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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目 录 1 绪论 1 2 室内覆盖背景和意义 2 2.1移动通信现状和发展 2 2.2室内移动通信网络现状 2 2.3室内分布系统常见问题 3 2.4建设室内覆盖系统的意义和重要性 4 2.5 WCDMA室内覆盖规划建设原则 5 3 室内分布天线系统 6 3.1室内分布天线系统概述 6 3.2室内覆盖系统组成和原理 6 3.2.1有源天线分布系统 7 3.2.2光纤天线分布系统 8 3.2.3无源天线分布系统 9 3.2.4泄漏电缆分布系统 11 3.2.5有源天线分布系统和无源天线分布系统混合应用简述 13 3.2.6 几种信号分布方式的比较 14 4 信号覆盖分析 14 4.1 传播的主要特征 16 4.2 信号的传输衰落 16 4.3 建筑物内电磁环境的分析 17 4.4 影响通信的不利效应 19 4.5室内覆盖系统对大网影响分析 20 4.5.1 对基站呼损率的影响 20 4.5.2 对基站掉话率的影响 20 4.6 室内、外切换问题的分析 21 4.6.1 问题的提出 21 4.6.2 切换的控制 22 4.6.3 切换区掉话分析 22 4.7 直放站收、发天线之间的隔离距离 23 5 樱花大厦室内覆盖系统方案设计 25 5.1 工程概况 25 5.1.1 樱花大厦简介 25 5.1.2 GSM室内分布覆盖现状 26 5.2 系统改造思路 26 5.2.1 改造设计目的 26 5.2.2 改造设计依据 26 5.2.3 改造设计原则 27 5.3 改造设计难点 27 5.3.1 天馈系统的合理布置 27 5.3.2 内部软切换区域规划 28 5.3.3 信号泄露控制 29 5.3.4 系统扩容等其他情况分析 30 5.4改造设计技术指标 30 5.5工程实施方案说明 30 5.5.1 有源设备的改造 30 5.5.2 施工规范 31 5.6改造方案可行性分析 33 5.6.1 GSM覆盖分析 33 5.6.2 WCDMA覆盖分析 34 5.6.3 系统干扰分析 35 5.6.4 设备利用率分析 35 5.6.5 系统设计成本优势的分析 35 6 樱花大厦GSM兼容WCDMA改造 37 6.1 3G室内覆盖原则 37 6.2 信号源和室内分布系统的考虑 37 6.3 樱花大厦室内分布系统示意图 38 结论 56 致谢 57 参考文献 58 摘 要 本文介绍了WCDNA室内分布系统在蜂窝移动通信工程中的设计与应用,从室外到室内描述了WCDMA网络的现状,并且介绍了无线信号在传输过程中的衰落现象。通过对建筑物内从低层到高层电磁环境的描述,分析了室内的“孤岛”、“乒乓”和盲区等现象。通过对楼内场强进行现场DT测试,归纳出了信号在室内覆盖的薄弱环节,并由此对边缘场强进行了分析,确定了边缘天线的安装位置;在选择覆盖方案的过程中,介绍了各种信号源的使用环境,针对各个场所内的电磁环境、场所的结构、楼层高度等各自不同的特点,业主对覆盖提出的不同要求,确定信号源的类型;对天馈分布系统、光纤分布系统等几种分布方式进行了比较,确定了该覆盖场所所适用的方式:通过一系列的方案组合,对几个不同的方案,根据楼域的结构以及业主的要求进行改进,归纳出了最终所采用的方案,由此确定了天线、元器件、干线放大器等的布放位置。在室内覆盖完成以后,势必会改变大网原有的覆盖情况,将对大网产生一定的负面影响,本文对信号的泄漏问题进行了分析,通过对边缘场强的计算和楼内的结构,提出了避免泄露的方法:分析了对所选用的宏基站呼损率所可能产生的影响并提出了解决的方法;从质差掉话、弱信号掉话、切换掉话三个方面提出了室内覆盖对基站掉话率产生的影响,并归纳出了产生以上三种掉话的原因以及在工程设计中应该注意的问题。提出在室内和室外同一导频信号之间会产生切换,原则上规定,进入室内就要用室内的信号,本文针对这个问题,归纳出了切换的控制和实现平滑过渡的方法。为今后的工作,打下了良好的基础。 关键词:WCDMA;蜂窝移动通信;直放站;室内分布系统 ABSTRACT This article introduces the design and application of indoor distributed system in honeycomb mobile communication engineering. Described the WCDMA network present situation, and introduced the wireless signal in transmission process fading. Through the building electromagnetic environment description, the article has analyzed in the room “the isolated island”, “the Ping-Pong” phenomena and so on blind spot. Through the field intensity carried on the scene DT test to the building, the article induces the weak signal link which covered in the room. And through simulation test to the room in the method, the article obtains the wireless transmission model in room to carry on the confirmation to this model. Afterwards, carrying on the analysis to the edge field intensity, and determined the edge antenna installment position. In the choice cover plan process, introduced each kind of supply oscillator use environment and determined the supply oscillator type. Explaining the distributed system, the optical fiber distribution system and so on several distributed ways. On the comparison, it had determined cover ways which the place was suitable. Through a series of improvements, the article has obtained the plan which is finally used, the antenna, the primary device, the skeleton line amplifier and so on. After completing the room covers, in room distribute system will inevitably change the big net original cover situations. This article has carried on the analysis to the signal divulging question. Through to in the edge field intensity computation and the building structure, the article proposed avoids method which reveals. Analyzed simultaneously the possible influence to depot rate lost call of base station produces and proposed the solution method. From three different aspects of falls in the speech, the article proposed influence of in room cover to the base depot voice dropout rate, and induced three kinds of reasons as well as the questions which should be paid attention to in the engineering design. Because between the room and outdoor, identical pilot signal can have the cut, in view of this question, the cut control and the realization of smooth transition method are induced. It has built the good foundation for the next work. Key words: WCDMA;Honeycomb mobile communication;Repeater;Distribute system indoor
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