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ͨÐŹ¤³ÌרҵÂÛÎÄ Ä¿ ¼ ÕªÒª1 Abstract2 1 ÒýÑÔ3 2 ÎÞÏ߶¨Î»µÄ½éÉÜ3 2.1 ÎÞÏ߶¨Î»³öÏֵı³¾°ÓëÔ­Òò4 2.2 ÎÞÏ߶¨Î»µÄÓ¦ÓÃÁìÓò4 2.3 ÏÖÓеÄÎÞÏ߶¨Î»·½°¸5 3 ÏÖÓеÄÎÞÏ߶¨Î»¼¼Êõ 7 3.1 È«Çò¶¨Î»ÏµÍ³GPS 7 3.2 ¸¨ÖúÈ«Çò¶¨Î»ÏµÍ³A-GPS7 3.3 ¸ù¾ÝÆðÔ´·äÎÑСÇøCOO8 3.4 ¸ù¾ÝÔöÇ¿¹Û²âʱ¼ä²îE-OTD8 3.5 ¸ù¾Ý²¨´ïʱ¼äTOAºÍ²¨´ïʱ²îTDOA8 3.6 ¸ù¾Ýµ½´ï½ÇAOA9 3.7 ¸ù¾Ý³¡Ç¿¶¨Î»10 3.8 Ö¸Îƶ¨Î»10 3.9 CGI£­TA10 4 ¼¸ÖÖÎÞÏ߶¨Î»¼¼ÊõµÄ±È½Ï11 5 ²úÉú¶¨Î»Îó²îµÄÔ­Òò¼°¶Ô²ß12 5.1 ¶à¾¶´«²¥12 5.2 NLOS´«²¥12 5.3 ¶àÖ·¸ÉÈÅ12 5.4 »ùÕ¾·Ö²¼13 6 AOA¡¢TOA¡¢TDOA·½·¨Óë·ÂÕæ13 6.1 Ëã·¨Ô­Àí13 6.2 ·ÂÕæµÄ»ù±¾Éè¼Æ15 6.3 ·ÂÕæ½á¹ûÓë·ÖÎö17 7 ¶¨Î»ÏµÍ³ÔÚ·äÎÑϵͳÖеÄ×é³ÉÓëÓ¦Óùý³Ì21 8 ¹ØÓÚÎÞÏ߶¨Î»¼¼ÊõµÄ¼¸µãÏë·¨21 8.1 ÖÇÄÜÍø½â¾ö·½°¸21 8.2ÔËÓªÉ̶ÔÓÚÎÞÏ߶¨Î»¼¼ÊõµÄ¿¼ÂÇ22 9 ÎÞÏ߶¨Î»¼¼ÊõµÄ×ܽáºÍÕ¹Íû22 10 С½á23 ²Î¿¼ÎÄÏ×24 ÖÂл25 ¡¾ÕªÒª¡¿ ÏÖÈç½ñ£¬ÎÞÏ߶¨Î»²»½öÊÇÊ®´óͨÐż¼ÊõÈȵãÖ®Ò»£¬¶øÇÒÒ²ÊǵÚÈý´úÒƶ¯Í¨ÐÅÑо¿µÄÖØÒª·½Ãæ¡£±¾ÎÄÊ×ÏȼòÒª½éÉÜÎÞÏ߶¨Î»¼¼Êõ³öÏֵı³¾°¡¢Ô­Òò¼°Êµ¼ÊÓ¦Ó㬲¢ÌÖÂÛÁË»ùÓÚÒƶ¯Ì¨¡¢»ùÓÚÍøÂç¡¢»ìºÏ¶¨Î»ÈýÖÖ¶¨Î»ÏµÍ³¡£ÎÒÃÇ·ÖÎöÁËһЩ³£ÓõÄÎÞÏ߶¨Î»¼¼Êõ£¬±È½ÏËüÃǵÄÓÅÁÓ£¬²¢Ö¸³öÁ˲úÉú¶¨Î»Îó²îµÄÀ´Ô´¡£ÔÚ±¾ÎÄÖУ¬Öصã·ÖÎöÁË·äÎÑϵͳ¶¨Î»¼¼ÊõÖÐAOA¡¢TOA¡¢TDOAÈýÖÖ¶¨Î»¼¼ÊõµÄÔ­Àí£¬Í¨¹ýÈýÖÖËã·¨ÔÚmatlabµÄ·ÂÕ棬±È½ÏËüÃǵÄÓÅÁÓÐÔ¡£×îºó£¬²ûÊöÁË·äÎÑϵͳÖÐÎÞÏ߶¨Î»µÄÓ¦Óã¬Ìá³öÁËÎÞÏ߶¨Î»¼¼ÊõÓдý½øÒ»²½Ñо¿µÄ¿ÎÌâ¡£ ¡¾¹Ø¼ü´Ê¡¿ ·äÎÑϵͳ£¬ÎÞÏ߶¨Î»£¬Òƶ¯Ì¨£¬NLOS£¬Îó²îÀÛ»ýº¯Êý A study of the wireless location technology in the celluar system ¡¾Abstract¡¿ Today wireless location is not only one of the ten popular telecommunication technologies, but also an important aspect of the third generation mobile telecommunication research. Firstly the paper generalizes the wireless location technology¡¯s backgrounds, causes and practical applications, then discusses three kinds of wireless location schemes, including the location system based on the mobile station and the network, and the location system of admixture. We analyse several common mobile position technologies, compare their advantages and disadvantages, and point out the sources of error. In this paper, we analyse emphatically the principle of the celluar system¡¯s position location techniques of TOA¡¢TDOA¡¢AOA, and compare their features by MATLAB. Finally, we expound the applications of the wireless location technology in the cellular system and point out some topics about wireless location which will be studied in the following days. ¡¾Keywords¡¿ celluar system, wireless location, mobile station, Not-Line-of-Sight, Cumulated Difference Function
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