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——The third industrial revolution

        The digitisation of manufacturing will transform the way goods are made—and change the politics of jobs too

Apr 21st 2012 | from the print edition

THE first industrial revolution began in Britain in the late 18th century, with the mechanisation of the textile industry. Tasks previously done laboriously by hand in hundreds of weavers’ cottages were brought together in a single cotton mill, and the factory was born. The second industrial revolution came in the early 20th century, when Henry Ford mastered the moving assembly line and ushered in the age of mass production. The first two industrial revolutions made people richer and more urban. Now a third revolution is under way. Manufacturing is going digital. As this week’s special report argues, this could change not just business, but much else besides.A number of remarkable technologies are converging: clever software, novel materials, more dexterous robots, new processes (notably three-dimensional printing) and a whole range of web-based services. The factory of the past was based on cranking out zillions of identical products: Ford famously said that car-buyers could have any colour they liked, as long as it was black. But the cost of producing much smaller batches of a wider variety, with each product tailored precisely to each customer’s whims, is falling. The factory of the future will focus on mass customisation—and may look more like those weavers’ cottages than Ford’s assembly line.

Towards a third dimension

The old way of making things involved taking lots of parts and screwing or welding them together. Now a product can be designed on a computer and “printed” on a 3D printer, which creates a solid object by building up successive layers of material. The digital design can be tweaked with a few mouseclicks. The 3D printer can run unattended, and can make many things which are too complex for a traditional factory to handle. In time, these amazing machines may be able to make almost anything, anywhere—from your garage to an African village.The applications of 3D printing are especially mind-boggling. Already, hearing aids and high-tech parts of military jets are being printed in customised shapes. The geography of supply chains will change. An engineer working in the middle of a desert who finds he lacks a certain tool no longer has to have it delivered from the nearest city. He can simply download the design and print it. The days when projects ground to a halt for want of a piece of kit, or when customers complained that they could no longer find spare parts for things they had bought, will one day seem quaint.Other changes are nearly as momentous. New materials are lighter, stronger and more durable than the old ones. Carbon fibre is replacing steel and aluminium in products ranging from aeroplanes to mountain bikes. New techniques let engineers shape objects at a tiny scale. Nanotechnology is giving products enhanced features, such as bandages that help heal cuts, engines that run more efficiently and crockery that cleans more easily. Genetically engineered viruses are being developed to make items such as batteries. And with the internet allowing ever more designers to collaborate on new products, the barriers to entry are falling. Ford needed heaps of capital to build his colossal River Rouge factory; his modern equivalent can start with little besides a laptop and a hunger to invent.Like all revolutions, this one will be disruptive. Digital technology has already rocked the media and retailing industries, just as cotton mills crushed hand looms and the Model T put farriers out of work. Many people will look at the factories of the future and shudder. They will not be full of grimy machines manned by men in oily overalls. Many will be squeaky clean—and almost deserted. Some carmakers already produce twice as many vehicles per employee as they did only a decade or so ago. Most jobs will not be on the factory floor but in the offices nearby, which will be full of designers, engineers, IT specialists, logistics experts, marketing staff and other professionals. The manufacturing jobs of the future will require more skills. Many dull, repetitive tasks will become obsolete: you no longer need riveters when a product has no rivets.The revolution will affect not only how things are made, but where. Factories used to move to low-wage countries to curb labour costs. But labour costs are growing less and less important: a $499 first-generation iPad included only about $33 of manufacturing labour, of which the final assembly in China accounted for just $8. Offshore production is increasingly moving back to rich countries not because Chinese wages are rising, but because companies now want to be closer to their customers so that they can respond more quickly to changes in demand. And some products are so sophisticated that it helps to have the people who design them and the people who make them in the same place. The Boston Consulting Group reckons that in areas such as transport, computers, fabricated metals and machinery, 10-30% of the goods that America now imports from China could be made at home by 2020, boosting American output by $20 billion-55 billion a year.

The shock of the new

Consumers will have little difficulty adapting to the new age of better products, swiftly delivered. Governments, however, may find it harder. Their instinct is to protect industries and companies that already exist, not the upstarts that would destroy them. They shower old factories with subsidies and bully bosses who want to move production abroad. They spend billions backing the new technologies which they, in their wisdom, think will prevail. And they cling to a romantic belief that manufacturing is superior to services, let alone finance.None of this makes sense. The lines between manufacturing and services are blurring. Rolls-Royce no longer sells jet engines; it sells the hours that each engine is actually thrusting an aeroplane through the sky. Governments have always been lousy at picking winners, and they are likely to become more so, as legions of entrepreneurs and tinkerers swap designs online, turn them into products at home and market them globally from a garage. As the revolution rages, governments should stick to the basics: better schools for a skilled workforce, clear rules and a level playing field for enterprises of all kinds. Leave the rest to the revolutionaries.

