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发布时间:2015-01-14 来源:人大经济论坛
电子信息工程毕业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要 英文摘要 0前言..............................1 1硬件电路设计..........................2 1.1 仿真实验板的概况.......................2 1.2 仿真实验板的资源.......................2 1.3 电路原理图说明 .......................4 1.3.1单片机最小系统的电路说明 ..................4 1.3.2 模数转换器ADC0809的接口电路................6 1.3.3 数模转换器DAC0832的接口电路................7 1.3.4 并行接口芯片8255A的接口电路................8 1.3.5 数据/程序存储器HM62256................... 9 1.3.6 动态LED显示与键盘.....................10 1.3.7 蜂鸣器驱动电路......................13 1.3.8 电源............................13 1.3.9 RS-232串行接口.......................14 2软件电路设计.........................17 2.1 汇编由语言程序设计步骤...................17 2.2 软件实验..........................17 2.2.1 内外存储器清零......................18 2.2.2 二进制转换BCD码以及BCD码求和、相减............19 2.2.3 二进制转换成ASCII.......................20 2.2.4 内存块移动.........................21 2.2.5数据排序..........................23 2.2.6 程序跳转表........................25 2.2.7 延时程序.........................26 2.3 硬件实验..........................27 2.3.1 外部存储器控制信号检测以及读写实验............27 2.3.2 D/A转换实验.......................28 2.3.3 A/D转换实验........................32 2.3.4 定时器实验........................33 2.3.5 8255A输入输出实验.................... 36 2.3.6 键盘扫描显示实验.....................38 总结..............................46 摘要 51系列单片机教学实验板既是一块用户实验板,又是一种功能强大而实用的单片机开发调试工具。 它与传统的教学实验板相比有如下的优点:(1)价格低廉。(2)使用简单方便,只要有带RS232串口的PC机就能进行实验。(3)功能全,基本上具备单片机常用的接口,如数模转换、模数转换、存储器、LED数码管显示、键盘人机接口、并行接口、串行接口,等等。 采用本仿真开发实验板,可使初学者迅速掌握单片机原理及应用,熟悉汇编语言、甚至单片机C语言。用本仿真开发实验板,对用户源程序进行实时在线调试,可极大地缩短单片机应用系统的开发时间。 关键词:单片机;实验板;接口电路;汇编语言 51 serial single chip processor teaching experiment board is a user experiment board, and also a powerful and practical single chip processor develop and debug tools. Compared with traditional teaching experiment board it has following advantages :( 1) Cheap. (2) It is simple and convenient to use , so long as can carry on the experiment with a PC with RS232. ( 3) With complete function, possess the common user interface of the basic single chip processor, the ADC block, the DAC block, the memory , HID(Human Interface Device, such as the LED and the key board) , parallel interface, serial interface , and so on. With this experiment board, the beginners can easily to grasp the principle and application of the Monolithic integrated circuit ,be familiar with assemble languages , even the C51 languages. The character of on system debug can shorten the time to study Develop experiment board with emulation this, carry on to user source program real-time to debug online, can shorten construction period of the application system of the single chip processor greatly. Key words: single chip processor; experiment board; interface; assemble languages
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