while the market is consumed with speculative activity and overvalued securities. Value investors realize that sometimes doing nothing is the best thing we can do. The possibility of earning quick returns is of no concern when it comes alongside a heightened risk of permanent capital loss. Instead, value investors will wait patiently and continue to analyze securities, learning as much as they can in anticipation of a better buying opportunity. Armed with more capital and information, the value investor is in the ultimate sweet spot when bargains do begin to crop up. Patience is a painstaking process in investing because we never know how long the wait will be. But the future opportunity to make significant investments at bargain prices alongside a minimal probability of permanent capital loss rewards patient investors magnificently. The philosophies of value investing — deep fundamental analysis, limiting risk, and margin of safety — are by nature designed for unfavorable (or bear) market environments. During bull markets, the value investing approach is deemed unnecessary. If bull markets were constant, the need for the value investing framework would not be required. Many might be surprised to find out that Warren Buffett’s investment strategy often has consisted of long periods of doing nothing, or what Buffett calls it “sitting on my butt” that is waiting patiently for good opportunities to appear.
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