原文地址:http://www.economist.com/node/21553017 译文地址:http://www.ecocn.org/article-2829-1.html (由于可能涉及版权问题,本版不随意转载译文)
其中第一段Special Report链接如下:http://www.economist.com/node/21552901

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关键词:Revolution Industrial Evolution ndustrial Turing Follow Me 真经版 英语 manufacturing

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gingbrian + 1 + 1 + 1 热心帮助其他会员
lyngqng + 2 补偿
whachel1976 + 2 + 2 + 2 好像与前面一篇重复了。好贴是好贴。
bengdi1986 + 100 + 3 + 3 + 3 翻译哥,别放在心上哈!!
丹.phoebe + 1 + 1 + 1 精彩帖子
happylife87 + 1 + 1 + 1 精彩帖子
绵阳 + 1 + 1 + 1 桉树辛苦了
mofeil199064 + 1 + 1 我很赞同
eros_zz + 1 + 1 + 1 我很赞同
zhdefei + 1 对论坛有贡献

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mu_lianzheng 发表于 2012-4-22 23:12:40 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
提示:标题需要用橙色六号字体,详见:Follow Us 发帖指南、常见问题及意见征集
已有 2 人评分学术水平 热心指数 信用等级 收起 理由
zhdefei + 1 + 1 + 1 热心帮助其他会员
桶桶nancy + 2 + 2 + 2 对论坛有贡献

总评分: 学术水平 + 3  热心指数 + 3  信用等级 + 3   查看全部评分



桉树熊 在职认证  发表于 2012-4-22 23:21:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
mu_lianzheng 发表于 2012-4-22 23:12
提示:标题需要用橙色六号字体,详见:Follow Us 发帖指南、常见问题及意见征集
https://bbs.pinggu.org/threa ...
Ok,thx for your warning!!


mu_lianzheng 发表于 2012-4-22 23:33:42 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

The Third Industrial Revolution is a concept and vision outlined by Jeremy Rifkin and endorsed by the European Parliament, in a formal declaration passed in June 2007 . Throughout history, economic transformations occur when new communication technology converges with new energy systems. The new forms of communication become the medium for organizing and managing the more complex civilizations made possible by the new sources of energy. The conjoining of internet communication technology and renewable energiesin the 21st Century, is giving rise to the Third Industrial Revolution.

The Third Industrial Revolution is based upon 5 Pillars:

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zhdefei + 1 + 1 + 1 我很赞同
桶桶nancy + 2 + 2 + 2 精彩帖子

总评分: 学术水平 + 3  热心指数 + 3  信用等级 + 3   查看全部评分



桉树熊 在职认证  发表于 2012-4-22 23:39:06 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
As we know, the last 2 industrial revolutions brings a huge economics increase to human society.
But I don't know if we could regard the internet as the third one and the Biological information technology as the fourth one. So this passage take the digitisation of manufacturing as the third revolution in industry, let's take this assumption and make a comments about how will this technology change our life.
Company used to transport their finished products from original place to market for manufacturing technology in original place is so hard to be apply in local market factories. So via using 3D printer, budget could be cut down for there is no need to pay for the skyhigh transportation fee. This technology will also change the way when we have a business negotiation, if they could not catch your description of the product, just send a sample via this 3D printer to them!
已有 2 人评分学术水平 热心指数 信用等级 收起 理由
zhdefei + 1 + 1 + 1 精彩帖子
桶桶nancy + 2 + 2 + 2 精彩帖子

总评分: 学术水平 + 3  热心指数 + 3  信用等级 + 3   查看全部评分


renda-ellipsis 发表于 2012-4-23 00:41:49 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
3D printing can only be applied to simple products.  can a iphone be printed?
已有 2 人评分经验 论坛币 学术水平 热心指数 信用等级 收起 理由
桉树熊 + 12 + 1 + 3 鼓励积极发帖讨论
桶桶nancy + 1 + 1 + 1 鼓励积极发帖讨论

总评分: 经验 + 12  论坛币 + 1  学术水平 + 1  热心指数 + 4  信用等级 + 1   查看全部评分


桉树熊 在职认证  发表于 2012-4-23 01:22:14 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
renda-ellipsis 发表于 2012-4-23 00:41
3D printing can only be applied to simple products.  can a iphone be printed?
It is a beginning of 3D printer now, maybe along with the development in 3D printer technology, even a Mac could be printed!


桶桶nancy 在职认证  发表于 2012-4-23 07:42:15 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Thanks for your sharing~ after reading the aim or position of Follow us, i absolutely agree, and make sure to believe that the road ahead is bright as the inevitable tortouous filled in.  Follow us will be more and more prosperous, system amd standard!

The manufacturing or say that industrial revolution, involves the upgrade of industry and the industrial structure developing process. The general guidelines of our county for economic at preaent is regulating structure and steady growth. Upgrading of the industrial structure, the goal is to promote agriculture, together with industry and service, healthy, coordinated development; gradually formed agriculture as the foundation, high and new technology industry as the guide, basic industry, manufacturing for support, services to the overall development~
已有 3 人评分经验 论坛币 学术水平 热心指数 信用等级 收起 理由
桉树熊 + 60 + 12 + 3 + 5 Thx for your support!
绵阳 + 1 + 1 + 1 我的权限只能给那么多了哈
zhdefei + 1 + 1 + 1 精彩帖子

总评分: 经验 + 60  论坛币 + 12  学术水平 + 5  热心指数 + 7  信用等级 + 2   查看全部评分


zhdefei 在职认证  发表于 2012-4-23 08:18:25 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
I think China's manufacture is low-level, although many products are labeled by "made in China". The main reason is that our products contain little technology.
已有 2 人评分经验 论坛币 学术水平 热心指数 信用等级 收起 理由
桉树熊 + 60 + 12 Great!
桶桶nancy + 1 + 1 + 1 精彩帖子

总评分: 经验 + 60  论坛币 + 12  学术水平 + 1  热心指数 + 1  信用等级 + 1   查看全部评分



zhdefei 在职认证  发表于 2012-4-23 08:28:20 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
桉树熊 发表于 2012-4-23 01:22
It is a beginning of 3D printer now, maybe along with the development in 3D printer technology, ev ...
It seems that 3D printer technology is very promising.
已有 1 人评分学术水平 热心指数 信用等级 收起 理由
桶桶nancy + 1 + 1 + 1 精彩帖子

总评分: 学术水平 + 1  热心指数 + 1  信用等级 + 1   查看全部评分



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